Hunt Down By Crazy Hermit The Revenge Of Scooby-Doo

Title: Hunt Down By Crazy Hermit The Revenge Of Scooby-Doo
Author: Steve "Crazy Hermit" Kuperman
Date: Apr 18, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/ Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe

Epic Event (1)

Epic Duel

Locations (5)

Executor Holotheatre

Executor Meditation Chamber


Cloud City Landing Platform

Death Star Docking Bay 327

Characters (18)

Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x3

Lord Vader x2

Guri x2

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Emperor Palpatine x2

Janus Greejatus x2

Sim Aloo

Prince Xizor

Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle

Dr. Evazan

IG-88 With Riot Gun

Weapons (3)

Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Vehicle (1)

Blizzard 2

Starships (3)


Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Interrupts (17)

The Circle Is Now Complete x2

I Have You Now x2

Vader’s Obsession

Focused Attack

Weapon Levitation x2

Sniper & Dark Strike

You Are Beaten

Omni Box & It’s Worse x2

Masterful Move

This Is Some Rescue

Put All Sections On Alert

Prepared Defenses

Twi’lek Advisor

Effects (11)

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

Come Here You Big Coward

You Cannot Hide Forever

Search And Destroy

Visage Of The Emperor x4

Secret Plans

No Escape

Strategy: ‘

An update

To everybody who says I need more space to beat WYS I know this, but this is the deck I played at the DPC, without any changes, which was noted below. I opted not to change the deck and instead mention what cards I would change. I was tired and put ”auto-win” or some crazy ass thing like that.

Djedi I don’t quite get the purpose of you mentioning the similiarity of my deck to other Hunt Down decks. Are you saying that you would give me 5 stars if this was a Hunt Down Jawa fakeout?

Although that’s not such a bad idea, nobody plays that around here . . .anymore.

Bane Slader Well, I could call it ”Mega Mega Huntdown”, or ”MEGA Squared Hunt Down”, or something to that effect, but I figured that any deck with the word ”Mega” in it’s title would be written off as a terrible deck not worth a second glance. Not that I can argue with that.

TanDjo Crush is cool, but it’s no good unless you start it. Looking back on it, starting Crush would have been great, but I just didn’t really see the room for it at the time.

I Jedi You didn’t say anything helpful or derogative, but I just liked the ”I Jedi out.” line. Roger right back to you, dude

Bean-Guy 1x Obsession and 2x TCINC cause against TIGIH, you can’t duel Luke, so spending dupes on it isn’t worthwhile. I figured that against WYS, they’d run 2x Run Luke Run (which can potentially cancel 4 duels against Luke), so I’d just forget about dueling.

HuntaWarya You said nothing huge, but I just wanted to note that’s by far the nicest thing you’ve said about one of my decks.

GG I guess you can make comments like yours when you only have one testicle, I mean nobody gives a damn then. Do you put that on every deck?

Now see, if this were Jawa fakeout, you’d have no real case. But for now, I shall tolerate your mastery of the obvious.

Need I state it again? Stupid people are not my responsibility. If you don’t take the time to put something useful, and instead put 4 words down that do absolutely nothing for me, you will get torched on here. Other than that, have a good day.

End Update

First of all, to give you a background on this deck, it originally started as a Hunt Down based in mass character removal. I then made a bunch of changes to the deck to what you see here and ran it at DPC. Here’s what it did at DPC

Game 1 Won against Greg Heisler’s Profit/Harvest by 21.

Game 2 Won against TJ Holman’s HDWGITM Weird Deck by 11.

Game 3 Won against Zach Stenerson’s Hidden Mains by 7.

Game 4 Lost to Steve Brentson’s HB Tatooine deck by 27.

Yeah, I know people like to say Brentson’s deck is a bunch of crap. Well, I got tired and stupid and topdecked a Vader when I should have lost a card out of my hand, 1 OOC later and I just couldn’t do anything. If you want to give me a low rating for one game, go ahead. Realistically, I would have had a good chance of taking the game had I not been a moron.

I suppose that would be rule numero uno of playing Hunt Down If you’re a moron, you don’t deserve to win.

