Revised - Tosche & Toys

Title: Revised - Tosche & Toys
Author: Andrew "Gadget" Ledwith
Date: Dec 3, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (8) Kessel Kiffex Rendezvous Point Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Tatooine Mos Eisley Tatooine Obi-Wan’s Hut Tatooine Tosche Station

Characters (17) B’omarr Monk x3 Ben Kenobi x3 Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2 Harc Seff Leia With Blaster Rifle x2 Luke With Lightsaber x3 Melas Tawss Khaa Wedge Antilles

Vehicles (2) Air-2 Racing Swoop x2

Starships (5) Gold Leader In Gold 1 Millennium Falcon Red Leader In Red 1 Spiral Tantive IV

Interrupts (16) Careful Planning Don’t Forget The Droids x2 Glancing Blow x2 Grimtaash x2 Out Of Commission x2 Shocking Information x2 The Signal x3 Tunnel Vision x2

Effects (12) Battle Plan Beggar x3 Do, Or Do Not Draw Their Fire Goo Nee Tay Mantellian Savrip Order To Engage Scrambled Transmission What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? Wise Advice ‘

Strategy: ‘

Since the good people at DeckTech got rid of a lot of the decks a while ago, this is the only Tosche Station deck that I have on the site anymore. So if you’re wondering why there’s no original on my page, it’s because it has been erased.

Your starting location should always be Obi-wan’s Hut and your starting interrupt should always be Careful Planning. And 9 times out of 10 your second location should be Tosche Station. But if the opponent starts Tatooine Jabba’s Palace you should convert it with your JP so he can’t get out all his sites the easy way.

First of all, DO NOT TELL ME TO ADD A CORUSCANT This card’s DS text is entirely too powerful.

I love Swoops Destiny 5, great text, and gives you immunity to Always Thinking With Your Stomack. Plus, if you combine them with Order To Engage you can make your opponent lose quite a bit of force over the course of a game.

I perfer to use the Original Falcon, but if you’d rather use the new ECC Falcon that’s fine by me.

My Hunt Down protection is 2 Glancing Blows. I choose these over Courage since most good players stack their destinies, or play with The Dark Path. If I can cancel one of their 6s I have a better chance of winning the duel. It just means you have to have a saber on the participant. If you’re playing vs. Hunt Down with duel, just don’t play Obi unless you have to.

I have plenty of SAC protection since I didn’t have enough room to put in SAC. Do Or Do Not and Wise Advice is usually enough. Try to get Wise Advice out first if you can since it’s better to have the card canceled back in your deck for future use.

Do NOT have both OTE and DTF on table at the same time. This is like shooting yourself in the foot. It gives the opponent the message that if they don’t battle, the lose 3 force. If they do, they retrieve 1. This is usually enough insentive to cause the opponent to battle every time, and I’d rather they just lose the 3 and run away.

Be sure to use the What Are You Tryin’ To Push On Us? very carefully. You only have one, and it is a very powerful card. This is another card that can help out with SAC protection if you feel the need.

This is a battle deck, so don’t just sit on Tatooine draining if he isn’t coming to you. Go to the opponent’s arena and battle it out with him. If he wants to battle, play DTF. If he doesn’t, play OTE. Either way, play Beggar and watch him squirm in his chair. The many destiny adding EPPs should be able to win most battles for you. Track your destiny to shoot people and get good battle destiny. This deck can compete with just about anything thrown at it. Play well and the rest should fall into place. ‘