Wright Style Hunt Down

Title: Wright Style Hunt Down
Author: Brian "Bean2213" Wright
Date: Apr 8, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/

Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe

Locations (8)

Executor Holotheatre (Starting)

Executor Meditation Chamber (Starting)

Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Cloud City East Platform

Endor Back Door

Endor Landing Platform



Characters (15)

Admiral Chiraneau

Boba Fett w/Blaster Rifle

Darth Vader x2

Darth Vader, DLOTS

Darth Vader w/Lightsaber

Emperor Palpatine

Ephont Mon

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Grand Moff Tarkin


Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Prince Xizor

Sim Aloo

Vehicles (2)

Blizzard 2

Tempest 1

Starships (9)


Bossk In Hound’s Tooth


Dengar In Punishing One


Dreanaught Class Heavy Cruiser

Scythe Squadron TIE x2

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Effects (9)

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

No Bargain


Search And Destroy

Secret Plans

Something Special Planned For Them

Visage Of The Emperor x2

Interrupts (13)

Dark Manuvers & Tallon Roll

Endor Occupation

Focused Attack

Imperial Command

Prepared Defences (Starting)

Sniper & Dark Strike

The Circle Is Now Complete

Twi’Lek Advisor x2

Unexpected Interruption

Vader’s Obsession


Weapon Levitation

Weapons (2)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Vader’s Lightsaber

Epic Event (1)

Epic Duel (Starting) ‘

Strategy: ‘

Okay, remember, this is my FIRST attempt at making a Hunt Down deck. If you like it, great. If not, then PLEASE give me some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism on how I may improve it. Here we go.

CORRECTION No Bargain is supposed to be NO ESCAPE.

When starting out, I’ll choose my starting effects based on what my opponent is playing. Typically, I’ll want to start with Imperial Arrest Order, Mobilization Points, and No Escape. However, if my opponent is playing a big force drain deck, such as EBO, I’ll replace No Escape with Resistance. Or, against a retrieval engine such as WYS, I’ll use IAO, Secret Plans and SSPFT.

Okay, on the first turn we need to get out a battle ground… Using IAO to pull a docking bay accomplishes that perfectly. Now, depending on what the opponent is playing, and what I’ve drawn in my opening hand, I may be able to put someone there to increase my force activation. Xizor, Vader or the Emperor will do. Vader of course would flip my objective, which is nice since it will keep me from having to lose force to my own Visage card. The other thing I have considered is deploying either Ephont Mon or Emperor Palpatine (provided I draw one of them) to the Holotheatre to avoid a spy canceling Visage.

Regardless of how the first turn goes, I should have more activation for turn 2. So now its a matter of fortifying at a location or two, forcedraining, and waiting for an opportunity to duel. I paired each of my docking bays with a 2/2 site (Back Door and Downtown Plaza) to give me good activation and locations for draining. I have also included a copy of Search And Destroy as an added incentive for my opponent to deploy somewhere where I can get to him… against a space deck its like having a second Visage in play, only it doesn’t hurt me any.

By turn 3, 4 at the latest, I should have everything I need to duel. There are 4 Vaders (and 2 Mara’s; remember she can duel Luke also) in here, and as long as I draw enough cards I should get either Vader’s Obsession or TCINC, and hopefully focused attack. If I need one and don’t have it, that is what Unexpected Interruption is in here for. There are 18 cards in here with a destiny of 4 or better, so with Focused Attack to grant an extra destiny winning the duel should not be too hard, especially if my dueling character has their lightsaber with them.

Okay, some of you may not agree with this, but I included space power and locations because I want the most flexible deck I can build. Space is not this deck’s strong point, but I wanted to have enough space power to at least control a system, maybe two. And I didn’t want those cards to go to waste if my opponent is playing exclusively on the ground, so I included Sullust and Kashhyyyk. Both are drain 2 locations (3 with Chiraneau) and provide me with 2 force.

One last note I deliberately left out Sense/Alter protection cards because my objective provides that protection. Adds 4 to the draw on the front, disallows it completely on the back. Most light decks play a lot of high destiny cards, so it is unlikely they will be able to sense or alter anything.

Card Choices

The Scythe Squadron TIEs are in here because they are 4 destiny, and because they are great for Tallon Roll (adding 7 to the destiny draw). Dark Manuvers & Tallon Roll played with one of those fighters could rid me of the super falcon or Dash Rendar in the Outrider. And if my opponent is not playing in space then I can just use it to add to power and manuever of the TIE, sending the interrupt to my used pile and back into my deck.

The rest of the ships should be pretty self-explanitory, The star destroyers for Chiraneau’s text, the bounty bunter ships for their own text, and The dreadnaught because it is a good destiny draw and adds to the power of my two TIEs. Thats pretty much it for space.

Sim Aloo Use his text to peek at your opponents top card before you duel, this will increase your chances of winning.

Search & Destroy Its like having a second Visage that can’t hurt you.

Endor Occupation Cancel that Celebration

Unexpected Interruption I use this almost exclusively to get that last dueling card I might need… although I may also use it to get Endor Occupation to cancel Celebration in a pinch.

Voyeur I love this card. Use it to cause a little extra damage here and there. Or, lose it to make your opponent lose that copy of OOC&TT they just played to cancel your Visage, then deploy the second one. This won’t work against WYS, but against anything else it will help to keep you in buisness.

Deck Matchups

I haven’t actually had the opportunity to play this against anyone but myself, but here’s what I think should happen


Start with Resistance instead of No Escape. Get your characters to your battle ground sites and fish out Search and Destroy using Twi’lek Advisor. With the objective fliped they will be losing 2 force at the end of every turn, plus whatever you can force drain for. If you are feeling bold, use your space power to try and hold down ONE system. Don’t go for more than one, or X-Wing swarms and other things will eat you alive. Duel if given the opportunity.

Hidden Base

This game should go similarily to the EBO matchup, unless they are playing ”Hidden Mains”. You should know by their second turn or so which it is. If its mains, watch out for beatdown squads. Duel as soon as you can, because having their main beatdown guys (luke & Obi w/saber) placed out of play will help you a lot.


Could be trouble. The Emperor, Sim Aloo, and Vader might be able to collectively hold a site for you. Duel Luke if you can. Use ”Choke” Vader to kill little scouts. Use your space power to drain at a system, 2 if you can.


Could be even more trouble. You won’t be able to duel Luke. Duel Obi if you can, otherwise this may become a drain race. Only fight battles you KNOW you can win, you don’t want your opponent stacking cards under I Feel The Conflict.


Mara and Xizor at the Audience Chamber. Send Guri for backup when you can. If luke shows up, duel him. If Ben Kenobi shows up, duel him (With Vader of course). Otherwise, play as normal. Establish a drain or two. Fight for Tatooine system if it comes out. Cancel Celebration.


This is probably the toughest matchup. They’ll most likely cancel visage with OOC&TT. Even if you get it with Voyeur, they can play it again from lost pile. They will most definitely have characters at battleground sites, so Search And Destroy won’t do much good. Get them OFF Tatooine system if you can.

I originally had Trooper Davin Felth and Sergeant Wallen (Both are troopers) as an anti-Harvest measure, but just couldn’t fit them in. I also wanted to use Battle Order (since I have both space and ground power). I also wanted some grabbers, and a copy of Operational As Planned to help me cycle some cards… if you have any suggestions on how I could fit some of these in, let me know. Thanks for reading Remember, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism PLEASE.