Hunt Down and Destoy any deck you want

Title: Hunt Down and Destoy any deck you want
Author: Spencer "s_ skywalker" Ball
Date: Apr 14, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (8)

Hunt Down



Meditation Chamber

–Prepared Defenses–

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilizatoin Points

Crush The Rebellion

Locations (3)

Death Star 2 docking bay

Executer Docking Bay

spaceport docking bay

Characters (14)

Darth Vader, DLOTS x2

Lord Vader x3

Emperor Palpatine x2

Grand Moff Tarkin x2

Mara Jade x3

Admiral Ozzel

Prince Xizor

Weapons (3)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Epic Events (1)

Epic Duel

Starships (6)


Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser

Boba Fett In Slave I

Dengar In Punishing One

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Effects (5)

Visage Of The Emperor

Security Precautions

Secret Plans

Search & Destroy


First Strike

Interrupts (20)

Alter x3

Sense x4

Evader/Monnok combo

Force Lightning

You Are Beaten x2

The Circle Is Now Complete x2

Vader’s Obsession x2

Weapon Levitation

I Have You Now x2

Twi’lek Advisor

Strategy: ‘

pull docking bays. pull executer.

draw till you get vader and any of tarkin, emperor, mara and then deploy down to their site and kick their butt.

you are beaten key characters. disarmed a lightsaber, then duel and make them loose a lot of force.

kill all of their characters and place luke and obi out of play then drain them to death at their own sites…as well as the constant eating away which visage does.