Oh let me have just a little bit of peril

Title: Oh let me have just a little bit of peril
Author: Tyler "rugman11" Williams
Date: Apr 5, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (8)

Set Your Course for Alderaan/The Ultimate Power in the Universe

Death Star


Death Star Docking Bay 327

Prepared Defenses

There is No Try & Opressive Enforcement

Mobilization Points

Secret Plans

Admiral’s Orders (2)

Fighter Cover x2

Characters (4)

Emperor Palpatine x2



Starships (15)

Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser x2

The Emperor’s Shield

The Emperor’s Sword

TIE Interceptor x11

Weapons (5)

SFS L-9.3 Laser Cannons x5

Locations (5)






Interrupts (14)

Twi’lek Advisor x3

I Can’t Shake Him x2

Short Range Fighters x2

All Power to Weapons x3

Ghhhk & Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us x2

Main Course x2

Effects (7)

Battle Order

Dreaded Imperial Starfleet

Secret Plans

Security Precautions

Sienar Fleet Systems x2

Something Special Planned for Them

Lateral Damage ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck was inspired by Michael Raveling’s TIE deck, with a few extras. The start will always be the same. The key to this deck is speed. The best possible hand you could have is a TIE, system, and ghhhk. Deploy them all and drain for two on turn two. Get Palpatine down at the DS Dbay quick, so you don’t have to worry about Battle Plan, plus you activate 4 there. Pretty nice. Drain at your systems and any systems your opponent gives you. Undercover spies to block their drains. Retrieval that is almost infinite. One thing, though. This deck is not for slow players. If you play slow, you will time out a lot. This is just because TIE decks are generally slow.

The AO is obvious. Don’t lose the second copy unless you know you’re opponent won’t deploy one.

The squadrons are there for retrieval and a little power. Dreadnaughts for transportation.

The weapons are killers. With as many fives as are in this deck, you can shoot down a lot of ships.

Interrupts are either defensive or offensive. All very effective.

Effects are anti-retrieval or anti-hidden base

Ghhhk will be your savior in this deck. You can deploy a lone TIE or two and be completely safe.

I Can’t shake him, so two TIEs, or one for that matter, can get a destiny.

Main Course, because Frozen Assets is the bane of this deck.

The main point of this deck is spreading and draining, deploying TIEs only for retrieval. Short Range Fighters when you need it or end game.

Specific matchups

WYS - The most prominent deck out there. Spy there sites and shoot their ships. They’re even kind enough to give you a drain two system to start. TRWEU for hyper escapes.

Hidden Base/Flip - Shoot their ships, drain at their systems. If they try to swarm you, ghhhk and swarm them back. Match their retrieval and make sure to get Security Precautions. Make sure to probe as soon as possible.

Hidden Mains - Spy their drains and drain away. This could be a tough matchup, but your drain protection will help.

MWHYL - Shooting the Super Falcon is not a problem. The hardest part will be draining them low enough before they flip and retrieve everything. Make sure you get Secret Plans out quick.

This deck is fun to play and also is undefeated in tournament play. Good luck and have fun with it.

Tyler “rugman11” Williams ‘