EO that i need help with

Title: EO that i need help with
Author: bryce "khabarakh" leen
Date: Apr 10, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting stuff 8

Endor Operations/…



Landing Platform

Prepared Defences

Imperial Arrest Order

Battle Plan

Mobilization Points

Locations 3

Dark Forest

Back Door


Characters 19

Emperor Palpatine

Lord Vader


Mara Jade

Sim Aloo

Janus Greejatus

Officer Evax

Gradn Admiral Thrawn

Captain Gilaid Pallaeon

Admiral Chiraneau

Mighty Jabba

Prince Xizor



Boba Fett with Blaster Rifle

Dengar with Blaster Carbon

IG-88 with Riot Gun

4-LOM with Concussion Rifle

Starships/Vehicles 5



Dengar In Punishing One

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Tempest Scout 6

Weapons 3

Vader’s Lightsaber

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Vibro Axe

Interruupts 10

Sense & Uncertain Is the Future x3

Alter & Collateral Damage x2

Always Thinking with Your Stomach

Scruffy Lokking Nerf Herder x2

Furry Furry x2

Effects 12

Imperial Decree

Secret Plans

Image Of the Dark Lord

Reactor terminal

Dark Waters x2


Presence of the Force

Lateral Damage

Overseeing It Personally

Blast Door Controls

Broken Concentration

Strategy: ‘

This deck was recently played at a tourney and went 3-0 so it work ok but i think it needs a slight bit of work.

Destiny Layout









Against TIGIH

This is a god matchup and will push the deck. the 2 i have played i have beaten by 12 & 9 so it does come close. on the first turn put an imperial down at the docking bay and reduce their activation to 4. then put down Vader go in for the capture. get him to the docking bay or to a drain site and stack up defensively. pull out the EXECUTER with mob. points and put it at endor. be sure to control endor, put the CHIMAERA there as well and you should be right. choose your battles carefully and dont allow them to get anything stacked on their pile (FROM BATTLES). beat up on them, but dont allow it to happen to yourself. you should be able to win against this.

Against Others

Get the EXECUTER to endor along with its good friend Mr. CHIMAERA (and crew) and then get your men on the ground to drain for lots while in space you beat thm off with a stick.

always be sure to check exactly what characters they put down, if they get a Leai Han combo or a Han Chewie combo play scruffy… or Furry Furry and subtract a good amount from their power/attrition. ‘