Hidden base 1 8

Title: Hidden base 1 8
Author: Dunya "Hardpack" Ertan
Date: Apr 6, 2001 Rating: 3.0



‘start 7


rendez. point


heading for clinic

wise advise

strike planning

squadran assignments

ships 19


gold leader in gold 1

red in red 1

gold squadran 1

home one

x-wing assualt x2

x-wing x12

weapons/devices 4

portable scanner x3

x wing canon

characters 7

asp-707 x2



general calrisian

corporal beezer

gen. Madina clix

locations 7







yoda’s hut/or training area dont know which is better

interupts 9

on the edge x3

organized attack x2

it could be worse

all wings report in

hojixs/out of nowhere x2

effects 6

rebel fleet

order to engage


trafic control


Strategy: ‘

First turn pull general carison and deploy endor. Second turn pull dagobah, yoda’s hut, falcon, general medina, and the scout and deploy them to rendous point. Drop all x-wings on rendous and move them for free to endor. Third turn deploy kassh and deploy more x-wings to other sytems. By now u should have yoda and daugher or 1 one the droids. This how is benzeer works. Move them to dabogah. Have the droid and benzer there. Use on the edge to retieve with portable scnaner. Get one out with benzer then deploy it to use top reserve pile. Use on the edge to retieve. Call 5 and u will get 6. train daugher for one reason force drain bonuses are now ignored. Keep deploying systems. After 5 turn or before flip during your control phase and drain. use revolution on yodas hut for 2. This is a still expiremental deck. So tell me what u think? I want to retieve while draining massive. Yes I know about yarna , i should of put one but dont know what to remove. Give me good advise and good review