Imperial Control of Tatooine

Title: Imperial Control of Tatooine
Author: William "FredDurst100" Diniega
Date: Mar 20, 2001 Rating: 4.5





Spaceport Prefect’s Office(start)

TatooineLar’s Moisture Farm


Spaceport Street

TatooineKrayt Dragon Pass

TatooineJabba’s Palace

Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber


Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

Emperor Palpatine

Lord Vader x2

Grand Admiral Thrawn x2

Admiral Piett

Captain Gilad Pellaeon

Commander Igar

Colonel Davod Jon

General Veers

Colonel Dyer

Admiral Ozzel

Grand Moff Tarkin

General Tagge

Capatain Needa

Janus Greejatus

Sim Aloo

Moff Jerjerrod

Admiral Motti

IG-88 with Riot Gun

4-LOM with Concussion Rifle

Starships and Vehicles(8)



Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

Boba Fett in Slave 1

Dengar in Punishing One

Tempest 1

Blizzard 2


Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Vader’s Lightsaber


Imperial Command x3

Operational as Planned

Main Course x2

Twilek Advisor

Prepared Defenses


Mobilization Points(start)


Battle Order(start)

There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2

Something Special Planned For Them

Reactor Terminal

Secret Plans

Overseeing it Personally

Tatooine Occupation

Admiral’s Order(1)

Battle Deployment


Imperial Occupation/Imperial Control

Strategy: ‘

This deck is super fun to play because your opponent will be like “Imp Occupation ???”

Reasons for cards

Main Course-stops Frozen Assets, and if Han and Alien together in battle, subtracts from total power and attrition.


There are nine P3 A3

There is one P3 A4

There are two P2 A4

There are two P3 A2

There is one P4 A5

There is one P4 A3

There is one P7 A6

There is one P4 A7

And two good droids


In the first turn before you activate, pull Executor with Mob points if Executor is not in hand. Use Imp Commands to get Thrawn if not able to draw him. Drop the Executor and Thrawn in space when you have enough force and have an Imp command in hand just in case they want to play. Drop the supporting bounty hunter ships and Chimaera throughout the game. When you get your Admiral’s order out you can pull combat vehicles and since you occupy Tatooine your opponent draws no more than one battle destiny at related sites. When you get the Emperor out put overseeing it personally on him to add to all your drains on tatooine where you have an imperial(every character with ability is an imperial). When you occupy two tatooine sites, drop tatooine occupation. Now your opponent will be taking drains of at least two at every Tatooine site and 1 more for every site thanks to Occupation. Just keep dropping Imps all over tatooine, the characters are all really powerful.

Match ups

vsHidden Base-Just play it normal stick to holding tatooine but if you see coruscant comeout storm it with everything but the executor and thrawn, leave them to hold Tatooine. If it’s hidden base mains make sure you get out your anti retrieval effects and your admiral’s order so they only get one battle destiny at each site. You should have no problem just play it smart.

vsEBO-This is a hard one, just stick to tatooine and get everything out as fast as possible, hopefully you can outdrain your opponent on tatooine, if you see no major ground characters, spread out on tatooine and drain as fast as possible.

vsWYS-This should be no problem. Just make sure you have the executor with thrawn flying above tatooine with your admiral’s order out. If they try to take tatooine just use Imp commands to limit there destinies to 1 draw. Once you get your admiral’s order out and you have a firm grip on tatooine, they won’t be able to take ground if they can only draw one battle destiny. If they harvest make sure you have the anti retrieval effects out and storm the farm, you can even add a trooper felth in here to completely shut down their harvests.

vsRST-Your drains are going to be much larger than theirs, no problem.

vsJedi training- As long as you get your occupation out, you should have no problem, they won’t be able to catch up with you once you are all set up.

If there are any other big decks for light being played in your area, i’m sure this can beat it. I hope you have fun playing this deck, I know I do.