Capturing Made Easy

Title: Capturing Made Easy
Author: Peter "martian" Hall
Date: Dec 3, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (7) Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Jabba’s Palace Dungeon Tatooine Jabba’s Palace (start) Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Lars’ Moisture Farm Tatooine Mos Eisley Tatooine Tusken Canyon

Carachters (16) 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle Boba Fett x2 Boelo Danz Borin IG-88 With Riot Gun x2 J’Quille Jabba the Hutt Jabba Lyn Me Myo Ree-Yees Tonnika Sisters U-3PO (Yoo-Threepio) Zuckuss

Ships/Vehicles (6) Boba Fett in Slave I Bossk In Hounds Tooth Dengar In Punishing One Jabba’s Space Cruiser Mobquet A-1 Deluxe Floater x2 (tech)

Device (1) Binders

Effects (13) All Wrapped Up x2 Bounty x2 First Strike Lateral Damage Oppressive Enforcement Scum And Villainy x2 There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2 Undercover x2

Interrupts (17) Any Methods Necessary (start) Ghhhk He Hasn’t Come Back Yet x2 Hidden Weapons x2 Hunting Party x2 Imperial Barrier Sniper x2 Torture x2 Twi’lek Advisor x2 Wounded Wookie

Strategy: ‘

I made this deck for a change of pace from the Big Blue type DS decks that I had been playing. Basically the idea is to capture the opponent’s mains. It starts with Tat JP, and Any Methods Necessary. Use AMN to get Fett, gun, ship, Dungeon.

vs. MWYHL/Mains/etc. - Try to get S&V rolling w/ Jabba & suport at the AC. If they come to Tatooine, great. If not, send out hit squads. Capturing is surprisingly easy due to the deck’s high destiny (15 4’s, 9 5+’s). Capturing really takes the wind out of the EPPs’ collective sail. They have no immunity, and if you capture one during the battle, it takes away their extra battle destiny. It’s really fun.

vs. HB - Harass them with ships, and retrieve w/ S&V/First Strike. Try to block the big drains and outdrain them. Duh.

vs. Ops - You can’t outdrain them, so you have to keep battling them. Even if you don’t win the battles, at least you’ll be retrieving. S&V/First Strike are essential. Undercover Spies can help, too.

vs. Anything else (what else is there?) - Battle, Retrieve, Capture.

This deck isn’t going to win Tournaments or anything, but its a lot of fun (I have tried it on CardTable.) ‘