Now, letsee . . .can anybody figure out how this deck is supposed to work? You put Vader down to a site, flip, drain, Visage, battle, do whatever. I’ve got no brilliant secret here, it’s going to be all about doing heavy damage and playing smart to knock out any resistance (which you should be able to accomplish).

Card Choices

Vader selection 3x DLOTS cause he rocks the house and is the best Vader for HD. 2x Lord Vader cause I like high immunity and defensve value. I was looking for variety.

This Is Some Rescue So people say Holonet is ten times better cause you can pull it w/Masterful Move. I prefer this card cause of it’s high destiny, even with Masterful Move in my deck. You don’t play destiny 2s where you can play destiny 6s. OOC is infinitely more important to cancel than TT. Just work with the 4 Visages in the deck, that should do just fine. In fact, I’d consider a 5th Visage for this deck, no reason why you should have Holonet in there when you can just redeploy Visage next turn.

Blizzard 2 No room for extra walkers, but this one is cool in case you’re worried about LiTW or something like that.

Dueling cards Why not? If you can rig the destinies right enough, then it can shift close games heavily into your favor and save you in desperation. Just plain good stuff.

Omni Box/ It’s Worse Keep your opponent from setting up draws to kill your guys with high immunity, trackable, very useful in today’s meta with Edge cards.

Prince Xizor Low defense value, but this guy is so unbelievably good for Hunt Down. Against decks that give no Force on first turn, this guy goes to a DB and gets you some force. Even better, they need to come at him with quality stuff to kill him, so he’ll serve your purpose of early force. Also useful for holding a second site.

2x Guri This is why you play Executor. Pull it with Mob Points, put her on there, it’s the unbreakable ship. She tends to get hacked a lot if she’s a problem for the opponent, and she’s very useful.

The only changes I’d make would be possibly Put All Sections On Alert for another This Is Some Rescue, and pull either Fett or Dr. E for either Fett in ship or Stinger. Both are good choices, and would ease concerns of not holding space.

NO EXECUTOR DOCKING BAY. Anybody with half a brain will just send guys over via Home One DB. Before you know it they’ve got 3 guys at each Executor site and you’re dead. No Barrier cause it gets cancelled.



Start Xizor and Jade, and save Vader for Tatooine, where he’s useful. Do not pull DBs unless you plan on occupying them, they’ll just drop their Jedi/Luke there and drain there, and make you lose to Visage. Not too tough if you play it smart.

Hidden Mains

If they send mains over in packs of two or three, you can take them. One game where I had trouble was where Luke + Leia + Han + more guys all went to Vader’s site and ran me ragged with Order To Engage. Attack in force and kill as much as you can, trying to keep multiple draws off the board. Omni Box is huge here, save it for when you see them play recyclables and shuffle them. Watch for Portal, but it’s not as big a threat as it would seem, you’ve got a lot of high defense value guys.

WYS If you see an opening hand Guri, pull Executor. Drop it plus another guy to Tatooine system and you win, they can’t knock you off it with only one destiny. Get either Vader or Palpy to Cantina to enforce that drain, if they don’t want to come down Search And Destroy is huge. OOC/TT from Lost is annoying, but you should be able to get them to lose some force to Visage. Solid ground control while blocking definitive control of space = your win.

TIGIH I should know how to beat my own deck, no? Shuffle their deck if they set up high destiny at all. Hold Luke at a mobile site, preferably with another character as backup. You can pile on the damage if you don’t get stupid. TIGIH wins on mistakes and the ability to force opponent into making mistakes, so play solid and it’s yours. Either CHYBC any spies on the Executor or just drop somebody to take care of them.

Hidden Base flip Toughest matchup, pull Executor. This is why you would want the extra space, move as fast as possible and set up big damage ASAP. Not fast enough, though, and this is how you win. Just do some hardcore damage early on, get a ship out and probe around for the Hidden Base.

I’ll add more later, leave responses or whatever.

Oh, and because I heard this would do good things for reviews It beat the DPC Champion, at the DPC. This deck gave him his one defeat.

Uh . . .All Your Base Are Belong To Us? I figured that couldn’t be bad, either. Are there any other popular catchphrases? I could tell you that you are the weakest link, but personally I think that would only lead to a bad review, as well as a general feeling of confusion as to just who I was referring to as the weakest link.

Anyway, you can now talk amongst yourselves. ‘