Court DIE

Title: Court DIE
Author: Philip "WorldChamp" Marschall
Date: Mar 23, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

COTVG/Eat Pepl


Great Pit o’ Carkoon


Power o’ the Hutt

First Strike

All Wrapped UP

Prepared Defenses

Characters (20)

Mighty Jabba



Ephant Mon

Prince Xixor


Boba Kast

Iggy with Gun

Bossk with Gun

4-Lom with Gun

Dengar with Gun




Jodo Fett

Gaylid x2

Dr Evazan and Ponda Boba

Niado Duegad

Locations (7)

Jabbas Palace

Lower Passages

Entrance Cavern

Droid Workshop

Rancor Pit


Passenger Deck

Vehicles/Starships (6)

Bossk in Bus

Iggy in Boat

Zuckuss in Boat

Sail Barge



Effects (7)

Scum x2

Bad Feeling Have I

Hutt Bounty

Search and Destroy

Blast Door Controls

Reactor Terminal

Interrupts (10)

Elis x3

Trap Door x3

Twilek Advisor x2

Double Back

Defensive Fire/Hutt Smoock

Weapons (1)


Creatures (1)

Rancor ‘

Strategy: ‘

To the Review I will NOT have a hard time feeding pepl to the Rancor because of all of the destinies and high attrition I get. In most battles I get 2 destinies and they are around 4 or 5. Most people, even mains must forfeit and I’ll capture them with All Wrapped Up. Also, Dengar with Gun and other pepl will hit pepl and they’ll have to forfeit. Also, Iggy with Gun and Snoova with his ax will capture them. I don’t think I’ll have a hard time feeding them to the Rancor.

OK this deck is kewl and it beat my friend by 33. He didn’t have a chance. He is strangling me right now. Anyway, I use Court to get the ships and then beat them up. I also use my massive alien power on the ground to KICK HIS ASS

Why Niado Duegad?

He is THA MAN He deploys for 3 and can have power 8 Who wouldn’t put him in their deck???

Why Blast Door Controls?

This card is just tech in here. This is a beatdown deck, and Rebel Barriers aren’t cool. This card cancels them. Thinking about leaving your lone guy at a site draining for 2 with several Rebel Barriers in your hand. Well HAHAHA if you are. You are so dead.

Why so many Jabbas Palace Sites?

Against a deck that doesn’t like to battle you, or is just space, put down all of your sites, and deploy hunters there. Get Gailid, and drain away.


vs. Profit

Start Mighty Jabba and Prince Xixor, because you get 2 destinies right off the bat, and on your first turn you can get Ephant or Boelo to go with Jabba. Also, Xixor makes them have 6 ability to draw destiny.

In the beginning, swarm the Audience Chamber, especially with Bib, Boelo, and Ephant. DON’T let them unfreeze Han, and it will be hard to with all of your power and no spies, gamblers and thieves can go there. If they do unfreeze him, Bib will keep him there and you can capture him or kill him. A fairly easy game, because they can’t drain pretty much anywere.

vs. Hidden Base or EBO with non-uniques

Get all your ships in hand with Court, then do a bunch of concentrated attacks on their people, with several destiny and huge power. Fun. Drain a WHOLE bunch on the ground with Gaylid and a lot of sites.

vs. QMC

Same thing as HB or EBO, get the ships and attack the space, except that you should drain only at AC and JP, with Mighty Jabba, Ephant, and Gaylid at AC, and Sail Barge with some hommies on it at JP, for 4 each turn. Then attack them at Cloud City with all of your hunters.

vs. WYS ground

DON’T deploy to their docking bays, drain at Jabba’s Palace. They don’t have much drains, so they will try to attack you, where you capture them and feed them to the Rancor. If they Trap Door your Rancor, that sucks but retrieve by battling and then get it back with ISEWYD. Keep beating them up, and they’ll die. If they try to control Tatooine system, then pull all of your starships and beat the @#$% out of them.

vs. WYS space.

Drain a bunch on the ground and Jabba’s Palace, and mebbe attack them in space, but not if they’re too powerful. Kessel Run sucks, but it won’t do too much. If you can, control Kessel, so it is canceled. Deploy Search and Destroy and make them lose to that and get really annoyed.

vs. RST

Drain at the Jabba’s Palace sites. Pull the ships and attack at Endor system, unless they stockpile there. Unless they start Insurrection, Elis all of your hommies over to a weak site and beat the @#$% out of them.

That’s all of the matchups I can think of right now, so tell me if there’s something I forgot and I’ll add it.

The future world champ who is crazy, Philip