Their safety in numbers A K A X-wing Swarm

Title: Their safety in numbers A K A X-wing Swarm
Author: Phillip "Karrdeshark" Aasen
Date: Mar 19, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Hidden Base/Butterfingers1


Ls, JK x2

Artoo x2



BG-J38 x2



L in MF x2

RL in R1

X-wing x12


X-wing Laser Cannons x2


S-Foils x2

Legendary Starfighter

Rebel Fleet

Draw Their Fire (start)

DODN/WA (start)

YISYW (start)

Honor of the Jedi

Projection of a Skywalker x2

A Gift

Never Tell Me The Odds x3


HFTMF (start)

The Signal x2

All Wings Report In x2


Power Pivot

Organized Attack x3

Strategy: ‘

Edit There are 7 systems in this deck,

Rendezvous point


Endor x2 (hb indicator)




I am forgetful, my bad.

I will give you the strategy for the numbers and stuff. For any things about the swarm part. It’s a basic X-wing swarm. View my X-wing hive deck (4 and 1/2 star) for more details on how to play the swarm part.

This deck is played like a swarm except for the numbers. What you do is deploy the Droids and Luke as Passengers on ships. Exceptions being deploy Artoo+A Gift against Scum and LS, JK against BHBM. One hint is, don’t flip until you need the drains. If they play S&D, they likely won’t play No Escape so Honor can save you for a couple of turns, unless it’s a HD deck in which case you cancel the Visage ASAP. Your characters all have a destiny of 4 or higher so you whip with the numbers. If they play YCHF, they probably ditch it for Sec. Prec. or something fairly soon. Then you go to work. I play BG-J38 because he makes my PoaSs destiny SEVEN in battle. I can’t really anything more about this deck. Remember, you can win without the numbers. They are just an bonus of sorts.

This deck is very simple to play and won’t give up without a fight. The best part is, NO ONE SEES IT COMING D-mail me with any questions. ‘