Royal Pain

Title: Royal Pain
Author: Paul "Ultima 1" Merrian
Date: Apr 4, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (8)

              Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe 

              Visage Of The Emperor 

              Executor Holotheatre 

              Executor Meditation Chamber 

              Prepared Defenses 

              Imperial Arrest Order 

              Inconsequential Losses 

              Mobilization Points 

              Characters (22) 

              Prince Xizor 


              Captain Gilad Pellaeon 

              Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x2 

              Grand Admiral Thrawn 

              Lord Vader x3 

              Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand 

              Myn Kyneugh 

              Ephant Mon (to keep spies from canceling Visage) 

              Royal Guard x8 

              Emperor P. x2 

              Effects (2) 

              Secret Plans 

              I am your Father 

              Interrupts (5) 

              Sniper x2 

              Shut Him up or Shut Him Down 

              You Are Beaten x2 

              Locations (8) 


              Coruscant Docking Bay 

              Death Star Docking Bay 

              Cloud City Landing Platform 

              Executor Docking Bay 

              Tatooine DB 

              Cloud City Downtown Plaza 


              Starships (6) 


              Dengar In Punishing One 

              IG-88 in IG-2000 

              Bossk in Bus 

              Zuckuss In Mist Hunter 

              Boba in Slave 1 

              Weapons (9) 

              Vader’s Lightsaber x2 

              Force Pike x6 

              Mara Jade’s Lightsaber  '

Strategy: ‘

This is basically a non-dueling Hunt Down deck using Royal Guards to squash your opponents.

Get Vader out as soon as possible (duh), then get him back to the Meditiation Chamber ASAP.

Card explanations

Shut Him Up…- Bacta Tank is common in my area, but it also cancels several other important cards.

No Kir Kanos- I don’t want to wory about constant force loss to his upkeep.


HB mains- You simply need to assemle a beatdown crew at one f your many docking bays, then transfer them to wherever you need to.

HB space- You will have a small problem here, but if you rely on Super Chimaera, supported by Zuccuss and Dengar, you shoud be able to minimize the damage.

EBO- See HB space, but be wary of Ice Storms if you go under the shield.

WYS, Profit- Go to Tatooine, and hit hard and fast. Keep your opponent from retrieving by stationing your fleet at Kessel and initiating battle with any ship that tries to Kessel Run (for WYS). Don’ pre-deploy, but try to get Mara out quickly (for Profit).

MWYHL- Leave them alone on Dagobah, but destroy them if they try to go anywhere else. Drain if you can.

TIGIH- there is not much chance of not capturing Luke, so just don’t lose battles. Watch out for Lost in the Wilderness at the Endor DB.

These are the only decks that are popular in my area, but against others, just play smart. ‘