Solar Eclipse v2 0

Title: Solar Eclipse v2 0
Author: John "Parn12" Digiovanni
Date: Mar 20, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (8)



Coruscant Docking Bay

Prince Xizor

Prepared Defenses

Imperial Arrest Order

All Wrapped Up

Mobilization Points

Locations (7)


Cloud City East Platform

Executor Docking Bay

Coruscant Docking Bay

Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Cloud City Security Tower

Jabba’s Palace Dungeon

Characters (18)


Vigo x3



Bossk With Mortar Gun

Prince Xizor

4-LOM With Concussion Rifle

Djas Puhr

Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle

The Emperor x2

IG-88 With Riot Gun

Boba Fett

Judo Kast x2

Dengar With Blaster Carbine

Starships (5)

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Jabba’s Space Cruiser

Dengar In Punishing One

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth


Interrupts (12)

Sonic Bombardment x2

Twi’lek Advisor

Abyssin Ornament

Sniper & Dark Strike

Double Back x2

Force Lightning x2

Hidden Weapons x3

Effects (7)

Presence Of The Force x2

Secret Plans

Death Mark

Search And Destroy

Bounty x2

Weapons/Devices (3)


Boba Fett’s Blaster Rifle

Mandalorian Armor ‘

Strategy: ‘

My first posted shot at a Black Sun deck came about a month ago, and I took all the wonderful suggestions (even though some were phrased to be more destructive than others) and now I’m reposting the deck… better than ever

The main change in the deck is space, but it still plays as the other did. Simply grab docking bays, prisons (with Sonic Bombardment used), and set up with as scant of a force as you can (it doesn’t take too entirely much to do this). The idea is to do as much damage while giving other decks as little as possible, this works to great effect (even though some decks can generate enough force alone to sustain themselves, you put the extra burden of getting all those locations out to get that activation). There is a definite edge when you can activate 15+ and he’s getting 6-9. Never overdeploy, especially in the case of the bounty hunters that have dual personas in ships, you never know when you’ll need one or the other.

Basically run through your opponent with quick force loss and drains. Sure, that’s the aim of every deck, going about doing that is the hard part.

Early game strategy is to get the Coruscant db out, slide Xizor over, toss down a Vigo if you have one, or someone else small just in case a spy beat comes early. Up your generation, pull docking bays, flip when you want to (or can if he has Luke out). Then proceed to overrun the light side with all sorts of tech and tricks.

In Game Strategy

I will discuss several points of strategy that need to be followed through with in order to get the most out of this deck.

1) Use the peek at reserve deck trick on yourself when a battle is initiated. There is a lot in this deck that relies on destiny draws (enhanced characters with weapons, Hidden Weapons, etc.). I know some players would rather to know the opponent’s battle destiny draws, but I rather know which order to fire weapons and use interrupts to the greatest effects. This method makes Bossk, Iggy, and Hidden Weapons devistating weapons, as you know exactly when to do what. And Lando w/ Axe can be a promlem with this method, but you should be able to go through just fine.. readjust accordingly and pray he doesn’t play a Bith Shuffle.

2) Passenger hunters in space. If you’re playing a dominate space deck, use your Black Sun agents to ride around with your ships, even if they are not passengers. This works devistatingly well with Dengar who adds to destiny and also removes immunity, this way you maximize damage, even in space. You do take a chance, though, while you get +1 attrition for each Black Sun agent in space, that is one less character you can devote to the ground.

3) Death Mark as a foil for WYS. Not so much of a true foil, but you will surely get the chance to play it. And with that deck type so rampant, you can expect to be able to play it 75% of the time. It is only canceled when the smuggler reaches it too, so what happens if you kill the smuggler, thus making him unable to ever reach it, but the card is still not lost? Does he lose 1 for the rest of the game… I do not know, consult your local director, lol.

4) The Emperor is my plea for help, lol. I don’t have an Emperor Palpatine, oddly, so he will do just as well. Plus his ability to add 2 more attrition is unmatched, this deck can rack up some massive attrition, maximizing the losses, and allowing your characters to capture more.

