He gives this place bad Feng-shui

Title: He gives this place bad Feng-shui
Author: Phillip "Karrdeshark" Aasen
Date: Apr 3, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘ObjectiveYou Can Either Profit By This…./or keep your bad Feng-shui.



Ben Kenobi


EPP Luke

EPP Leia x2

General Solo

Han (frozen) (jedi Pack) (start)

Corran Horn

Chewie, Protector

Tessek x2

Arleil Schous

Gran x3 (yes, Gran)

Ishi Tib x3


L in MF x3


JP AC (start)

T JP (start)

T Obi’s Hut

T DB 94




Jedi Lightsaber


Staging Areas (start)

Insurrection (start)

YISYW (mostly start)

DODN/WA (start against BHBM/Huntdown)

Order To Engage x2

Bo Shuda

Bargaining Table

Underworld Contacts


HFTMF (start)

The Signal x3

Fallen Portal x4

Choke x2

Punch It x2


Chimes x2

C/TV x2

It’s A Trap x2

You Will Take Me To Jabba Now ‘

Strategy: ‘

Editor’s Note #1 Oops, my card list is messed up. Take out the second Order to Engage and the fourth Fallen Portal for Someone Who Loves You x2.

Please read before you rate

I know that Taooine will help but I will post Tatooine decks when it comes out. Not before. So please don’t point out stuff like Jar-Jar or Qui-Gon or anything. I know.

You can flip second or third turn nearly every game. You first turn Bo Shuda, Order To Engage, and an Alien to the Chamber. Unless they want to lose 3 a turn, they will let you have it. If they won’t abandon the Chamber, move away your aliens and next turn, beat the crud out of them I use the General because he can’t be Disarmed+Evazan. Order to Engage is tight Grans fit in perfectly. They fight, you retrieve, and if they fight at a DB or at JP, you ”Interrupt” Fallen Portal It’s so cool Ishi Tibs are awesome for finding what you need quickly. Between them, C/TV, The Signal, and drawing, you can find most everything you need. You play quite simply. Flip, and then drain. You aren’t trying for a major beatdown, you just want to protect you non-uniques and drain the crud out of them. Underworld Contacts prevents them from stopping your drains, while Tessek makes ’em awesome. You have no space except for the hit and run package of L in MF and Punch It It can usually stuff a couple of TIES or something when needed. You just cancel their drains with your non-uniques and drain. Here are

the reasons for cards

Tessek Draining power. Easier to drop your Tibs and Grans. If they like to drop mains, you activate for it.

Arleil Schous makes it even easier to deploy non-uniques. Can be dropped on Falcon for ability.

Grans Retrieve when they initiate. Fallen Portal and this guy work wonders with Order to Engage.

Ishi Tib +Drains with Tessek, easy recirculation.

Obi’s Hut and Cantina Non-pullable but nice activation and the Cantina is a great drain site.

Jedi Lightsaber I play this instead of uniques because it is only one force on LS, JK or Ben. It deploys on either so I only need the one. It’s great duel protection. Also, a higher destiny.

Bo Shuda+Order To Engage Very potent combo.

Underworld Contactsthey cannot stop your drains. Tight

Bargaining Table Stop a few drains.

L in MF+Punch It Nice surprise for those 2-4 TIEs.

Choke Stop Evazan, Ephant Mon, Cancels Jabba’s immunity to atrittion, or forfiet the Gran and save the Luke.

Fallen Portal Awesome card They must fight with Order to Engage, you make ’em pay for it.

OOC/TT Stops the Visage cold.

Chimes retrieve a bit late game. Find those Grans and Tibs.

C/TV Cancel drains, pull what you need.

It’s a Trap Cancels Sniper. (so they don’t knock you out of the Chamber) Also cancels an untimely Battle.

YWTMTJN pulls Tessek or Arleil.

Various Matchups

Scum Knock ’em out of the Chamber and fight ’em. You can win pretty dang quick once you cancel S&V and Gailid.

CCT The reason I don’t play Someone Who Loves You is because it is useless against this deck type. Bo Shuda drives them out most of the time and then you place their obj. out of play.

BHBM/Huntdown Play wisely. You can flip and drain fairly quickly and let Vader alone. Fallen Portal is good for getting rid of him.

ROPS Rule on Tatooine. Do not go to Ralltiir.

TIEs Win the drain race and damage the heck out of them with your Obj.

AOBS Leave Han at the chamber. Destroy them with Drains.

Anything else, have fun Thanks for reading and enjoy