SYCFA Manipulator

Title: SYCFA Manipulator
Author: Matt "BobaFett fan" Prosser
Date: Mar 21, 2001 Rating: 3.0



’ Starting (8)

Set Your Course For Alderaan

Death Star

Death Star Docking Bay 327


Prepared Defenses

Power Of The Hutt

Battle Order

Mobilization Points

 Locations (7)


Death Star Docking Control Room 327

Death Star War Room

Coruscant Docking Bay

Executor Docking Bay

Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay)

 Characters (17)

Emperor Palpatine

Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith

Darth Vader With Lightsaber

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

IG-88 With Riot Gun

4-LOM With Concussion Rifle

Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle

Jodo Kast

Mighty Jabba

Jabba The Hutt


Ephant Mon

M’iiyoom Onith x5

 Starships (4)


Dengar In Punishing One

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

 Interrupts (17)

Sense x4

Alter x4

Monnok x4

Masterful Move x2

Twi’lek Advisor x2

A Dangerous Time

 Effects (6)

Search And Destroy

Ability, Ability, Ability

Imperial Decree

Reactor Terminal

Secret Plans

Come Here You Big Coward

 Weapons (1)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

 Here’s how the deck works. First of all, my most important character is M’iiyoom Onith as you can see. Five copies of her is good, because my luck is pretty bad and I need her by at least turn two. First turn before activation, pull Executor or Rendili, depending on your situation, then pull the Docking Control Room 327 from reserve (if it’s not there by some odd chance, deploy the War Room) with a character there, preferably M’iiyoom. Once it’s controlled, deploy all your docking bays from reserve or from used pile once it gets recycled. This will give you good activation for turn two, in which you’ll deploy Ephant Mon with Power Of The Hutt from reserve to same site as M’iiyoom and scan away. Deploy the War Room and any remaining Docking Bays and play reactive to your opponent. This deck has no retrieval whatsoever and you must be careful how you play. Do beatdowns on the ground with your aliens and imps to kill off their lucky characters that happen to survive or get around M’iiyoom or Monnok. Now, I’ll discuss some cards and why they’re in here 

 Ability x3 Once I have the lock set up, this should obliterate reckless opponents.

 Search And Destroy This works the same as Ability x3 however it is more fragile because you must remove all of their characters from battleground sites. 

 Monnok See matchups.

 M’iiyoom Onith Don’t even ask.

 Docking Control Room 327 Allows me to pull DBs once controlled by M’iiyoom, thus giving me lots of activation. One game I played at my last tourney, I activated 35 force on my fifth turn.

 Now for the matchups

 Any deck with multiples Use M’iiyoom to look for doubles, then Monnok their hand if you see any worthwile. Yarna is sometimes a pain, but I have never seen her used. 

 Any deck with mains Use M’iiyoom to kill everything They may be able to play Taws Khaa and Leia, but who cares? They suck @#$% against my horde of mains and she stands no chance by herself.

 Any other LS deck I’ve yet to see any.

 Training is easy to beat because of CHYBC, Ability x3, SaD, Secret Plans, etc. Hidden Base with matching starships sucks against this deck and you can own it if you play right. This deck is a machine and don’t rate it bad because you think it ’looks’ bad; trust me, this deck is truly a machine.