All Your Base Are Belong To Us

Title: All Your Base Are Belong To Us
Author: Andy "Solo337" McClure
Date: Apr 16, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (6)

Coruscant (s)

Jabba’s Palace x3

JP Audience Chamber

JP Lower Passages

Characters (22)

Outer Rim Scout x9

Chall Bekan


Gailid x2


ECC Iggy





EJP Dengar

EPP Fett


Interrupts (16)

Abyssin Ornament x2

None Shall Pass x4

Prepared Defenses (s)


Point Man


Imperial Barrier x2

Twi-lek x2

Nevar Yalnl

Effects (13)

Secret Plans

Power Of The Hutt (s)

No Bargain (s)



Bad Feeling Have I

Hell 2 Pay x2

Den Of Thieves


Hutt Influence

Search And Destroy

First Strike

Starships (3)

Bossk in ship

Zuckess in ship

Fett in ship


ISB/Empire’s Bad Men ‘

Strategy: ‘

Well, about 2 days before States this year, I was looking at my BHBM I had been playing for way too long, and decided it was a pile of crap. When I was thinking of what to build, I recalled my total domination of DragonCon and AL States 2000 with my ISB Scum deck (posted on my page). So I decided to revive that old deck, and make some changes. It paid off, and I won States again this year, so now I have a nifty bag to go along with my nifty binder from last year (that I recieved approximately a month and a half ago).

NOTE In the version I played at States, I expected WYS above all other decks, and metaed heavily against it. At States, I dropped Resistance for Sunsdown/Too Cold For Speeders and dropped Power Of The Hutt for Endor Occupation, because Celebration is a killer. If you fear WYS as much as I do, I would recommened including those 2 cards.

Well, the basic idea is you set up your base (Jabba’s Palace) with Gailid, Mosep, Chall and Jabba at the AC, along with Scum and a power character to prevent them from taking it over, and leave an ORS or 2 at each of the other sites, and drain for 9 from reserve deck each turn (Each drain is +1 for Gailid and +1 for ISB). Use Barriers and None Shall Passes to keep them out of your palace, and retrieve most of the damage they can do. Use 5-D6 if they play off Tatooine, and most of their drains will be -1 all game. It will be very hard for mains to infiltrate the Palace, and any aliens can be smacked around by the many fighters in the deck (Xizor, Iggy, Fett, Guri, Dengar, etc.)

Once you get set up, if they don’t have Menace Fades going, you are next to unstoppable. They can’t drain worth jack, and you can drain for 9+ a turn. Plus, the whole deck gives away a maximum of 3 force, so they will be pretty starved for force, especially with deploy +2 or +4 for their mains (Bad Feeling and No Bargain).

It should be pretty straight forward from there. If they do get Menace Fades going, it will probably be a long game, but with all their drains -1, you should be able to pull it off.

Reasons I play certain cards

Only 1 Scum With 2 Twi-leks, I usually don’t have a problem getting it out, and I have never had it get cancelled in my life (as far as I recall).

SE Jabba Makes Scum immune to Alter, makes aliens deploy -1, and makes ORS forfeit 5 (6 at a Jabba’s Palace site). He is awesome.

4 NSP My previous version had twice as many, because every deck out there was mains. This seems to be the right number with so many aliens running around. The 2 barriers can run interference on the aliens, and the mains can get NSPed.

No Ephant Mon He really isn’t worth the space. I can pull him, but he is very expensive (relatively), and I would rather include other cards than him.

Power Of The Hutt I mainly use it to pull Hutt Influence, but it can pull Boelo too.

Only 3 ships The idea is not to fight in space. It’s really hard to challenge WYS without Guri or Imp. Commands and Lateral damage, so I leave them alone. The ships are there only as needed, because you should do enough damage on the ground.

I think that is pretty much it. Now for the match-ups

WYS Well you have Secret Plans and 2 grabbers, and all their drains will be -1. They will probably have Menace Fades, so you could be in for a long game. I recommend including at least an Endor Occupation if you really expect WYS, because the only advantage they will have is Celebration.

There Is Good In Him Should be an easy game. Leave Luke alone and try to drop 5D6-RA-7 to his site to reduce the DB drain to 1, or get Den Of Thieves and cancel it. They will probably play a lot of Rebels, so they can be NSPed, and they might not get a system early if they play Menace Fades, so you should be able to pop off some early drains. And your mains can kill lots of low ability Scouts if that’s their game, and you should be able to handle mains as well.

Hidden Base Get out Search and Destroy and Hutt Influence and don’t forget to shake your opponent’s hand, and try not to gloat.

Hidden Mains Pretty tough game. Use NSP wisely, and try to challenge them in space if you can. With barriers and NSP they shouldn’t be able to get into the Palace in force, so their best thing to do would be set up Menace Fades at different sites, and drain for 1 a turn in space.

EBO That’s why resistance is in there. They probably won’t have Menace Fades, which means you can out drain them. With resistance, they probably can’t drain for more than 8 a turn, and you can drain for 9, plus you have retrieval and Den Of Thieves on your side.

Well, I have gone on long enough without playing Diablo 2, so I am out. Hope you like it-

Andy ”Al State champ- again” McClure

PS Look for the TR soon.