The New Age Manipulator

Title: The New Age Manipulator
Author: Silent "Silent Bob" Bob
Date: Apr 2, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starships (6)

   Bossk In Hound’s Tooth 


   Dengar In Punishing One 



   Zuckuss In Mist Hunter 

Characters (18)


   Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle 

   Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith 

   Grand Moff Tarkin 


   Ig-88 with riot gun

   Janus Greejatus 

   Lord Vader 

 4 M’iiyoom Onith 

   Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand 

   Prince Xizor 

   Salacious Crumb 

   Sergeant Wallen 

   Sim Aloo


Weapons (2)

   Mara Jade’s Lightsaber 

   Vader’s Lightsaber 

Devices (2)

   Death Star Tractor Beam 

   Homing Beacon 

Effects (10)

   Battle Order 

   Blast Door Controls 

   Come Here You Big Coward 

   Imperial Decree 

   Lateral Damage 

   Mobilization Points 

   Oppressive Enforcement 

   Reactor Terminal 

   Return To Base 

   Secret Plans 

Interrupts (12)

   Defensive Fire & Hutt Smooch 

   Masterful Move 


   Omni Box & It’s Worse 

   Point Man 

   Prepared Defenses 

 2 Scanning Crew 

   Sense & Uncertain Is The Future 

   Shocking Revelation 

   Twi’lek Advisor 

   Uncertain Is The Future 

Locations (9)


   Coruscant Docking Bay 

   Death Star 

   Death Star Docking Bay 327 

   Death Star Docking Control Room 327 

   Death Star War Room 

   Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) 

   Executor Docking Bay 

   Tatooine Docking Bay 94 


   Set Your Course For Alderaan/The Ultimate Power In The Universe 

Strategy: ‘


Take out Mara Jade’s lightsaber and put in Rendili.



Set Your Course for Alderaan

Death star

Death Star Docking Bay


Prepared Defenses

Secret Plans

Mob Points

*Third Effect

(Oppressive Enforcement - Default)

(Imperial Decree - EBO, Watch Your Step)

(Battle Order - Rebel Strike Team, Profit, AITC, HB, TIGIH)

Avg destiny is 2.6 with all of the starting locations, starting interrupt, starting effects, and all the cards (low destiny) that I can remove from my reserve deck using card gametext. The majority, 25 of the remaining 44 cards, have a destiny of 3 or higher.

First, get out either the Executor or Rendili from the reserve deck with Mob Points.

Against Hidden Base, EBO, and Watch Your Step, Take out Executor. Against all other decks, take out Rendili.

Get Shocking out with Secret Plans during your control phase.

During your first deploy phase, get out the Death Star Docking Bay Control Room. You should have a character to deploy there (hopefully M’iiyoom). Then deploy all of your docking bays using the gametext.

Your next turn, use M’iiyoom. Get out the Death Star War Room

On your third turn, get out the Death Star Tractor Beam.

The Concept of this deck is to drain at the docking bays and keep a firm grasp on character control.

The Manipulator tech

You have 4 M’iiyoom to control characters. You should have the ability to deploy her on your first or second turn.

If you didn’t get a good draw, use Uncertain is the Future to get a new hand. This is really fun because if the opponent just used Strike Planning to get a general, they will be forced to put all those characters into their used pile.

Masterful Move/Monnok will keep a control on swarms and hand size.

Defenseive Fire/Hutt Smooch will take put a card back into the opponent’s used pile from hand, keeping a control on the hand size.

Scanning crew will take care of a rebel.

Point Man cancels stuff.

Arica and U-3po cancels drains by being UC spies.

Omni/It’s worse. It could be worse still exists in game play. This card hurts it.

Death Star Tractor Beam. With two destines, this card will remove starships. Especially against Watch Your Step.

Homing Beacon. Cancels landing claw. It allows me to react to that location.

Come Here You big Coward take cares of draining on the death star.

Janus cycles your cards.

Sim allows you control the opponent’s next destiny or the card they activate.

Sergeant Wallen reacts for free and shuts down the Watch Your Step harvest decks.

Lateral Damage takes care of the outrider in Watch Your Step decks.

Return to base allows you to keep your ships.

Dengar in shuts down swarms and super falcon.

stinger is a good destiny and can add Guri if I need to.

Ig-88 with riot gun removes characters.

Salacious Crumb is a great card for manip decks. Not only is he Jabba’s side kick, but Sally Struther’s as well (South Park/Star wars joke) He manips the opponent’s destiny draws. If they draw an even number card, then they have to use a force, if the have one. If they draw an odd number, then they have to lose the card. What are most of the main characters in star wars? 1. If they draw a Han, Obi, Luke with, Leia, Dash, and so on, they have to lose them.

Use Arica as the alien for Profit decks.

Use Battle Order against TIGIH.

This will be a state championship winning deck.