
Title: Hardpressed
Author: Stephen "Texan" Beckham
Date: Apr 9, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (8)

Cloud City Upper Walkway

Cloud City Incinerator Room

Cloud City East Platform (docking bay)

Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Cloud City Port Town District


Bespin Cloud City

Death Star 2 Docking Bay

Characters (18)

Lord Vader

Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x2

Grand Moff Tarkin x2

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Emperor Palpatine x2

Janus Greejatus

Sim Aloo

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Admiral Chiraneau

Prince Xizor

Dengar with Blaster Carbine

Boba Fett with Blaster

IG-88 with Riot Gun


Starships (7)


Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Os-72-1 in Obsidian 1

Os-72-2 in Obsidian 2



Interrupts (14)

Evader & Monnok

Force Lightning

I Have You Now x2

Imperial Command x2

Masterful Move

Tallon Roll & Dark Maneuvers

Prepared Defenses

Sniper & Dark Strike

Twi’lek Advisor

The Circle Is Now Complete

You Are Beaten

Jabba’s Through With You

Effects (10)

Crush The Rebellion

Imperial Arrest Order

Lateral Damage

Mobilization Points

Cloud City Occupation

Dark Deal

Search And Destroy

Secret Plans

Something Special Planned For Them

Oppressive Enforcement & There Is No Try

Weapons (2)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Vader’s Lightsaber

Objective (1)

This Deal is Getting Worse All The Time/Pray I Don’t Alter It Anymore

Strategy: ‘


I have seem to made a mistake. I guess the Devastator would be better than the Avenger. Either way, just keep a good ability two Star Destroyer.

The destiny in this deck is actually pretty decent. I have a decent amount of sixes and fives to cycle through. I really wish I had more, but it is hard in a battling character deck. Thanks

The only real reason I had IAO was to pull the docking bay. With the new card, I can pull the Docking Bay and Incinerator room at the start of the game. How sweet can that be. I will probably even swap out Upper Walkerway or Downtown Plaza for the West Gallery. That way if I draw up an interior I still have two more to pull. I will definatly drop IAO for I’m Sorry. That will be oh so sweet.

Starting Cards

The Deal Objective

Port Town District or Downtown Plaza

Secret Plans

Prepared Defences

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

Crush the Rebellion

With the coming of everything that can kill Hunt Down, I decided to try something new. The on coming of docking bay activation denial is coming with the new spoilers I read so I don’t know how that will affect the game except my hunt down is going to be crap for awhile. Eventually I am going to take out Death Star 2 docking bay and then Imperial Arrest Order. I love mobile sites because you cannot Projection of Skywalker them and Crush makes them extremely protected. Unless you are playing a Jedi Test 1 deck you can easily drain the opponent out fast. If they do get across Menace Fades or Test 1, do not give up on the game. Drains are still going to be huge and your power bonus is enough to take out just about anyone.

This deck is going to be done fast. You do not have a huge character base but you have enough to get your CCO and DD out on the table. Vader and Palpatine are just wrecking forces when coupled with I Have You Now. Jedis will take a serious beating. Hopefully you can get the aliens to the port down district, Vader and Tarkin to the Downtown plaza and the Emperor and crew elsewhere. This will be your best advantage. This deck is extremely battle oriented. I Have You Now, Jabba’s Through with You will add the extra destinies you need and You Are Beaten and Force Lightning will help you exclude some characters. Space is something you need to keep strong also. Get to OS guys into the cloud sector and let them sit there. If Dash or the Super Falcon comes to visit you Tallon Roll them and they are going to be gone. If you are not sure if it will work, lateral damage them first, then rid yourself of the nuisance. Command for Thrawn and Chiranue fast because they will hold the system and drain for even more. That is two destiny when they are on preferably Chimaera or Avenger or Executor.

Hopefully, with Search and Destroy, the lightside will come after you with maybe Obi. That will be sweet because you can make Obi go gone. People have not seen this one coming either. Sniper the rest of them and keep them losing to the CCO and Search and destroy. What if they play Honor of the Jedi? You just cover three sites and laugh at them. You have the ultimate retrieval protection since you can start Secret Plans and have the option of starting Something Special Planned for Them. Make sure you pull Evader & Monnok fast to hit them hard when the draw up too much.

Card Explanations

Cloud City Incinerator Room – Force retrieval. Get Guri (great forfeit fodder) and IG-88 back. I had 4-Lom in here but he got cut. Let me know what to take out for him if you see him needed.

Force Lightning - Great for tracking and when you track something else it is great character removal.

I Have You Now & Jabbas Through With You – Because extra destinies are the coolest.

Imperial Command – To get Thrawn and Chiranue out to establish your hold on Bespin

Masterful Move – Good for cycling six and Savrip is making a comeback.

Tallon Roll & Dark Maneuvers – Rid yourself of the pesky starships that can straight demolish you.

The Circle Is Now Complete – Not going to be seen by opponent, it is a six and you can remove Obi from the game.

Lateral Damage – Great space protection and Tallon Roll in case.

Deck Explanations


Play your own game. They want to keep Tatooine, you want to keep Bespin. However, with Cloud City Occupation and your sits, you will drain for more than them. They will be forced to come after you. Keep Guri around, try not to lose her. Use your Jabba’s Through to add destinies because these decks will get eaten up eventually. If they give up Tatooine to come for you, deploy to Tatooine, cancel Celebration and move over to Bespin.

VS Mains

Sit and drain. Once they come to you, try to remove as many as you can with choking and multiple destinies. Play your game here again. Wait for them to come and circle obi and beat the hell out of the other mains. All the space you will see is super falcon, dash and Home One. Anyone of those is Zuckuss bait and the other will be lateral damage bait. You will have to track the sixes and fives in this game or you will never have the destiny to do anything. Try and stay in the groups mentioned earlier in the strategy for best results. That way you get the power and extra destinies you need. SSPFT will be the first thing you need to pull out.

VS Space Swarm.

This may pose a threat. Organized Attack is one of the banes of this deck, but I still would rather have Dengar on the ground. Zuckuss will help out immensely and just keep a command in hand to add that extra destiny. Once they start drawing up monnok used them and keep their hand down to a decent size. I would say monnok lost them but it will only be a one shot thing if you do. Extra destinies will win you the game.

VS Scouts

This is the only game I suggest playing their game. Drain for drain, once they get Fades out you are going to be down. Send a small force like choke Vader and Tarkin down to take them out. Fortunately you can chocke them easily and they usually don’t get too many extra destinies so Tarkin will tear them apart. Keep draining on cloud city and take out their little groups. If it is TIGIH, without Luke, they are going to be hurting bad.