More money than a monkey with a chainsaw

Title: More money than a monkey with a chainsaw
Author: Ben "Jigglypimp" Cavin
Date: Apr 7, 2001 Rating: 4.5





DSII Throne Room

Your Destiny

Insignificant Rebellion

TINT/Oppressive Enforcement

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobil. Points

Prepared Defenses







The Party Favor(1)

Vader’s Toy

Blue Stuff(7)

Dengar in POS

Fett in S1


Bossk in HT


IG in IG

Zuckuss in MH


Presence of the Force

First Strike


Lateral Damage

Battle Order

Emperor’s Power

Sec. Precautions


Trooper Assault X4

Tactical Support X3

Full Scale Alert X2

Twilek Advisor


Local Trouble

Operational As Planned

Dark Jedi Presence


Navy Trooper Vesden

Sergeant Torent

Sergeant Barich

Lord Vader X2

Emperor Palpatine X2

Corporal Drelosyn


Sergeant Major Enfield

Navy Trooper Fenson

Sergeant Wallen

Stormtrooper Cadet X2

Choke Vader X2

Sergeant Elsek

Sergeant Irol

Strategy: ‘

Card Explanations

-Starting Makes it look like a regular BHBM deck, but its not.

-Choice of DBs Endor because it is foil and expensive for LS, Spaceport so you can go to them if you need to, CC because no projection works there, DSII because it is needed.

-Space IG is cool, he just sits there ’til you are ready to fight, Stinger cause its good destiny, and all others because they are needed against space decks.

-Presence of the Force Have you seen those decks that leave Crix Madine at HODB? Presence and a beatdown follows.

-Sec. Precautions Good destiny and needed vs. hidden base.

-Tactical Support Lose a force to grab three troopers. I’ll go get some partners and fight ya with ’em.

-Full Scale Alert This is TECH Use two force, draw destiny under # of stormtroopers, and all movement for opponent is stopped (except for smugglers). When they move, each one is an action, so stop him at the last guy, play it and beat him up next turn.

-Counterattack Fight them again to get them on attrition. You get an extra battle destiny, and you retrieve with first strike.

-Local Trouble WYS is popular here, so this is Tech. My Two stormtroopers battle your freighter captain or palace raider in the cantina. Lets see, I get 1(ability), 2(pair ups), 3(Local trouble adds one), 4(Emp’s power) destinies, to your none? and a trooper assault? Sux for you.

-Operational as planned Stack some destiny with janus and recirculating five.

-Dark Jedi presence Lets see, these troopers are all power three or four because of an assault, now they are power six or eight, adding a bunch of destiny??? Thats just wrong.

-Vesden #s protection, and a trooper too.

-Fenson retrieval protection, and a trooper too.

-Torent and enfield Add a destiny together, and add one to total destiny, and troopers too.

-Barich, Elsek, Drelosyn, and Irol Irol and Drelosyn add together, and dont forget that Irol deploys as a react to endor for 1 (that won me a lot of battles), Elsek takes all attrition and battle damage with his buddies, and Barich subtracts attrition and power destiny, and they’re all troopers too.

-Wallen Deploys free to a battle at a battleground, and a trooper too.

-Stormtrooper Cadets are just cool.

-Janus Lets you find cards and set up destinies. Why no Sim??? He’s not needed and space is tight here.

There is your explanations, just remember to grab a card for each battle (cause you’re gonna win em all) and have fun. Email me at if you have any questions about playing against specific decks or anything else. ‘