5) Sonic Bombardment is just too awesome. Used destiny 4 to get a prison, big deal. Tatooine Prison lets you retrieve 2 when you deliver someone there, CC Prison is more aimed against QMC, as the only other prison is the Dentention Block corridor, and RTP (the only light deck to use prisions) deploys it for you. Also, with all the forfeiting going on, your bounty hunters will get the chance to capture, and some decks will pony up aliens (especially if they are not expecting this and wish to hold onto their power characters). Truck the poor saps over to the prison, better if you played a bounty before wrecking his plans, and then playing Sonic Bombardment (making him lose 4 force). Then deliver the character (retrieve 2 if the JP Dungeon, then retrieve if you had been able to bounty him, +5 if Boba Fett is trucking the captive over).

6) Finally, Presence Of The Force… this card is avidly overlooked. With all the Home One DB, Crix early plays for generation, we frequently get aggitated at the difficulty this proves to be, especially on the plus generation and allowing him to pull characters. Many times I’ve gone and wrecked a player’s whole game by either spying (hunt down deck) or PotF’ing that damned place and invading, wrecking Crix to no end. People will fear dropping solo to docking bays from then on, which gives you an edge on them, even if you don’t have the ability to do early that in another game. Plus it is in effect drain +1, and that is strong vs. MWYHL.

Deck Comments

This deck is tricked out to play in my region, the area that I prowl. For any big or non-local events I’ll play in, certainly SAC protection would go in, and perhaps a grabber or two with it. Numbers are NEVER seen here, save by one person who pretty much has grown out of that finally. Asteroid Sanc decks are few and far between as well. So if you fear any of these deck types, do not hesitate to put in counters for them, I just did not because there is no need to, at the moment. Good cards for this effect are Come Here You Big Coward (Sanc/non battleground drains), You Cannot Hide Forever (numbers), There Is No Try/Oppressive Enforcement (SAC+grabbers), Projected Telepathy (defensive card, Anger Fear Aggression).

The only counter card really in the deck is Secret Plans, as retrieval is almost a light side must these days, and a lot of decks run it anyways, so I find it almost to be a staple.

The only good character is one that is captured, missing, prisioned, or otherwise placed out of play, lol. This mentality wrecks throne room mains and MWYHL EPPs, as those characters will never find the table again.

Deck Matchups

WYS They play on the ground, they play lots of aliens, they play on Tatooine. Basically, they play right into your hands, and limit their characters (which heightens the capture/prision effect). Use smarts about which characters to do away with (Hidden Weapons, Dark Strike, Bossk, 4-LOM) and you shouldn’t have too many worries. If you can limit him to 1 smuggler and no good text, you should spend the rest of the game wiping his face off the bottom of your boot. This will rarely happen, then you must resort to option 2 keep coming at him until one of you are spent. Amass a ship stock before dropping to the system (which will be madly expensive, but should elimite the problem)… this may take some time, but it is only a drain of one, allowing you more time to concentrate on the ground. Take him off the system, and the game will be yours, simply put. There is enough in space and ground to accomplish this, play aggressive.

EBO This was the big killer against my first version, as that deck was geared for fun and ignored space. I took out the goof idea of pilotless walkers and tramples to add in more than enough space to put a huge mark in his forces. Stick with the game plan and things should go well. Set up force loss on the ground (2 for Xizor and Empy, 2 more over 1 full turn for S&D, and finally Death Mark if you can pull it off, totaling 5 at the most). That and good drains on the ground should make up if you cannot attack space right off.

HB Play them just like EBO, but track their base down first to allow your drains on the ground to hit hard. Make him lose additional force, then pick and choose where you go in space wisely. You should be able to wipe out most of what he has with attrition, but what will the cost be to you?

Other Ground Decks Pretty much use common sense on who you go after with interrupts and capturing. Never pass up the chance to grab a character that he forfeits after a battle, this is only giving you more power over him. Try to maximize loses and drains, you should be able to overcome any ground deck if you play smart enough.

Have fun with the deck, and leave me any suggestions you feel are suiting. Thanks ahead of time ‘