Throne Rooms v 2 0 (Mains on speed)

Title: Throne Rooms v 2 0 (Mains on speed)
Author: Evan "EvO" Walker
Date: Apr 1, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (5)

Throne Room

Heading for the Frigate


Staging Areas

Your Insight Servers You Well

Locations (9)

Home One Docking Bay

Hoth Docking Bay

Tatooine Docking Bay

Rendezvous Point

Tatooine Obi-wans Hut

Home One War Room

Dagobah Yodas Hut

Endor Chief Chirpas Hut

Hoth War Room

Characters (16)

Admiral Ackbar

First Officer Thaneepsi



Lt. Blount

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x2

Luke with Lightsaber

Ben Kenobi

Obi Wan with Lightsaber

Leia with Blaster Rifle

Han with Heavy Blaster

Captain Han Solo

Lando with Vibro Axe

Weapons (2)

Lukes Saber

Obis Saber

Starships (2)


Home One

Effects (7)

Order To Engage

Honor of the Jedi


Battle Plan

Squad. Assignments

Goo Nee Tay

Wise Advise

Interrupts (19)

Sense x4

Alter x2

Signal x2

Courage of a Skywalker

Fallen Portal x2

Rebel Barrier (japanese…mwahaha)

Clash of Sabers

Weapon Levitation

Gift of the Mentor

Tunnel Vision x2

Sorry About the Mess

Transmission Terminated

Strategy: ‘


There really isnt much. Most people know how to play throne room mains. In the early game, try to get Goo Nee Tay up as early as possible along with Honor if needed. You can fetch an early Honor against Court or Hunt Down with Insight. SAC is always fun… You should draw a 2/0 in the opening hand and maybe a little guy to deploy to the Home One Docking Bay.


Court/MKOS . Deploy to the audience chamber ASAP. You have senses to prevent barriers and None Shall Pass. Abyssins can be a real pain in the @#$% cause they keep coming back. Most MKOS decks dont run much space. Set up with Home One and Falcon with just han on it, or if you’re not expecting much, put lando on it. Against court, i usually station the super falcon because they can pull the ships from their deck.

Hunt Down Honor is hella important. I use courage to help w/ duels, and if i don’t have it i can try to sense. Most hunt downs run docking bays, so the portals can help. A lot of hunt downs (and BHBM) pull rendili, and i usually set up shop there w/ home one and the falcon. Battle plan helps too. get Goo Nee Tay up quickly.

BHBM BHBM isn’t too strong around here, so i don’t know too much about it… I can see where this can be harder than Hunt Down since they are fast and normally carry some heavy SAC. Use Jedi Luke early to your advantage at the docking bays for great activation. Choose battles wisely so as not to loose to Insignificant.

TIES Set up at Wakameeli (sp?). alter the seinar fleet systems. if you fail, aim high will slow them down more. they’ll be paying 5 force if they want to retreive when they play a TIE.

uhh i guess thats it.

Thanks for the reviews. ‘