What I would Take To State

Title: What I would Take To State
Author: Phillip "Karrdeshark" Aasen
Date: Apr 13, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Okay, so maybe I do have the cards ;)

ObjectiveThis Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time/Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further



Lord Vader

EPP Vader

Mara x2

Palpy x2

Prince Xixor x2

Guri x2

EPP Fett

ECC Iggy




D in PO

B in HT

Z in MH











CC Chasm Walkway

CCCarbonite Chamber (start)


Mara’s Stick

Vader’s Stick


Secret Plans (start)

No Escape (start)

TINT/OE (o.s.)

YCHF (o.s.)

Battle Order (start)

Resistance (o.s.)

Blast Door Controls

CC Occupation

Dark Deal

All Too Easy x2

Reactor Terminal



Prep. Def. (start)



Vader’s Obsession

Operational as Planned x2

Imp. Barrier x2

Control/SFS x2


Wep. Lev.

Oh, Switch Off x2

(there are no tatooine cards because they aren’t in circulation yet.) ‘

Strategy: ‘

Editor’s Note #1 I only need one Twi’lek because (a) I start four. (B)I pull Dark Deal and Occupation with the Obj. (c) YCHF will pull S&D. (d) I will draw some. Therefore, you only need the one.

Editor’s Note #2 I would also like to point out that this deck requires experience because your strategy changes depending on what the opponent does.

Editor’s Note #3 You can easily choke Chewie or Han or or hit a Leia blindly because you have a lot of good destiny mid to late game.. Reactor Terminal makes it so that you can actually track a bunch of Destinies. (pretend your tracking the top one in the stack)

Okay, this deck revolves around the ”Big Four” effects of Dark Deal, CC Occupations,

Search And Destroy, and All Too Easy. These effects can cause massive force-loss for

the opponent (hence, No Escape). You have a pretty simple strategy of holding CC on

the ground and in space. Should they not come to the ground, No Escape will stop

Honor, while S&D wrecks them. Should they come to space, you have a fairly large

space fleet, say, at least enough to hold 2 systems. You only need to hold BCC for one

turn to flip and then sit on Bespin (and Tatooine against WYS) and wreck them. The

dueling cards are tight because (a) your opponent will never see them coming, and (b)

they are trackable 6s. As I said, you will play a ”Hold Bespin and CC sites w/variations

against specific decks (as specified in the matchups).” You can cause awesome force-loss

with +Drains, S&D + CC Occupation, and All Too Easy. Picture this DVDLOTS at the

chamber with his stick against EPP Leia, EPP Luke, EPP Obi, EPP Han, and Chewie,

Protector. You Choke Han, Duel Obi and Luke, hit Leia and then ATE her (love that

acronym for All Too Easy ;)(devastating seeing as there is no way to release that EPP Leia

you just ’Froze’ ), and Chewie goes to attrition.

You play several counters or counter strategies so you can battle any deck. Here are the


WYS Flip and then go to the Tatooine System. Sit on the two systems (Executor at

Kessel, if necessary) and let them have their sites.

Mains Go to space and Battle Order will stop them from draining. ATE someone and

Duel. Out-drain them. Slow down any OMDH or On The Edge with Secret Plans.

Guri+Xixor are a wrecking crew.

HB or EBO X-wings S&D will kill them over time. Hold only Bespin and you won’t get

over-powered in space. Dark Deal+CC Occ.+S&D will murder them.

TIGIH Try to get rid of Luke with a Guri+Xixor at the DB should he come. Sit on CC

against speeders. against the mad flip you’ll have to kill Luke at all costs.

MWYHL Can you say S&D+Dark Deal ;)

Deadbolt hold the 4th marker with Vader. Duel Obi+Luke and the rest should run.

Here are the card reasons

DVDLOTS love the Choke.

Lord Vader against TIGIH should it come to that.

EPP Vader better for suicide runs.

Mara tight

Palpy leave him alone and he’ll be ’Pulpy’.

GMT great with Vader.

Fett good pilot. has weapon.

Iggy kewl

4-LOM sweet

Xixor and Guri Great together

D in PO great against swarms.

Zin MH all around awesome

B in HT draws a Destiny by himself.

Devastator and Conquest 9 power apiece.

Executor and Chimeara great immunity.

The ’Sticks necessary.

The various locations Incinerator retrieves droids, Plaza retrieves sites, Chamber is

started, DB for getting places, and Port Town District is nice for drains.

Secret Plans anti-retrievel

Battle Order anti-drains

No Escape stuffs Honor


YCHF pulls S&D, anti-numbers

Resistance anti EBO drains and Numbers

BDC anti-Barrier

Reactor Terminal ups differential and great for tracking

Focused Attack add that Destiny

Wep Lev. Pull a stick or steal a Stick.

Twi’lek 90% of the time you will use it to pull All Too Easy.

Prep. Def. start the effects.

Imp. Barrier stop them from running or beating.

OAP anti-frozen and Grimtaash

Dueling stuff unseen menace.

C/SFS stop drains and Beats.

Oh, Switch Off Stop them from hitting Guri, Iggy, and 4-Lom, trackable 6.

Thanks for reading and please offer any comments. ‘