Split Manipulator

Title: Split Manipulator
Author: Ryan "XjedeyeX" Fojtik
Date: Aug 19, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Start (3) TatooineJabbas Palace Combat Readiness Jabbas PalaceAudience Chamber

Locations(7) JPDungeon JPEntrance Cavern TatJundland Waste TatLars’ Moisture Farm Kashyyk Kiffex Endor

Creatures (1) Bubo

Characters (16) Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader w/Lightsaber x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 EPP Boba Fett Jabba The Hutt Brangus Glee Zuckuss Myoom Onith x2 DS612 DS613 DS614 Gailid Admiral Ozzel

Starships (6) Death Squadron Star Destoryer x3 Executor Devestator Bossk in Hounds Tooth

Vehicles (3) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Blizzard 1

Effects (9) Come Here You Big Coward Imperial Decree Secret Plans Battle Order Prescence of the Force Therell Be Hell to Pay x2 Expand the Empire Surprise

Interrupts(15) 3 Monnok 4 Alter 6 Scanning Crew Twi Lek Advisor Always Thinking With Your Stomach

Strategy: ‘

This is a very interesting Combat Readiness manipulator deck. It splits space and ground vehicle-wise, and goes for immunity to attrition to help make up for its lower character count. It has the ability to alter early in the game, and against non-nudj revos, can instead start JP expand for the added force generation. Since it sports both starting interrupts, it can go with any of the other necessary starts agasint specific decktypes (ie, start battle order against ops, start secret plans against rescue the princess, etc.).. And against those decks, it still has the Jabbas Palace gametext to pull a site every turn to increase the force generation.. with the large force generation, the drain sites come out early, and with the manipulation, the LS mains dont hit the table until at least the midgame, if not later.. and if they do manage to come down, youll be able to see the beatdown coming, and either prevent it with manipulation +deploy, or ATWYS their mains out of existence.. Surprise is in there for a retreival engine, the idea is to paste some people for a few extra cards back per game, and add to the force loss when they play the small stacks of characters that tend to come out against manipulation.. all in all this is a well rounded deck that takes some skill to play, but is worth the trouble.. ‘