ISB Assault

Title: ISB Assault
Author: Eric "proxy man" Fletcher
Date: Mar 31, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective ISB operations

Locations (8)

Coruscaunt Imperial Square (st)

Hoth Docking Bay

Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Death Star Docking Bay

Cloud City Docking Bay

Endor Docking Bay

2x Generic Docking Bay

Starships (2)


Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Characters (23)

Darth Vader w/ Lightsaber

Mara Jade, TEH


IG-88 w/ Riot Gun

4-LOM w/ Gun

Jodo Kast

8x ISB agents who are unique imperials with ability<3

8x other ISB agents

1x 5-D6 (unbattleable ISB agent)

Interrupts (19)

3x Sneak Attack

3x Ghyyyk

2x Sacrifice

2x Masterful Move

1x Monok

1x Ghyyyk & Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us

1x Imperial Supply

1x Limited Resources

1x Nevar Yarnal

1x Main Course

1x Scruffy Looking Nerf Herder

1x Prepared Defenses (st)

1x Look Sir, Droids

Effects (7)

Imperial Arrest Order (st)

Mobilization Points (st)

Oppressive Enforcement & There Is No Try (st)

2x What Are You Trying To Push On Us

1x Imperial Decree

1x Something Special Planned For Them ‘

Strategy: ‘

I have been purposfuly vauge with the characters above because it really does not matter who exactly you use. If you have Probe Droids, okay. If you have Outer Rim Scouts, that’s okay too. Whatever ISB agents you have will work, as long as you play 16 total, without duplication of unique agents.

One flaw pointed out Weakness to Fallen Portal. Ideally, you don’t ever have to battle a strong force, as you can simply run and drain. If neccessary, just Grab the portal

Also, Imperial Decree takes care of EBO quite nicely when combined with generics.

Feel free to take something out for Mara’s Saber, I didn’t put it in because Mara is just a random scrub to this deck, and I don’t need to take a space for her saber. But add it if you want.

The main weakness of almost all decks is that they need their cards to win.

So, the best method to disrupt that is to take away their cards.

This deck is designed specifically to flip 2nd turn, and drain for at least 4 per turn starting on turn 3, increcing by 2 per turn after that.

This means that your opponent has very little time to attack you, and when he does, he must commit his forces to one site, while you ghyyyk and continue draining.

Plus, with 21 relatively cheap spies, you can eaisily infiltrate your opponent’s weakest site, and provide your own beatdown, after he extends himself elsewhere.

As a bunch of people mentioned that I have ”too many” ISB agents, I guess I should explain. You need agents to get the +1 Force Drain. Any you need spies to get the bonus from Sneak Attack. Plus, this way you are guaranteed a fast flip, and don’t have to worry about your agents being killed off.

The Interrupts are there to get your job done. Sneak Attack adds 3-6 to your total battle destiny, Sacrifice often works as a Used Ghyyyk. Masterful Move grabs what you need as a trackable 6. Limited Resources is just a nice bonus force loss.

A possible problem is Frozen Assets, so we have Main Course (also good against WYS’s mix of Aliens and Rebels, especially Han) and Imperial Supply (which can also help you set up).

The generic docking bays let you reduce Force Drains against Hidden Base/EBO.

Look Sir, Droids is strictly a ”kill R2” card, and can be replaced.

Your ”fleet” is just large enough to garrison one system and/or probe an opponent’s Hidden Base. (Grab Exe. with Mob. Points quickly)

I’ll answer any specific questions you may have regarding this deck, just post/d-mail me.