Chain Of Command (Texas State Champion Hunt Down)

Title: Chain Of Command (Texas State Champion Hunt Down)
Author: Justin "hoostino" Warren
Date: Apr 2, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (6)


Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay)

Death Star Docking Bay 327

Executor Docking Bay

Executor Holotheatre

Executor Meditation Chamber

Characters (17)

Lord Vader x3

Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x2

Grand Moff Tarkin x2

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Emperor Palpatine x2

Janus Greejatus

Sim Aloo

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Admiral Chiraneau


Prince Xizor

Starships (5)

Boba Fett In Slave I

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Chimaera x2

Interrupts (17)

Evader & Monnok

Force Lightning

HoloNet Transmission x2

I Have You Now x2

Imperial Command x3

Masterful Move x2

Operational As Planned

Prepared Defenses

Sniper & Dark Strike

Twi’lek Advisor x2

You Are Beaten

Effects (10)

Crush The Rebellion

Imperial Arrest Order

Lateral Damage

Mobilization Points

No Escape

Search And Destroy

Secret Plans

Something Special Planned For Them

Visage Of The Emperor x3

Weapons (3)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Vader’s Lightsaber x2


Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe

Strategy: ‘

DECKLIST ERROR The effect total is really 11, not 10. Thanks, Mike.

UPDATE Okay, dueling isn’t nearly as effective as it was before RII simply because of WYS. Against WYS, Ben will very rarely hit the table, and Luke will either hide in a Patrol Craft or they will just cancel VO with Run Luke, Run. I’m not about to devote 6 cards when WYS is one of the most popular decks in existence. That’s just silly. If all you see is mains and no one plays WYS in your area, then by all means play a dueler.

Many of you are partial to the idea of removing a Masterful Move. I would advise against this for a few reasons. One, it is key to making HoloNet Transmission work so consistently. Rarely will Visage be canceled, unless your opponent gets a OOC&TT (or TT) in their opening hand. Secondly, it useful for pulling Visage, which is then conveniently tracked through Janus or OAP. It also saves me from burning Twi’leks to find a backup Visage, when oftentimes the Twi’lek is needed for something else. Lastly, it is a very easily tracked SIX. There are no other DS trackable sixes that can be played at any time without certain cards out (that I can think of). Sometimes a five just won’t cut it.

4/12 - I updated a few things, particularly the matchups section. Hope it helps.

4/18 - I just wanted to address WYS. John Sneed, my opponent in the finals at States, handed my WYS its only tournament loss EVER with a deck very similar to this. And I had Jedi Luke and an OCC/TT in my opening hand. Most WYS decks rely heavily on controlling the Tatooine system. I rarely fail to take control of the system, and stop Menace Fades and use Battle Plan to MY advantage. Also, Celebration is negated, and SSPFT/SP greatly hinders Harvest. Palace Raiders require caution, but all you must do is keep Visage working and keep a steady drain going (recall that Chiraneau will be at Tatooine, giving me a drain of 3 there alone). If you can cause about 6-7 cards a turn to hit their lost pile each turn, they have no chance. They can only try to battle you to stop the damage, and by that point, I’ll have tracked and will use my tricks to give me the advantage (Command/Guri will own space). There are so many things that happen and even go wrong, but trust me, there is more than enough stuff in here to maintain on the ground and in space. Sometimes it just requires some skill. Monnok owns Palace Raiders, BTW.

4/29 - Many of you are concerned about German Beatdown WYS. And you should be, because it is very problematic for this deck, enough so to cause me to change a few cards. What did I add? Two Battle Deployments. You have to play cautiously in this matchup. In the early game, STAY OFF OF TATOOINE Drain at your docking bays and keep Visage going with HoloNet and backups. Draw until you can assemble your space. Deploy the Chimaera, Thrawn and Guri (I also added a second copy of her) to Tatooine, but don’t deploy Chiraneau if you suspect they will have Admiral’s Orders (most do). Deploy Battle Deployment. Now, it will stay out because of Thrawn’s text, which won’t work if Chiraneau is out. Now move your characters to Tatooine to drain and contest them. They won’t be able to drop a beatdown, and you will have the upper hand in drains/damage. Also, back up the Chimaera with other ships to cushion against Darklighter Spin. It’s a hard matchup, but can be won easily with skill.

Also, someone mentioned something about Tarkin being useless. NO Fallen Portal is a bane of this deck, and Tarkin is the best Portal defense out there short of Sense. DO NOT REMOVE TARKIN if anyone plays Hidden Mains in your area


This is the style of Hunt Down you should be playing. I worked with Hunt Down forever after Reflections 2, and discovered Imperial Command is the way to go if you want to meet success against WYS. This deck beats almost anything thrown at it. Through tracking, it can own virtually anything on the ground. In space, it is almost uncontested by any conventional deck.


Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe

Executor Holotheatre

Visage Of The Emperor

Executor Meditation Chamber

Prepared Defenses

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

Crush The Rebellion