The X-wing Interception a V 2

Title: The X-wing Interception a V 2
Author: Robert "Sparky" Parker
Date: Apr 14, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting 8

Endor Ops/Imperial Outpost


Endor Bunker

Endor Landing Platform (DB)

Prepared Defenses




Locations 5


Mon Calamari




Characters 10


Lord Vader


Mara Jade, TEH

Grand Daddy Thrawn

Admiral Piett x2

Sim Aloo

Janus Greejatus

Comm. Merrejk

Starships 18


Dreadnaught x5

The Emperor’s Shield

Tie Interceptor x11

Effects 6

Sienar Fleet Systems

Ominous Rumors

Perimator Patrol

Dreaded Imperial Starfleet

Reactor Terminal

Well Guarded

Interrupts 12

All Power To Weapons x5

Twi’lek Advisor x4

Short Range Fighters x2

Imperial Command

Weapons 1

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck is a tie varient with my personal favorite base, Endor Ops. If you’re wondering where ESB and the sites are, I don’t flip. I didn’t in version 1 either. I think flipping is just a waste of time and slots, and if I get a +4 off Ominous Rumors, I can drain for 8-10 without any problem at all. First turn, I pull Wakeelmui before activating. I will almost always get 6+ activation my first turn and during a game, I can easily activate 15 or more a turn. I’ll pull ORumors first thing and get it down. I’ll also lose YCHF and get PP, unless I suspect numbers. Almost always I’ll get SFS or a Twi’lek in my opening hand with 5 chances avaliable. If I get a Twi’lek advisor, I look for SFS while I get ORumors. If SFS isn’t there, use your judgement. Most of the time hold on to the Twi’lek, but if you are absolutely ”Positive” that is will be a tough drain race get Dreaded Imperial Starfleet. If you don’t get a Twi’lek or SFS, draw up.

I have 4 chances of getting Merrejk during the game with Merrejk himself, and Imperial Command, and two Pietts. Once Comm. Merrejk comes down, pull Mon Calamari or Fondor first as they are both safe drain -1 systems. Plop Piett/Merrejk at the bunker. I really don’t fear spies that much. With PP, all I need at the landing platform is a Mara or Vader for the most part, as elom/alien decks aren’t common around here. Then, Merrejk can have a little backup at the Bunker, and he’s pretty safe. My 11 Interceptors really turn in to 15-20, since I can retrieve a few per game with SFS, and One a turn can go to the used pile instead of the lost pile. Your drains win the game for you.


”EBO” This is usually a fun game. Pretty much any EBO is a good matchup for this deck, since many are more character light than other decks, which helps, and many use x-wings which help. Thrawn, Chimaera, and two Interceptors could lay waste to up to 6 Incom x-wings with APTW, and two would always die in attrition at the minimum. This is a game you should win, if not always easily.

”Hidden Base” This is usually another fairly easy win if they are playing straight HB. Keep YCHF out a turn or two incase of #’s. If they are playing Hidden Mains, it can be tougher, but you will have the definite edge in space, and your drains should pull you through. Hidden Ops, same story, but easier to win against.

”AITC” Never played one, so I won’t say anything.

”RST” This along with TIGIH can be a tough matchup. In the games I’ve played against it, Ominous would get canceled anyway, so don’t even bother. Just get out all your systems with Merrejk and drain normally. You’ll still get a drain of 5-7. A first turn Lando/GS1 won’t hurt either as you’ll be chasing them from planet to planet. The aspect that really helps you here is your auto retrievial and tie saver, SFS. Your retrieval can definitely win you the game. That’s what’s happened to me prior to this.

”TIGIH” See above

”QMC” The new Tatooine card will make this a better deck by far, but you should still be fine. They’ll be concentrating on flipping, so let them, once SFS and your drains get going, you will win. That simple.

”DBO/Operatives” The thing these decks have going for them is speed. Still, your drains will be about the same, and either player might have a slight edge. I’d be surprising if they had any sort of a space fleet, (ops), and with DBO, it isn’t that great a fleet anyway, so you will be fine in that area. Your retrieval will again help you, and Mara could make an entrance to delay them a bit, but this shouldn’t be to hard.

”WYS” Dash can be a real pain, as with the interrupt thing, that is just abuse. This is one instance where a couple of Tie cannons would be nice to blow Capt. Han or Dash out of the sky, but they’re not in the deck, and they really don’t need to be for the most part. Your drains will max their’s, and your ties will have them running around. If they’re kessel running, you’re in good shape, but their interrupt function is a great equalizer to say the least. Play smart. It’s a very close matchup, and could go either way depending on which way the breaks fall.

”RTP” SSPFT would be good, but you shouldn’t have to much of a hard time. You’re drains will be much better than theirs, and you have some retrieval of your own. Shouldn’t be a problem, just don’t battle Leia, Warrior’s courage is a bad card to you, and a game saver for them. It hurts…

If you want specific matchups, D-mail me, and if you are going to rate this poorly, please tell me. Thank you.

(I know that cannons would be nice, so you don’t have to scream that out. They’re good, but not really necessary in this area…)