Scouts of Doom

Title: Scouts of Doom
Author: John "Crash Beedo" Arendt
Date: Apr 3, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘There is Good in Him

Chirpa’s Hut

Endor DB

Spaceport DB

Back Door

Home One DB

Red Leader

Gold Leader

Claw x 2

Luke’s Lightsaber

Luke Rebel Scout

Luke Jedi Knight

General Solo

General Madine

Chewie of K

Chewie Protector



Sgt Brooks Carlson

Lt. Blunt

Col. Crackhead

Corp. Midge


Corran Horn

Lando w Axe


EPP Leia

EPP Obi Wan x 2


I Feel the Conflict

Staging Areas


Strike Planning

Wise Advice Combo


Bacta Tank

I Hope She’s Alright

Insertion Planning x 4

Double Agent x 3

Throw Me Another Charge

Under Attack

Fallen Portal x 2

Rebel Leadership x 2

Yoda Stew x 2

Yoda Stew Combo

Lost in the Wilderness

Surprise Assault

Courage of a Skywalker

The Signal

Heading for the Medical Frigate

Strategy: ‘

Lots of other people have put in the time and energy to describe how to play TIGIH Scouts. I refer you to the many excellent strategy sections out there to get your foundational knowledge of the archetype. This version isnt really that different.

Here are some explanations of card choices

Double Agent - the card is great. The deck uses quite a few spies (especially Blunt and Crack who get pulled from the reserve). Hmmm… why are spies good? Well, they kill Visage dead dead dead, they let you beatdown on force generators abusing the 0/1 DBs, and they act as security for Crix hanging out at Home One (ie, Double Agent lets you pop Mara immediately).

Yoda Stew - Scout generation is either feast or famine - either they don’t pick up Luke, and you have more force than you know what to do with, or they do pick him up, and you get choked. The stew helps with that, it also provides the opportunity for the first turn beats (especially when you get crap that you can pull anyway in your opening hand). Finally, saves you from a lost Monnok and lets your draw a little fat when they dont have the force saved, putting doubles back after they activate one.

Under Attack - the Sail Barge is very popular, and MKOS with the non-uniques is one of the harder matchups for Scouts. Sometimes you even get to use this on a Walker.

Landing Claws - the popular theory has been to use Edge retrieval in high destiny scouts to stay on top of the space drains, I felt the Claws (with Yoxgit, the Claw-maker) were more secure.

Rebel Leadership - with two Generals and high destiny, it seemed a no-brainer to help win battles.

Spaceport DB - plop this right outside Jabba’s Place (in between the Palace and the Desert) to give you easy access vs MKOS and avoid No Bargain-None Shall Pass. Brooks Carlson helps a lot here, too (freaky landspeed = 2, free movement).

Thats pretty much it - Scouts is a fun deck, it seems advantaged against Hunt Down, BHBM, decks with unique bounty hunters, that kind of stuff - it has a harder time with TIEs and non-uniques, but it comes out very fast.

There are plenty of holes with Scouts - like, Choke Vader w Saber and his good buddy Dr Evazan or the Dark Strike-Sniper combo are pretty much the Apocalypse for Scouts - but which deck doesnt have a good counter strategy? ‘