Rescue the Jaded Princess

Title: Rescue the Jaded Princess
Author: Phillip "Karrdeshark" Aasen
Date: Mar 21, 2001 Rating: 4.0





EPP Obi x2

Ben Kenobi

EPP Luke x2



Gen. Solo

EPP Leia x2

Prisoner 2187 (start)

General Crix


Lando w/Ax x2

Cl. Cracken

Lt. Blount


Tycho Celchu

8D8 x2


R. S. 1

G. S. 3

Tala 1

Tala 2

Patrol Craft x3


DDB 327 (start)

DDetention Block Corridor (start)

Y4DB (start)

Y4 Massassi War Room (start)

TatooineDB 94


Staging Areas (start)

Strike Planning (start)

Insurrection (start)


Squad. Assign.

Draw Their Fire

I Feel The Conflict

Order To Engage


HFTMF (start)

The Signal

Fallen Portal x3

Rebel Leadership x2

Control/Tunnel Vision x2

Run Luke Run x2

Insertion Planning x2

Double Agent x2

On The Edge x3

And unlike my last post, I included the locations in the card section. (instead of the strategy )

Strategy: ‘

Editor’s Note #1 Okay, I’ll swap out the On The Edges for Death Star Plans x3

Editor’s Note #2 They may kill Leia. That’s why I pack two EPP Leia. Keep one in hand and you’ll do fine. (Prisoner 2187 makes it so your Obj. can’t be placed OOP)

Editor’s Note #3 I need the Crafts for the Strategy. The Tubes can only move on the d* while my Crafts can move back and forth between DBs. I know they need Pilots but you can either draw one or use Crix.

Editor’s Note #4 somebody said something about Ephant. A good suicide run and a Saber in the gut will do him good.

What your trying to do is rescue her and then beatdown the opponent. Between your hand, Tunnel vision, and your draw phase, you should have 8D8, a craft, by the end of your second turn. You then deploy them to the Y4DB, move 8D8 as a passenger to the DDB, move 8D8 and free Leia, move her to the DDB and next turn, move her to the Y4DB as a passenger and move Leia to the War room, thus flipping fairly quickly. After that, you will devestate over time because you place all their stuff out of play limiting what they can deploy, and also preventing them from retrieving it. Fallen Portal+Order to Enage can be AWESOME You deploy your Spy to one of their DBs where they have Mara and Vader. They fight so as not to lose force and they also will probably overpower you. You interrupt, Fallen Portal and they are screwed when you place their Vader out of play with one of your tracked 6s. You then interrupt, Double Agent and kill Mara, also out of play, and the battles over with them having lost to necessary characters from the game. For retrievel, you have the Corridor, DTF, and 3 Death Star Plans which is quite enough when you have several 6s you can track. Your EPPs can be dropped on suicide runs along with a spy to place even the Emp. out of play. It’s awesome Your retrievel and your flipped Obj. can slow them down plenty on the draining side of things. Your total drain power is 7 from your sites so you need to fight to win most of the time. Blount and Cracken work great in this strategy, drop w/backup and place out of play. Plus they work with Double Agent. Here are reasons for some cards

Tat DB for Ben and Lando. Activation

I Feel The conflict Great damage when you do a lot of fighting. I’ve made the opponent stack 5 without dueling against an MKOS deck.

Order to Engage makes them fight or else.

Fallen Portal let’s see. Works on three of your sites and also on the heavily played Tat JP.

Rebel Leadership Works great with Crix/Solo for stuffing Merc. Pilots.

Insertion Planningtrackable 6. Decreases their Battle destiny.

Run Luke Run trackable 6. I hate dueling against Huntdown decks. I’d rather fight and place Vader out of play.

Double Agent gets rid of Arica/U-3PO and Mara Jade, TEH. trackable 6

The signal need your SAC protection against BHBM/Huntdown.

C/TV Finds those cards you need. Cancels SAC, drains, Pride of the Empire.

the Ships if they play space, these should be enough to slow them down. If they don’t (MKOS/some court) lose ’em to drains.

Why patrol crafts? cheap deploy. High destiny. (relatively)

Here are the matchups

BHBM/Huntdown proceed to flip ASAP. Huntdown isn’t a big factor in my meta. If it is in yours, throw in some OOC/TT. Try to kill Vader before he can duel Obi. If you can kill vader, you should win.

TIEs the only really hard deck. Also not played to much in my meta. Try to outdrain them on the ground. Kill what they have down. (Blount/Cracken your way in) Double agent their U-3po and Arica. If you can do this and out retrieve them, you should win.

Court/MKOS Go to Tatooine after you flip. Ben and Lando will wreck them. Go kill Jabba and the big boys and the rest will fall. Fallen Portal is a biggy in this matchup.

CCT Go free Leia and then go save Han. Fallen Portal+EPP Obi/or Luke first turn should also save him. (if you draw ’em)

AOBS Kill Xixor and the big Bounty hunters. Should be fun.

ROPS rescue Leia and go to Ralltiir. Should be fun.

Hope you enjoy it, and please let me know of any things I can do to make it better. This is my first RTP deck and I want some help. Thanks for reading.