Hidden base the fun way

Title: Hidden base the fun way
Author: Mike "Nasty Nate" Kelleher
Date: Mar 19, 2001 Rating: 3.0



‘Oblectives 1

Hidden base

locations 9

Rohie 2

kessle 2

Aquaris 2

Anoat 2


Characters 1

Cpt Han

Starships 14

Home One

B-wing Bomber 12

millennium Falcon

interrupts 9

The signal

Heading For The Medical Frigate (s)

Stay Sharp

power Pivot 2

Slight Weapons Malfunction 3

Steady Aim

Efects 8

weapons display

legendary Starfighter


Superficial Damage

Wise Advice

Docking And Repair Facilities

Slanting And Corpial Facilities

Devices 14

Concussion Missiles 6

I-on Cannon 4

intruder missle 4 ‘

Strategy: ‘

this dech is very simple.And forgive me i forgot to put up Rondevu camp , and one less con missle.

Once you got all your systems down start laying all you bewings.Have a i-on cannon and a con missle aevery where .So you can hit ships easily.Then forc drain them as much as you can.