Didn’t know what to call this deck I’ll just call it Profit

Title: Didn’t know what to call this deck I’ll just call it Profit
Author: Philip "WorldChamp" Marschall
Date: Mar 29, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting 7

Profit/Sail Barge Blowing Up

Jabba’s Palace

Audience Chamber

Han Solo or Han w/Heavy


DoDN/Wise Advice


Locations 6

Tat System

Obi’s Hut


Jundland Wastes

Entrance Cavern

Hutt Trade Route

Pepl 13

Han w/Heavy (x2 if u started with Han Solo)

Han Solo (if u started with Han w/Heavy)

Master Luke x2

Leia w/Pistol


Obi w/Stick x2

Lando w/Ax

Chewie w/Pistol


Tawass Khaa

Artoo and Threepio

Starships 5

Home 1


Tantive 4


Red Leader in Red 1

Weapons 5

Luke’s Lightsaber x2

Merc Armor

Leia’s Rifle

Chewie’s Caster

Effects 12

Tat. Celebration x2

Seeking an Audience

Underworld Contacts

Cool Grabber x2


Stick Proficiency

No Disentegrations


K’lor’ Slug


Interrupts 12

The Signal x2

Corellian Retort x2

Artoo, I Have A Bad Feeling About This x2

Captive Pursuit x2

Someone Who Loves You

Run Luke, Run

OOC/Transmission Terminated x2

Strategy: ‘

Yo Welcome to the strategy section of my Profit Deck. Questions about this deck

Why the Hutt Trade Route?

Against MKOS, this site doesn’t let them pull Jabba’s Palace sites unless they control.

Why Obi’s Hut?

Well this is a twix site that gives me icons and Obi deploy for chicken feed here.

Why Seeking an Audience when I only have Underworld Contacts and not Artoo or Threepio?

I use this just for Underworld Contancts, and I don’t have R2 or 3PO because of Artoo and Threepio. They are SOOOO much better than the individual ones because they pull the AIHABFAT which gives the other person no destiny. IT ROCKS

Why Merc Armor?

This card KICKS ASS

Why Boushh and not another EPP Leia?

I don’t know, I just don’t have another EPP Leia and Boushh is good so shes good.

What about the starting Han?

OK if they deploy two aliens I deploy Han Solo so I can retrieve 10 instead of only 5 when the long battle for unfreezing him is over. If they don’t deploy aliens, I put down EPP Han so I can unfreeze first turn and get more power if they deploy Imps to Tat. and so I can add destiny and have more power and shoot.

Matchups Really don’t want to do this, but I will.

vs. Court and Scum

Ooh, a toughie. These decks have massive power on Tatooine and lots of destinies. Plus with their ability to pull bounty hunter’s ships, it is hard for me to control Tatooine system and have Tatooine Celebration on table. My mains will do well on the ground because of their immunity and their swings and all of their destiny. Mains are cool. If they are playing Court big blue, then this will be easier because they don’t get all of the big destiny adders with Jabba and hunters. Your space will pretty much die, but that’s OK, as your big drains on Tatooine will kill them.

vs. SYC and other big blue

I played one of these and won. They will have big drains in space, but my drains on the ground will take care of that. Secretly pull your space and then when they spread out ATTACK with everything.


vs. Trooper Beatdown

Just kidding. Win.

vs. Hunt Down Beat

Beat up Vader. Use Trasmission Terminated to cancel Visage. Figure out by missed searches by them if they have space, and then go in space according to what they have. They have a lot of beatdown power, but you have lots of it too. Get to Tatooine, and kick some Dark Jedi butt.

vs. Hunt Down Duel

DON’T drop Luke/Obi unless Vader is already down. Once he is, beat him down with Leia, Lando, Han, Ori, Tawass, and others. This will be kewl because they won’t have much beatdown with all of the dueling card and I will kick their butt.

Thanks for reading this deck and reviewing it. I hope you like it. If there are ne things you think I should to do this deck, please tell me.

Thanks, The future world champ, Philip