WYS Falke Beat Down

Title: WYS Falke Beat Down
Author: Martin "MylordMartin" Falke
Date: Apr 17, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting 8

Watch your Step



Tat. DB


Squad Ass.


First Strike

Locations 3




Characters 18

Jedi Luke

Luke with Saber

Han with Blaster (x2)

Chewie with Blaster

Lando with Blaster


Dash (x2)

Mirax (x2)

Palace Raider (x2)

Ralltiir FC

Talon Karrde


T. Nett

Artoo and Threepio

Ships 6

Gold Squad 1 (Imm to Roll)

Red Sqad 1

Pulsar Scate


Red 10

Patrol Craft

Green Cards 2

X-wing Laser Cannon

Landing Claw

Effects 5

Beggar (x2)

Menades Fades

Battle Plan

Celeberation or Bacta Tank

Interrupts 17

Hyper escape

Tunnel / Control (x2)

Artoo, I`ve got a bad…

I`ve got a bad… (triple card)

Run Luke, Run

Houjix/ OON


Rebel Barrier

Power Pivot

On the Edge

A Few Maneuvers

Darklighter Spin (Anti Guri)

Sorry/ Blaster Prof.

Were you looking for me???

Effective Repairs


Adm. Order 1

I`ll take the Leader

Strategy: ‘

Update 1

To Chessmaster

If your opponent plays Operational as planned,

Imperial Supply or other cards, steal this

force with your Beggar to. You can play a

character to another location, play OOC/TT,

use Mirax` gametext or even use this one force

to start your battle and don`t forget to say

thank you very much…

end update 1

update 2

to kappdendo

Do you know about playing Interrupts also from Lost Pile???

I play them only ONE time. Then the match is over

Same with my Admirals Order. I only need this effect in the turn I want to battle.

And the Beggar is not for getting more force from my

opponent, this card is only prevents my opponent playing

Interrupts in battle. If he has no force activated, I don`t need this card

end update 2

update 3

swccg, please read this card again

Run Luke, Run

At any time, move Luke (for free) to a battle just initiated

at an adjacent site.

Luke is power +2 during that battle, unless Vader is present

or adjacent to the battle site. OR You may cancel Vader`s


This means that Luke is not power +2 in a battle where Vader

is present That`s all. You can still play this card.

end update 3

This is the reason why Light Side ALWAYS wins.

Bastian Winkelhaus (he played a very similar

version) and me played three times each other

at our Nationals and each game Light Side

won by at least 20.

The method is always the same

You start with Draw their Fire, so in a battle

you initiate your opponent have to pay for each

Interrupt. With Beggar he does not have any

force. (Beggar cannot be canceled, Alter cannot

be played because of your Objective)

Deploy until you have one power less than

your opponent, initiate battle and double (triple

with Han) the battle damage. Play your interrupts

to reduce the opponent`s Power (Blaster Prof.,

Power Pivot, Artoo, Ive got..., Dashs gametext,

X-wing Laser Cannon) or to raise your Power (Run,

Luke Run, Were you looking f. m. to add a destiny).

So you can deal 30, 40 or more battle damage in

ONE Battle. No Ghkkk.

The triple card can be catched by Artoo and Cpo,

the gametext of bad feeling I have is suspended.

Also your Objective gives a destiny bonus for two

smugglers and Mirax is very helpful for tracking.

Ok, let us see how it works in gameplay

Vader at the Docking Bay. Power 6. Deploy Beggar,

Han and a Raider, Luke to Cantina, battle,

triple, Run Luke, Run.

3 destinies for you, one for him. My total is nine,

he draws a 3. My Power is 19, his power 9.

30 Cards - game over.

Xizor and Mighty Jabba?

Beggar, Han, Lando. Battle, triple, shot

Xizor, Blaster Prof. to cause to be immediately

lost. Your total destiny is 6. Your Power is 13,

his power is 6. Battle damage of 21.

And how does it in space?

Trawn, Guri, Chimaera.

Dash in Outrider, Artoo and Cpo, Wedge in Red 1.

Battle, double, Artoo, I`ve got a bad f.,

Darklighter Spin for 6 and a tracked 5 for normal

destiny, HeadingFAMF from Lost Pile. Power 24 to

Power 7. Differential of 17, double is 34.

Trawn, Guri and Chimaera for 24. 10 Cards more and

a drain for 3 at Kessel for the rest of the game.

And this was without the Cannon/Power Pivot Combo.

This also works against TIE`s of any kind. They

cannot use their weapons and I´ll take the leader

hurts very well. With two ships you can defeat the

whole Dark Side Fleet.

There`s no special matchup to describe. In each

game your opponent will deploy something to the

space or to the ground and then you can kill him.

First when you play this deck, flip with the

two systems. (If you expect heavy space, go to the

sites, of course)

An early drain of three at Kessel (or two at cantina)

will force your opponent to do something. Then draw

the cards you need and wait for your beatdown.

If you try to play this you have to able to track

some destinies. This deck cannot win itself, you

must learn how to play. It is not so easy to find

the right moment to do your beatdown, and in most

of the games you have only one chance.

Here a few cards which could be the 61th card

  1. Sommersault

  2. Slight Wpn Malf.

  3. Don´t get @#$%y

  4. Master Luke (against scum…)

  5. 2nd OON/TT

  6. 3rd Tunnel/Control

  7. Capt. Han

  8. Corran Horn (yes, for 10 Force)

  9. Clash of Sabers (with 2 EPP Luke, but everyone plays Crush)

  10. Revolution

  11. Ou ne ta (grrrrr)

  12. Your Insight serves you well

Martin Falke, 2nd at Ralltiir National

p.s. please don`t rate my English, rate my deck.. ‘