The People Under The Stairs

Title: The People Under The Stairs
Author: Michael "mr007agent" Richards
Date: Apr 1, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (5)

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Do Or Do Not & Wise Advice

Staging Areas

Aim High


Characters (2)



Locations (6)




Mon Calamari



Blue (21)

Y-wing x8

Home One

Red Leader In Red 1


Mon Calamari Star Cruiser x4




Lando In Millennium Falcon

Blue Squadron B-wing


Green (4)

Proton Torpedoes

Effects (6)

Order To Engage x2

Rebel Fleet x2

Traffic Control x2

Interrupts (16)

Don’t Underestimate Their Chances x4

Precise Hit x4

Pivot Point x4

Panic x4

Strategy: ‘

Ok here it is, this is the deck I played at State’s on March 31st, 2001 in Austin Texas that went 1-2. These are the unique decks I was talking about in my article. If you read this first, take a look at my DS deck I played with at State’s also and read my tournament report when I am finished submitting all this crap.

Basically when you first look at this you are wondering to your self, what in the hell are you thinking and why in the world would you ever take this to state’s? This is because SURPRISE Ok the trick here is you only have to circulate through your deck once, which normally takes about 4 or 5 turns. In that time your opponent has not done much and has only drained you of a couple. You only have to battle once and the game is over. WIN

First of all I don’t start with an objective because it is a waste of time and space, you don’t need it. I started with Do Or Do Not & Wise Advice because Alters and Senses are BAD Aim High because retrieval is bad and annoying. Staging Areas should be obvious, so I can play my Star Cruisers. Corulag because it is funny and the -1 to force drain is good to but all your systems have that.

First of all, deploy systems you have in your hand, should be at least one. Then draw. Repeat this step into you get some undercover spies that you need desperately into your hand. Draw until you get Order, Rebel Fleet, and Traffic also. DRAW, DRAW, DRAW. This WILL scare your opponent and cause him not to deploy very much. Hopefully. If you have to lose cards for any reason make sure you lose ships or any TIE’s that you can afford to lose. DO NOT lose cards from your reserve deck just in case you draw a card that reveals your strategy. VERY IMPORTANT Count your reserve deck regularly and make sure that you can activate it all next turn and begin the fun. It has to be fast or you will lose to many cards for your differential.

Once you know that you can activate it all, begin to arrange your cards how you desire. You place them down in your used pile with Traffic. This is the order you want to do it depending on the MCSC’s you have in your hand, First you want to put the three strongest starships you have down, usually Home One or Defiance, or maybe Independence. Now, if you are brave like me you will stack a card for destiny or an interrupt that you will not need. If not you will want to put another MCSC down just in case they Bith Shuffle you (Annoying). It will not hurt you but just set you back a couple of more turns which might hurt because of drains on the ground. If this does happen just repeat the above step or even draw some more to get more MCSC into your hand if you need them. DO NOT deploy anything yet although you can if you are as good as me )

Make sure you counted correctly and have your MCSC’s on top when you activate. When you are ready play 2 or 3 Y-wing’s with their Proton Torpedoes if you saved any in your hand, which is a good idea. If your opponent already has penetrated space go after them. That is where you deploy your little lone Y-wing and watch them sweat. Say Force is with you.

Their turn they will sit there for about 5 minutes thinking if they should battle or not. It is hilarious. You have to bluff just sit there quietly and don’t say anything. Don’t encourage nor discourage, this will disrupt their plans. About 99.9% of the time it will aggravate them so much trying to think of every single card in SWCCG and battle. You stop worrying and they pray that you are an idiot. That is when the @#$% hits the fan. Play your Panic and let them read it. Have backups just in case for Sense. There are no cards that let you cancel this card ) They usually say ok like it isn’t nothing a BAM Reveal your MCSC’s then they read Panic again. HAHA. They say FREE? And you say YES (Be sure to point out the word free to embarrass them a slightly more and to show that you are @#$%y). Play your Spiral if you have enough force. Play You Underestimate Their Chances while they are reading Panic the third time and hit them up hard. Ask if they have any actions. Most of the time they are so dramatized they forget. Play Power Pivot and Precise Hit if needed and watch your battle damage go up. Figure their damage and they have to lose 100 cards, GAME OVER.

Under the small circumstances you don’t finish them off that one battle spread out and drain the rest of the game.

The reason why you can only play one Panic at a time is not because of uniqueness or modifying anything but, after you play it is immediately settled and you draw your 3 MCSC’s and you don’t have less than double their power anymore. Awwww too bad you can’t do it more than once huh you would make them lose about 300 cards HAHAHAHA

Yes, this deck is risky and you have to be semi-intelligent to use it. Cards you have to watch out for, not many though. Monnok, Ghhhk, and Bith Shuffle. These little small dejarik’s will kill this deck if you don’t watch it. There are ways to avoid the Monnok but it is hard without revealing You Underestimate Their Chances and Panic. Ghhhk… nothing you can do about it. Pray for some luck that they do not have it. Thats what I did. If they don’t have any starships in their deck I don’t know what the hell they were thinking but it would kill this deck. They would out drain you to fast, but still has a chance with carefull playing. Shake their hand and say good game after ten minutes of play, while they are mumbling to their self, yea whatever.

Michael Richards
