Title: 1941
Author: Chuck "Sonn" Sonnenburg
Date: Apr 15, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Endor Operations


Endor Landing Platform

Endor Bunker

Prepared Defenses

Planetary Subjugation

Mobilization Points

Combat Response



Admiral’s Orders(1)

Fighter Cover


Scimitar 1 x2

Scimitar Squadron TIE x6

Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser x3

The Emperor’s Shield

TIE Bomber x11


Major Rhymer


Concussion Missiles x2

Proton Bombs x3


Sienar Fleet Systems

Inconsequential Losses

Come Here You Big Coward

Reactor Terminal

Bombing Run x2


Short-range Fighters

All Power To Weapons x5

I Can’t Shake Him x4

Twi’lek Advisor x4 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Responses to comments

I agree that this deck will have problems against a Tatooine or Cloud City ground deck without the systems. For right now I feel safe without the systems because lightside is mostly WYS, Endor, or space, but after Tatooine this’ll have to go back on the shelf until the meta becomes more clear.

As for the TIE Interceptors, they would suck in THIS deck.

Interceptors can’t fight on the ground like Bombers can, and their destiny sucks. Like I said, this deck is not drop and drain, this is to fight the enemy wherever they are, even on the ground.


The bizarreness of this deck comes from its different goal. This is not a drop and drain deck, this is a battle deck. This is based on several factors

1) Draining with TIEs is dangerous because of Surprise Assault.

2) Battles don’t hurt you much when you play SFS because a forfeited TIE can go to your Used Pile anyway. With forfeiting weapons as well, you don’t need to fear battle damage.

3) Planetary Subjugation + Bombers = mucho high destiny. Proton Bombs(1), Reactor Terminal(3) and Major Rhymer(3) are the only low destiny cards to worry about, and they will usually be in your hand or in play anyway.

4) Bombers are just as skilled in fighting on the ground as they are in the air thanks to Bombing Run.

The strategy behind this deck is fight, fight, fight Blow up interior sites, attack at exterior sites, battle at systems.

Bombing Run is often made fun of, so I feel I should defend it’s presence in this deck. First, it’s a destiny 6 card, which fits in perfectly with the high destiny theme. It allows you to send your Bombers down and fight at non-interior sites. You don’t have to have Proton Bombs to do this, but they are nice. Bombers at sites in a Bombing Run are not landed, so their power is not 0 and they’re free to use cards that require the TIE to be moving (All Power To Weapons). TIE Bombers are power 3, Scimitars are power 4, and Scimitar 1 is power 6, all of which are potent enough to go against whatever ground forces are there. With the Proton Bombs you can effectively clear out any power characters because of your Planetary Subjugation. It does two things allows you to add up to 5 to your Bombers for battle or weapon destiny, and allows you to add 1 to Proton Bomb weapon destiny draws. Because of this, you will never accidentally destroy your own cards with the Proton Bombs. The only time I lost anything at a site was when I chose a 3 destiny and lost Major Rhymer, but by doing that I eliminated all the Ralltiir Freighter Captains and left a lone Han at the site. I still drew a destiny while he had gone from 2 to none and was only power 4. The ability to make cards lost in the middle of a battle is just killer. Finally, when you send Rhymer down for a Bombing Run (and he’s clearly the best, since he keeps them from running away) he satisfies I Hope She’s All Right, a problem for TIE decks in this area.

What about grabbers? There are six All Power To Weapons in this deck. If they grab the first, make sure all the rest are used only when necessary. You can still survive without it in many battles.

A Few Whys

The Endor Operations start. I tried BHBM and it does work well, but I found WYS is just too effective a Force Choke. You have to pack in extra locations to generate Force at, and I felt the extra destiny in battle just isn’t worth the lost space. Endor Ops lets you start 5 Force and keep five Force with or without WYS. Also, I have a system I can deploy to and, if I can’t fight them anywhere, it’s a drain of two.

Weapons. Proton Bombs are great in Bombing Runs of course, but also are great for collapsing sites. The Cantina isn’t doing anything for you anyway, so just blow it up. Concussion Missiles can usually hit anything. I Can’t Shake Him lets you add a destiny when you use either one (missiles for space, bombs on the ground).

Come Here You Big Coward. By blowing up sites you start eliminating battlegrounds. Your opponent will often start concentrating their forces onto one site to fight your Bombing Runs. Make sure they can’t retrieve. Also helps against the occassional Training Deck I run across.

Fighter Cover. For those odd times when you draw a bad weapon destiny. There’s only a few cards that have a destiny low enough that you can’t collapse a site, so use this to get a second chance. Also, if they’re using I’ll Take The Leader it can hurt, so this can replace it.

Scimitars. Six is a lot, but for all intents and purposes they’re destiny 7 ships, so why not have a few extra floating around your deck?

Why Nots?

First Strike. Even though this is a battle deck I find that the opponent will usually be the one attacking me, assuming that my Bombers are sitting ducks. The occassional Force gain doesn’t equal the usual amount I lose, and I don’t want to give my opponent any retrieval.

Well Guarded. I know, I know… Grimtaash is a killer, but it’s just not played in this area. I have not been Grimtaashed in many months, so I can’t justify the wasted slot. If you feel it’s necessary, replace a Twi’lek with a Well Guarded.

Scimitar 2 and pilot. They can work well, but I’d rather have more ships. A lost ship goes to Used, but a lost pilot is lost. Rhymer’s only in here because Scimitar 1 is great for collapsing sites and Rhymer keeps them from running away. He’s worth it, they’re not.

Dark Forces and Counter Assault. Just because I’ve been asked this more than once if you’re average is really high, why not use Dark Forces to fight Surprise Assault, and why not beat them at their own game by Counter Assaulting? Planetary Subjugation only effects Battle and Weapon destinies, so a TIE Bomber drawn for Counter Assault is destiny 0. Likewise fighting Surprise Assault with Dark Forces is trying to piss on a burning building.

I’d list specific match-ups, but the deck plays pretty much the same in all scenarios, but here’s a quick run down.

WYS Blow up the Cantina and the Tatooine DB. Laugh at your opponent when you draw a TIE Bomber for their Kessel Run. If you have the choice between a ship with a smuggler and a ship without, shoot down their smuggler ships with Concussion Missiles. You want to make sure you get rid of anything with a smuggler on board so that during the next battle they draw only one destiny.

TIGIH Endor system is out right from the start, so put a TIE there and a Proton Bomb first turn. Second turn blow up Chief Chirpa’s Hut or the Landing Platform and kill Luke.

EBO Not played much. You can’t bomb under the shield, but you can do a Bombing Run on anyone stupid enough to stand at the 4th Marker (usually what’s done with Menace Fades). You’re going to have to rely on superior numbers, your higher destiny draws, weaponry, and the fact that you can send a ship to the Used Pile every turn. Dreadnaughts will be invaluable in moving TIEs from system to system and pumping them up. The Emperor’s Shield will be great for retrieving three and sucking up attrition and battle damage.

Hidden Base Similar strategy to EBO. Since you don’t drain you don’t have to be too afraid of flipping, but having to pay to draw sucks. I haven’t faced one in a while, but if it became more common I’d probably start playing a Security Precautions in this deck. Matching pilots aren’t a problem (you can shoot them down easily), just be afraid of I’ll Take The Leader. ‘