The Deck Is

Title: The Deck Is
Author: Cat "CatLoneRogue" Ceder
Date: Apr 12, 2001 Rating: 4.5



’ -Starting Stuff-

             This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time/Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further 

             Cloud City Upper Walkway 

             Secret Plans 

             Prepared Defense 

             Mobilization Points 

             Imperial Arrest Order 

             Crush The Rebellion 



             Bespin Cloud City 

             Cloud City Downtown Plaza 

             Cloud City East Platform 

             Cloud City Lower Corridor 

             Cloud City West Gallery 

             Death Star II Docking Bay 


             Admiral Chiraneau 

             Admiral Ozzel 

             Lord Vader 

             Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith 

             Grand Admiral Thrawn 

             General Veers 

             Commander Igar 

             Dengar With Blaster Carbine 

             Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba 

             IG-88 With Riot Gun 

             4-LOM With Concussion Rifle 

             Janus Greejatus 

             Lt. Cmdr. Arden 

             Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand 

             Prince Xizor 


             Niado Duegad 


             Vader’s Lightsaber 

             Mara Jade’s Lightsaber 


             Blizzard 1 

             Tempest 1 

             Boba Fett in Slave I 

             Bossk in Hounds Tooth 



             OS-72-1 in Obsidian 1 

             OS-72-2 in Obsidian 2 

             Zuckuss in Mist Hunter 


             Battle Order 

             Cloud City Occupation 

             Dark Deal 

             Search & Destroy 

             Something Special Planned for Them 

             There is No Try & Oppressive Enforcement 

             Dark Maneuvers & Talon Roll 

             Evader & Monnok 

             Ghhhk & Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us 

             Imperial Barrier 

             Imperial Command x2 

             Sniper & Dark Strike 

             Twi’lek Advisor 

             Weapon Levitation 

             Point Man 

             Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down 

             Reactor Terminal '

Strategy: ‘

             Greetings and welcome to another fun filled deck by the Garindan Collector. 

             This deck was made in a jest at first to play against the upcoming QMC deck but it had some different cards in it, but I

             wanted to actually make it a viable deck for now so I did and this is what I came up with. 

             It’s quite simple really you get your starting stuff out and then fish for Dark Deal first, then the Cloud City Occupation,

             oh, and first turn fetch the Executor w/Mobilization Points so you don’t have that ciruclating (before you activate). Once

             you activate fetch the Death Star II Docking Bay (if there) and drop a scrub, yes I know it’s not Cloud City, but that’s a

             +2 Force Activation momentarily, when you activate for your second turn, not barring sites you should have something

             like 9 to 10 force not counting your opponent and you only give up 2 or 3 (on the first turn). After a few turns get that

             scrub off the D*II DB cause he’ll get squished, of it you have the extra stuff after you’ve secured a decent set up with at

             least ability of 4 (or more) then move someone there to back him up. 

             The average drains in the this deck w/DD out, and no assistance from your opponent is 15 (that’s the high) average

             about 9. Most people will just tell me that, oh Jedi Testing will kill your force drain bonuses, yes, it will but not for long,

             cause it will take them at least 7 turns to get it to go, and after the 3rd I am usually draining fro about 9. Also, Menace

             Fades isn’t that nasty against me cause they have to hold both a system and a battle ground, and well my space is

             small, it’s powerful where I need it. And as for ground, well I have plenty of that as well. 

             Against most every deck just set up as normal and force drain hard. Let them make the mistake of coming to you. Don’t

             deploy to Bespin or Bespin Cloud City (vs Hidden Base) till you have the ground secured. Then just drop, flip, and then

             back up. You’ll be safer that way. And remember, Talon Roll/Dark Manuever the OS’s in the clouds where they become


             If you have any questions feel free to email or d-mail ( or AIM CatLoneRogue or ICQ



             Cat "The Ultimate Kubaz Collector" Ceder