He Will Join Us Or Die My Master

Title: He Will Join Us Or Die My Master
Author: Phillip "Karrdeshark" Aasen
Date: Mar 27, 2001 Rating: 4.0





Emperor Palpy x2

Lord Vader x3

Mara Jade x2


Dr. E/Ponda


Skrilling x7


Flagship Executor x2

Scythe Squadron TIE x3


Tempest 1

Blizzard 2


Mara’s Stick

Vader’s Stick

Force Pike x2

Intruder Missile x2


DII Throne Room (start)



Hoth DB


Your Destiny (start)

Insignificant Rebellion (start)

Mob. Points (start)

IAO (start)

Imp. Decree (start)

Emperor’s Power

Den of Thieves

Visage of the Emperor x2

Reactor Terminal


Prep. Def. (start)

Hunting Party x2

D. M./T. Roll x3

Weapon Levitation x2

Rise My Friend x2

Abyssin Ornament x2

Trample x3 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Editor’s Note #1 Okay, let me re-explain. You need a LOT of fours because you win your battles mostly by dropping in, fighting, and winning, and then forfieting or moving. You have enough stuff to win 3-4 battles against almost any deck.

Editor’s Note #2 The reason for those ’unusable 7s’ is simply that sometimes the game may depend on you turning him that turn and you can’t fight anywhere. Picture this(true story) I have won three battles before he finally managed to get Luke in my clutches. (you never want to capture him until you’ve won at least 3 battles). However, he had, like, three EPPs+2 scrubs at the first marker so I dare not go against him. I have 4 life force left. I interrupts, Abyssin Ornament, boosting my Life Force up to ten, and then duel Luke. He wins by drawing a 6 and a 5. I draw two 4s and don’t have my stick. I shuffle my deck, and draw one of the four 7s in the deck, thus crossing Luke and winning. Now, had I not had any ”Useless” 7s, I would have lost )

I came up with the idea after seeing all those TIGIH decks that went mad on 6-7s and nothing else. I thought it wouldn’t work because I couldn’t win in space until I remembered the Flagship and Scythes+Tallon Roll. When combined with Emp’s Power it’s a very easy way to stack a couple of cards on Insignificant Rebellion. I need to win four battles (expecting Jedi Luke) to have an 80% chance of turning Luke and it’s even higher late game. Between the Vehicles+Trample and the Skrillings you have plenty of ground power. Mara and Vader are obvious, while Snoova, Dr. E./Ponda, and Guri have 6 power a piece. Emperor’s Power makes it even easier to win 2-4 battles on the ground. You will almost never deploy Vader until you’ve won at least 3 battles because you don’t want to stay flipped for to long. You don’t win by draining (max. 4) but battle damage, Your Destiny, and your flipped Obj. can make it fairly easy to cause some damage.

Your best way to win, however, is to win is to turn Luke. I decided to make a average destiny of a 4 so that if I win 3-4 battles Luke is as good as turned. I also have six 7 destinies so once in a blue moon you can turn that EPP Luke after winning 2 battles, or that LS, JK after 3. You can track destiny to make sure you lose the duel when you need to. Here are some card reasons

Skrillings 4 destiny

F. Executor easier deploy than the regular. 4 destiny. Can be pulled by Mob. Points when you need it.

Scythe Squadron TIEs Great for Tallon Rolling, 4 destiny.

the AT-ATs for Trampling. 6 power

Force Pikes 4 destiny. Extra weapons for destroying people.

Intruder Missile 7 destiny

Y4 and Hoth DBs for Imp. Decree. Prevents your activation from being totally knocked down.

Den of Thieves aids in stuffing opponents drains.

Visage 7 destiny

Reactor Terminal awesome for tracking.

Hunting Party 7 destiny

d.M./Tallon Roll As good as a weapon against X-wings.

Weapon Levitation pulls Weapons, steals weapons.

Rise My Friend Move Vader and Luke real fast.

Abyssin Ornament some Retrievel. Believe me, you need it.

Trample destroys scouts, Elom, and sometime Han, Leia.


WYS Imp. Decree will slow them down. You should be able to get a couple of wins in space. Tallon Roll can usually knock out the Skate, and other stuff.

Any sort of Mains stick together at your locations. Grab Luke, Trample Han Leia, Hit everyone else with the Sticks.

EBO or HB Swarm Tallon Roll and the Executor can win some battles when combined carefully. Don’t be afraid to lose for the ’Power.

Profit start Mara and Evazan/Baba. Grab Luke, Kill Leia and be careful.

Speeders They are strong but you are too. You can usually defeat them by sticking together.

MWYHL Make Luke come down. Drain ’em for 4 force per turn and beat the Falcon with a well placed Tallon Roll+tracked Visage.

I can’t think of anything else to say so Enjoy Thanks for reading. ‘