WYS with Huge Retieval

Title: WYS with Huge Retieval
Author: Spencer "s_ skywalker" Ball
Date: Apr 3, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Stuff


Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Tatooine Cantina

–Heading for the Medical Frigate-


Squadron Assignments

Staging Areas




Spaceport Docking Bay

Tatooine Lars’ Moisture Farm


Jedi Luke

EPP Luke

Luke Skywalker

Captain Han Solo x2

Dash Rendar

Wedge Antilles

Chewbacca, Protector

Chewie w/ Blaster Rifle

Lando w/ Blaster Pistol


Theron Nett

Owen Lars & Beru Lars


Ralltiir Freighter Captain x2

Mirax Terrik

Talon Karde


Millenium Falcon


Artoo in Red 5

Pulsar Skate

Red Squadron 1

Red 10


Luke’s Lightsaber

Admiral’s Orders

No Questions Asked


Kessel Run x2

Legendary Starfighter

Tatooine Celebration

Bacta Tank


Battle Plan

Menace Fades

Traffic Control

What’re You Trying To Push On Us?



Darklighter Spin

Control x2

It Could Be Worse

Fallen Portal

The Force Is Strong With This One

A Few Maneuvers x2

Out of Commision & Transmission Terminated

The Signal


Strategy: ‘

Okay, you start with Squadron Assignments, Insurrection, & Staging Areas.

First deploy <>spaceport docking bay to Tatooine from your reserve deck using insurrection. Put any smugglers you got in your opening hand down on a docking bay preferably (except for han and dash). Whenever you get han, dash, falcon, or outrider search for the matching and deploy it. The key is to own tatooine and the 4 sites on tatooine. All the smugglers have 2 abiltiy or higher so just put 2 down at each site so you draw 2 battle destiny everywhere on tatooine. Use luke wherever he is needed. Use jedi luke or epp luke on ground if needed. If your opponent is playing heavy space and you need some reinforcements use farmboy luke on r2 in red 5. you will have 8 maneuver on red 5 so a darklighter spin will be killer. And using the objective you can even play it from your lost pile (then its placed out of play). Once you got all this set up, get tatooine celebration down. Draw for ralltiir and kessel and start making kessel runs with the falcon or the outrider with a ralltiir freighter captain on board to retrieve 10 force. With leebo down they loose 1 every turn. With legendary there is another 2. fallen portal tarkin at the docking bay. Control any force drains that get though battle plan, and menace fades. You can play control and then play it from your lost pile, so its like you have 4 controls. This also applies for the rest of the lost interrupts in the deck, its like you have double the actual amount which is in the deck. If your opponent tries to shutdown your force drain at kessel or tatooine or both then play down strikeforce and he cant modify them. You can play harvest while owen and beru are at the farm and retrieve 4 force then next turn play it from your lost pile for a retrieval of 8. try to have 2 kessel runs completed so the opponent cannot re-flip your card. No questions asked allows you to follow people trying to move away from a beatdown or for you to add an extra charcter before a battle during your control phase. Or why not fire a blaster at someone with chewie or lando using No questions asked.

Tech explanations

Firstly, what I think is very cool is my damage absorber. Has anyone ever noticed what wedge’s forfeit is using insurrection and the flip side of WYS. It’s a 10 And he’s only 2 to deploy talk about “bacta man”. I get out the bacta tank and deploy wedge wherever I need to soak up some attrition or battle damage. That’s some sweet tech

The a Few Maneuvers may seem dumb, but its gametext isn’t the purpose in my deck. Do you relize how easy it is to track 6 destiny’s using this card Drawing 2 sixes practically every battle is awesome and it can easily win you the game.

This deck has huge RETRIEVAL as well as activation. Also it has some good force loss potential for your opponent.

Thanks for reading If you could offer me any changes/suggestions to be made to this deck that would be great thanx