Breaking Point

Title: Breaking Point
Author: Silent "Silent Bob" Bob
Date: Mar 29, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Vehicles (2)

   Blizzard 2 

   Tempest 1 

Starships (10)


   Bossk In Hound’s Tooth 


   Dengar In Punishing One 


   IG-88 In IG-2000 




   Zuckuss In Mist Hunter 

Characters (17)

   Admiral Chiraneau 

   Admiral Ozzel 

   Admiral Piett 


   Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle 

   Captain Lennox 

   Commander Merrejk 

 2 Darth Vader With Lightsaber 

   Emperor Palpatine 

   Ephant Mon 

   Grand Admiral Thrawn 


   Lieutenant Cabbel 

   Officer Evax 

   Prince Xizor 

   U-3PO (Yoo-Threepio) 

Devices (1)

   Homing Beacon 

Effects (12)

   Battle Order 

   Black Sun Fleet - Admiral’s Order 

   Imperial Decree 

   Ominous Rumors 

   Perimeter Patrol 

   Power Of The Hutt 

   Return To Base 

   Secret Plans 

   Something Special Planned For Them 

 2 We’re In Attack Position Now - Admiral’s Order 

   You Cannot Hide Forever 

Interrupts (10)

   Ghhhk & Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us 

   Imperial Barrier 

 2 Imperial Command 

   Omni Box & It’s Worse 

   Prepared Defenses 

   Shocking Revelation 

   The Circle Is Now Complete 

 2 Twi’lek Advisor 

Locations (7)


   Endor Bunker 

   Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) 



   Mon Calamari 



   Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost 

Strategy: ‘

I have taken out Blizzard 2 and added the Executor.

I have taken out The Circle is now complete and added Point Man. That Card cancels a lot of stuff.


Endor Ops


Endor Bunker

Endor Landing Platform

Prepared Defenses

Power of the Hutt

Secret Plans

You Can’t Hide Forever

First, Lose You Can’t Hide Forever to get Perimeter Patrol.

Second, Activate.

Third, Use Secret Plans to get out Shocking Revelation

Fourth, Get out Ominus Rumors

Fifth, Get out Ephant and deploy him to the Bunker. Now the opponent can’t get here without deploying Endor Back Door. This does include Nabrun.

Use Imperial Command to get out Piett. Use Piett to get out Commander Merrejk. Deploy Merrejk to the Bunker where he will be safe until you get all the systems out. Use Merrejk to deploy systems.

Black Sun Fleet has to be one of my favorite Admiral’s Orders. Though the picture isn’t very nice, the game text is. This allows my independent ships to make a move during my control Phase. If I have an Indy ship at a system I control and other ships are at another system occupied by the opponent, I could drain and then move so they can be in the battle.

Also, If my opponent’s ships are preventing me from draining, I can just move the indy ship to drain. I love that AO.

Arica and U-3PO are in the deck to go and stop drains.

Stinger and Verago are there because they are Indy ships. If possible, deploy Guri and Xizor on the ships and start to add those battle destinies.

Something Special Planed for the Them is good to stop WYS/Harvest decks and swarm decks.

Homing Beacon allows my ships to move as a ’react’ and moves for free. I like this card.

Omni Box and it’s worse is in there because it is a cycle 5 and I have seen people play with It Could Be Worse. I hate that card.

Return to Base saves my ships from destruction.

Mon Cal is a 2/1 system where the opponent can only drain for 1.

Kessel the gametext requires an ability of 6 to draw battle destiny. That does include added bonuses like WYS’s Flip side with the two smugglers. Without ability 6, the opponent gets no battle destiny, regardless of any other card that allows it. The only way to counter this is if a pilot allows a battledestiny if unable to otherwise. Even with that, it is only ONE battle destiny.

Boba Fett with blaster Rifle is so much better than Boba Fett in Slave one. He adds a destiny against Super Falcon and can add a destiny if Han is on the ground. He helps out the ground forces and has a higher forfeit.

To defeat certain deck types

EBO Set up Imperial Decree. Instead of getting Perimeter Patrol with You Can’t Hide Forever, get Something Special Planned For them. Set up Battle Order. Most of the time, the opponent won’t occupy a battleground site.

Profit Deploy Arica. They might free Han, but they can’t drain.

WYS Make sure you get Perimeter Patrol Down. That will protect you from swarms of cheap smugglers hitting the Endor Landing Platform. You space fleet should stop the opponent’s.

Hidden Base Don’t be fooled. Start Perimeter Patrol. The opponent might play with X-Wing Swarm decks, but most of the time, those decks are mains and toys. You need the Patrol to protect you.

I’m seriously considering adding 2 cards Executor and Mob Points. I know that I would take out Blizzard 2 for the Executor, but I don’t know what to take out for Mob Points. If I did put in Mob Points, I would start Power of the Hutt, Mob Points, and You Can’t Hide forever. Any help would be appriciated. ‘