Mains Scouts and Obi Wan’s Journal Oh My

Title: Mains Scouts and Obi Wan’s Journal Oh My
Author: Jeff "Squid771" Miller
Date: Apr 9, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Hidden Base/SWSTYF

Yavin 4(hidden base)

Rendezvous Point

Heading for the Medical Frigate

Strike Planning

Staging Areas



Obi-Wan Kenobi

Ben Kenobi x2

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x3

General Solo

Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol

Daughter of Skywalker

Leia with Blaster Rifle

Chewbacca, Protector

General Crix Madine

Corporal Beezer

Corporal Midge

Corran Horn

Mirax Terrik

Admiral Ackbar

First Officer Thaneespi

Major Haash’n


Anakin’s Lightsaber

Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber x2

Luke’s Lightsaber

Obi-Wan’s Journal


Home One x2




Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Tatooine Docking Bay

Home One Docking Bay

Endor Landing Platform(Docking Bay)

Endor Back Door


Your Insight Serves You Well

Honor of the Jedi

I hope She’s All Right

Order to Engage


Control & Tunnel Vision x2

Sorry About the Mess & Blaster Prof.

Rebel Barrier

Weapon Levitation x2

Glancing Blow

Corage of a Skywalker

Swing and-a-Miss

Throw Me Another Charge x2

The Bith Shuffle & Desperate Reach x2

Out of Commission & TT x2

The Signal

This is another Hidden Base mains deck, but it is somewhat different from the standard carbon copy version. I use 0 retrieval, instead I focus on battling and force draining to win the game. Mains and Scouts with lightsabers control the ground. For space just Home One but with the entire Mon Calamari crew. The sweet thing about this deck is how quickly it pulls locations and generates force.

First turn, pull your two generals before activating. Deploy Dagobah and the Hut using Hidden Base and Dagobah game text. Pull Home OneDB with Insurrection. If you feel safe from beatdown put Madine at H1 for extra force generation. 2nd turn pull Endor and another DB, whichever is more suitable for your hand. 3rd turn pull remaining DB. Within the first few turns use Madine to pull Beezer and Midge. You also want Obi or Luke with Beezer so she can deploy the Journal on them from your deck. The Journal is crucial as that combined with Weapon Levitation and the duel protection cards will make your Jedi tough to kill. If your opponent is playing ground go after them when you feel ready. You’ll want one of the Jedi with the Journal and some scouts/mains to help out. If your opponent is playing space get your ground drains going quickly. You’ll need the H1 to fight them. So draw and use Tunnel Vision to find it and the Mon Cal crew. Haas’n is vital as Lateral Damage will kill you. Han, Chewie, and Leia also make good pilots, but keep Luke on the ground. In space attack at their weakest point, but don’t get caught in a trap, runaway to Dagoabah or RP if necessary. Your ground drains will get huge with the sabers and Midge on Endor. You can also use Tunnel Vision to get the Back Door faster since it is the only location that can’t be pulled directly from your deck. Mid to late game if you kick them off the ground, or if they are playing space, set up I hope she’s all right for extra damage. Use Order to Engage if they run away. Keep recycling high destiny interrupts and track them for crucial weapon/battle destinies.

Card Explanations

Obi-Wan Kenobi–Not as good as Ben, but deploys anywhere, so more versatility.

Jedi Luke x3–Rebel Scout isn’t destiny 6, besides Bring Him shouln’t be that tough with a ground based mains deck. Did I mention he’s destiny 6? hehe

Daughter of Skywalker–scout, can wield Anakin’s Saber, gives me extra force, and is tougher to kill.

Corporal Midge–makes my drains at endor sites alot bigger. Scouts he can be used with, Luke, Han, Leia.

Corporal Beezer–Pulls Obi’s Journal. Also stops reacts on the ground for all those AT-ST lovers.

Mirax Terrik–I use her instead of Traffic Control since her abilities are better, faster, and she’s a character to boot.

I Hope She’s All Right–Great against TIE/Space decks. Also do more damage if you beat the opponent off the ground.

Control/TV–Tunnel Vision gets the cards you need H1, Mon Cal crew, Sabers, Back Door. Control cancels big drains and is the only Sense/Alter protection I have.

Swing-and-a Miss–Total tech here. Cancels the sniper/dark strike combo card, helps keep your mains from getting hit, and cancels focused attack.

Throw Me Another Charge–destiny 6, used interrupt, for destiny tracking only.


Hund Down–Start YISYW and sac it to pull Honor. Don’t deploy your Jedi until you get at least one duel protection card. Visage can be cancelled with the 2 TT or Corran Horn. Honor will help you until they put down No Escape. Bith Shuffle their deck if you sense a duel coming on.

Bring Him–Give them Luke when your ready, but definately avoid the Your Destiny damage. They start losing force to their own card. Get out Honor if they intend to duel. Deploy in masses to drain so if they fight you, you’ll hopefully win.

Scum–Tough matchup. Let them have the Chamber until your ready, sit outside on Jabba’s Palace. Order to Engage and battle interrups will help here. Don’t spread until beatdown potential is elimanated. Substitute Lando w/ Vibro for Ackbar if Scum really worries you.

TIE’s/Space–drain fast fast fast on the ground. Get IHSAR set up for added damage. H1 and crew can pick on weak spots he’s draining at. Just watch out for Lateral Damage. Use Corran or Mess to get rid of undercover spies. ‘

Strategy: ‘

Oops, see above.

Update April 16, 2001

Replace Throw Me Another Charge x2 with Draw Their Fire and Fallen Portal.
