That Things Operational Again v2 0

Title: That Things Operational Again v2 0
Author: Alexandre "Lord Kenobi" Dufresne
Date: Mar 25, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (8)

Endor Operations/ Imperial Outpost


Endor Bunker

Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay)

Operational As Planned

Death Star II

Moff Jerjerrod

Perimeter Patrol

Locations (11)


Endor Bunker

Endor Docking Bay

Death Star II

Death Star II Docking Bay

Death Star II Coolant Shaft

Death Star II Capacitors

Death Star II Reactor Core




Characters (4)


U- 3PO

Commander Merrjk

Moff Jerjerrod

Starships (14)

Dreadnaught x2

TIE Interceptor x10

The Emperors Shield

The Emperors Sword

Effects (14)

Sienar Fleet Systems

Perimeter Patrol

Desperate Counter

Oppressive Enforcement & There is No Try

Lateral Damage

Secret Plans

Come Here You Big Coward

Pride of The Empire


Endor Shield

Ability, Ability, Ability

Mobilization Points

Battle Order

We Shall Double Our Efforts

Interrupts (11)

Operational as Planned

Short Range Fighters x2

All Power To Weapons x3

Masterful Move

Ghhhk x2

Twilek Advisor x2

Weapons (3)

SFS L-s9.3 TIE Cannon x2

Superlaser Mark II

Admirals Orders (1)

Fighter Cover

Epic Events (1)

Operational as Planned

Objectives (1)

Endor Operations/ Imperial Outpost

Strategy: ‘

  • Star either We Shall Double Our Efforts or Perimeter Patrol, usually just start Perimeter Patrol if your opponent uses a Endor Based deck, then he has to have the Endor Rebel Landing Site down, in order to avoid having to deploy to other Endor sites and then suffering a lose of 1 force per character.

Then later in the game once you have more cards with Ability out then just drop down Ability, Ability, Ability and he we suffer even worse, especially if he uses a There is Good In Him Deck that doesn’t use the Rebel Landing Site. With that in mind, he has to deploy a card with Ability or lose 2 force and if his only option is to deploy it to Endor, he better have the Rebel Landing site or he will lose force for deploying them. Against decks like WYS that effect may not help you to much as he will deploy like mad to Tatooine, so then concentrate on getting out Come Here you big coward as then with cards like Harvest he will have to use force to retrieve force That also limits what he deploys as he will have to save force for when he retrieves.

For the other cards, if he doesn’t start some sort of Endor deck, then just start the new Tatooine effect instead of Perimeter Patrol.

For the New card We Shall Double Our Efforts, here is the game text.

Deploy on Table, adds 1 to X on That Thing’s Operational. At DSII Sectors, opponent’s starfighters are maneuver –5. When opponent is attempting to “blow away” Death Star II, sbtract 2 from opponents total (Immune to Alter)

Why those specific Characters?

Moff Jerjerrod & Commander Merrjk pull your locations and the other 2 characters Arica and U- 3PO cancel 2 of the opponents drains by deploying to an opponents site.

Why no vader?

You don’t need him and with Short Range Fighters, you will retrieve your lost force and be causing your opponent big force losses with your other cards.

Why only 1 That Things Operational?

Vs. Most decks Home One would be the only capital ship so you just blow that up. If he uses a Mon Cal deck, then just get it back with Short Range fighters and repeat the process again.

Most people know how to set the DSII up so I don’t think I need to explain it to you.

Vs. There is Good In Him beat downs

Just start Perimeter Patrol and get out Ability, Ability, Ability as soon as possible as that will hurt your opponent as if he doesn’t deploy a character he loses 2 force and if he does he will most likely have to deploy it to endor, which will cost him 1 force for each character.

VS. Watch Your Step

Just deploy Arica and U3PO to Tatooine to cancel 2 of your opponents drains there and get out your stuff like CHYBC, Sienar Fleet Systems etc.

For most of the other decks, just play it as you see fit and in the end you should emerge victorious