Imperial Occupation Odds with a twist

Title: Imperial Occupation Odds with a twist
Author: rad "flipout64" man
Date: Apr 11, 2001 Rating: 3.0




Imperial Occupation/Imperial Control

Secret Plans


Oppressive Enforcment

Prepared Defenses




Death Star

Spaceport City

Spaceport Street

Spaceport Prefect’s Office

Spaceport Docking Bay


TatooineJundland Wastes


R4-M9(Arfour-Emmnine) x8


Lambda-class Shuttle x7



Sentinel-Class Landing Craft

Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser


Close Call x3

Shocking Revelation x2

Twi’lek Advisor x2

Ommni Box and It’s Worse

Torture x2


3,720 to 1 x3

Sandwhirl x2

There’ll Be Hell To Play x2

Broken Concentration

Come Here You Big Coward

Reactor Terminal


Tempest Scout x2

Tempest 1

Imperial Walker x2

Blizzard Walker x2

Strategy: ‘

This deck has a good chance of winning. The only reason I use the objective is to deploy sites to Tatooine. I start by getting out sites and then finding all the droids. I put the droids on ennclosed vehicles which they pilot. I then deploy sandwhirl on a desert and find 3,720 to 1’s with Twi’lek Advisor and insert it in opponents deck. All my characters are destiny four so I should do well with it. I can force drain and be safe from sandwhirl. If opponent deploys an unshielded character to the same site as sand whirl he will be lost. I put in some space to stop force drains at systems. Close call is good to make the opponent lose some of their mains. Ommni Box and It’s Worse and Shocking Revelation are good destiny 5, used interrupts that are used to put another card in your life force. Torture is a high destiny and cancels odds. Broken Concentration is good at battling jedi training decks. I once made my friend redo the first jedi test 7 times before it was completed. Overall this is a pretty good deck. ‘