Title: SYCFA Mains
Author: Jason "jade" Foss
Date: Apr 17, 2001 Rating: 4.5





Death Star

Death Star Docking Bay


Pre Defences


Mob Points

Crush The Rebbelion




Cloud City Docking Bay

Executor docking Bay

Death Star war room


Lord Vader[4]

Mara Jade [2]

Grand Moff Tarkin

Prince Xizor


Ig-88 W/gun

Admiral Cheranue

Commander Merrejk


DR evazan + Ponda Baba

Captain Goderdt

Commander Igar

Admiral Ozzel

Grand Admiral Thrawn






Dengar in ship


Vaders Obsesion

The Circle is now complete[2]

You Are Beaten

Evader Monnock

Focused Attack

Operational As Planned

Put All secions On alert

Omnie Box Its Worse

Sniper Dark Strike

Masterful Move[2]

Imperial Barrier


Battle Order

Secret Plans

Somthing Special Planned

Lataral Damage

Search And Destroy


Vaders Saber[2]

Maras Saber

Snoovas Stick

Admirals Order

Battle Deployment

We’re in attack position now


Tempest 1 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Take out dominator add Z/in ship

To Rushe- Did’nt i say to lataral damage the outrider. When that ship is lataral damaged its a piece of junk.

    I made this deck cause i was tired of playing Hunt Down. Basicaly what you want to do is get at least one system with chiranue at it ao you can drain for 3. On the ground you can just keep battling him. Duel obi wan out of the game if its Ben just used focused attack to win the duel. With luke be careful before dueling make sure your destinys are good. He probaly does’nt think im playing this card so he might not have destinys set up. One good duel can completly change the game. Say i win a duel by 5, it causes a 10 card swing in the game plus the absense of luke at a site where i have vader could’nt be good for them considering obiwans out of play. Most people dont see dueling coming in a deck like this and that element of surprise could win me a game. Everything else in the deck just gets played like a mains deck..

Cards I would like to add.

Imperial Command= I would add these if i had any. I also dont no what to add.

More Ships= I cant even find room for the bounty hunter ships. The fear of Zuckuss can usualy make them get 7 ability.

Another Sniper Dark Strike= This card is just so good but i cant find room.


VS WYS Raiders

God do i hate Palace Raiders. dont go to the tatooine system till you have the executor or cheimera with guri. Cause otherwise there just gonna knock you off in 1 battle. The devestator does’nt have immunity so that would’nt be a good choice cause they would get rid of it so fast. I can usualy get guri on the executor at tatooine and that can hold its own there. You will want to get Battle Deployment down to limit there destiny. Dont forget that palace raiders on patrol crafts can react. Lataral damage the outrider so it cant reduce power. Get Somthing Special Planned out ASAP cuase it basicaly cuts there retreival in half. Dont duel luke unless your sure you have mad good destinys cause they genaraly have real good destiny.

VS Hidden Mains

Try to get control of one of the drain 2 systems early. Try to get alot of your characters together at the death star docking bay. Dont worry about battling them yet cause there probaly playing dockingbays so you will have no problem bringing it to them later. Dont worry about them batling you cause you take no battle damage. Once you have a strong force ready start chasing him around. Duel obi out of the game wit ease. If you get the chance duel luke.


Get search and destroy out fast. If they deploy a jedi duel him. Dont try to cancel ebo cause chances are you wnt do it. Plus If they put down honor and all your guys are under the sheild your screwed. You probaly have enouph space power

to block like 2 drains. If you play smart and dont make any mistakes you will win.


Same as ebo. Just wait to deploy in space till they flip then probe there base.

Against any other deck just adept to what there playing.