Why I have Big Balls

Title: Why I have Big Balls
Author: Dominic "Decktech" Gaudreault
Date: Mar 20, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Hiden Base


Rendez Vous point

Heading for the Frigate

Battle Plan

Wise Advice-Do Or Do Not

Strike Planing




Yoda’s Hutt


EPP Luke x2

General Solo

Epp Leia x2

Epp Obi

Chewie Protector x2

Big Blue

Gold Squadron 1

Big Red (40 cards)

Life Debt x2

Protector x2

Don’t Get @#$%y x2

Skywalker x2

I Know x2

Rug Hug x2

I have a Bad feeling about This

Draw Their Fire x2

Oo Nee Tay

Frozen Asset x2

The Signal x2

Grapler x3

Run Luke Run x2

Your Insight Serve you well

Honor Of The Jedi

Yoda Stew x5

Clash Of Saber x2

Control/Tunnel Vision

Nabrun Leids x2

Grimtash x2


Strategy: ‘

update ah I forgot to tell you, you have 75 % of the time your combo at end of turn 3.

and there is grapler to make sure only 1 monok get play. lost is useless so grab it only if your oponent is inteligent enough to play it used.

and for the super stupid out there. how are you gunna play wounded wokie or imp comand when you got a draw their fire and a frozen asset up your a$$ ?

david irvine is right. If Guri is there go make a fake attack with only luke.

AND for all your BUT WHAT IF *** and ***** it never hapen nobody play oota gota solo. if they play that, they are scrub, and I will beat scrub anyways… and if you fear that much operation as planed /ghyyk, play insurection, tat docking bay and begar instead of some @#$% like nabrun, witch is almost never used.

Ok, the strategy is simple, win the game in 1 big battle.

So all card in this deck are based to do that. The strategy is the same against all deck except MKOS. witch I found a new strategy after the DCP. When I scrub out

against MKOS deploy all your sh1t in the desert. Nabrun leids all your character. If they ghyyk/suck it. Grab it. Then next turn( on once you have it), frozen asset & nabrun leids . make sure you have I have a bad feeling to triple the damage

Control suck it because I play descent into the dark as I retrieve my force with draw their fire. Most dark side cant handle that deck. especially since most now are based to kill WYS.

grimtash was not in the deck originaly. but its huge, to get double… because the oponent will draw alot once he realise what you are doing. and see what the oponents hold

also against like ROPS DONt start One Tay I read that in some report… its a shame. the oponent must not know you play with it

yannick invented the deck at world championship in 1999

Have fun
