My Dreaded Imperial StarFleet

Title: My Dreaded Imperial StarFleet
Author: Brett "B.S." Severson
Date: Apr 16, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting 8

Endor Operations/ Imperial outpost

Endor Landing Platform

Endor Bunker


Battle Order

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

Prepared Defenses

May start other effects, it depends on what deck your playing

Characters 18

Lord Vader

Darth Vader DLOTS

Emperor Palpatine

Mara Jade the Emperors Hand

Prince Xizor

Grand Moff Tarkin

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Captain Gilad Pellaeon

Sim Aloo

Lt. Arnet

Commander Igar

Colonel Dryer

4-Lom with Concussion Rifle

Dr. E and Ponda B.

Biker Scout Trooper x4

Starships 8







Bossk in Bus

Boba Fett in Slave 1

Vehicles 6

Tempest 1

Tempest Scout 1

Speeder Bike x4

Interrupts 3

Force Lightning

Twi’lek Advisor

The Circle Is Now Complete

Effects 6

Ominous Rumors

Established Secret Base

Search and Destroy

Aratech Corporation

There is No Try and Oppressive Enforcement

No Escape

Weapons 3

Vader’s Lightsaber

Darth Vader’s Lightsaber

Mara Jades Lightsaber

Sites 3

Endor Forest Clearing

Endor Ancient Forest

Endor Bunker

Systems 4





Admirals Order 1

Were in Attack Position Now

Strategy: ‘

Card Change take a twilek out for closed door.

This is Your Basic Endor Ops except with star destroyers instead of Interceptors.

Basicly just get your sites out asap. Get Biker scouts or an atst to hol them, play ominous and established and your set. Accompany your speeders and atst’s with a compliment of characters so they will not get beatdown on. Force drain and the game should be over. Also be aggressive with this deck, battle battle battle

In space set up a super chimaera and get out executor as fast as you can. Once that is done You can deploy your other stardestroyers when you draw them. As for the Bounty Hunters use those guys to hold down smaller force draining systems.

Play Smart against even the easiest apponent and you’ll do well. In playtesting, this deck has not lost yet, but I’ll update you when it has and from what deck.

Now For matchups

Rebel Strike Team A not popular deck in my area, thank god, but even whem i play this deck there is a strategy to win. Your obviously not getting established or ominous to work so lose them for force drains. Guard the bunker at all costs Use Closed door to keep those pesky rebels out. if they cant get into the bunker, there screwed. Play smart and be smart in battles, dont take any chances In the end you should win, if you play smart. If they’re not blowing up the bunker forget about it. Only deploy a few guys to the bunker. Use the rest to battle with. If you Battle Smart you should chaulk one up in the wins colum.

Dantooine Base Operations

Start with No Escape and the game is handed to you, set up your drains, invade thier planet.

Echo Base Operations Dont worry about them, set up your drains and prepare for battle in space this deck will be tough in space, but drain at endor too. If you battle smart you should win, but it will be close.

Hidden Base Play it like your playing Echo Base.

Watch your step Set up your drains, drain, and stop him or her from making kessell runs.

Mind What you have learned This is easy, Set up your drains and drain. Send some to daggobah to invade and slow down there testing, by the the time they get to five your should have drained them out.

these are all the popular decks in my area.

Any suggestions would be appreciatted

if you want a matchup on here d-mail me about it. ‘