Endor The Emperor’s Campground

Title: Endor The Emperor’s Campground
Author: Brian "Bean2213" Wright
Date: Apr 19, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost

Locations (7)


Endor Back Door

Endor Bunker

Endor Forest Clearing

Endor Landing Platform



Characters (16)

4Lom w/Concussion Rifle

Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Ozzel

Admiral Piett

Captain Godherdt

Colonel Dyer

Commander Igar

Commander Merrejk

Darth Vader, DLOTS

Emperor Palpatine

Ephont Mon

General Veers

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Grand Moff Tarkin

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

Prince Xizor

Starships (10)


Boba Fett In Slave 1

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth


Dengar In Punishing One




The Emperor’s Shield

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Vehicles (4)

Blizzard 1

Blizzard 2

Tempest 1

Tempest Scout 3

Effects (12)

Battle Order

Lateral Damage

Mobilization Points

Ominous Rumors

Overseeing It personally

Perimeter Patrol

Power Of The Hutt


Search And Destroy

Secret Plans

Something Special Planned For Them

You Cannot Hide Forever

Interrupts (8)

Endor Occupation

Imperial Command x2

Masterful Move

Prepared Defenses


Twi’Lek Advisor x2

Admiral’s Orders (2)

Battle Deployment

We’re In Attack Position Now

Total Cards 60 ‘

Strategy: ‘

First of all, I do realize that Jar Jar will kill the Ephont Mon defense strategy. However, the Tatooine expansion has not been released yet, and this deck reflects that fact. After the expansion has been released I will update the deck with whatever counters I find appropriate for dealing with that annoyance. Please don’t penalize my rating for it now.

Okay, the typical start for this deck will be

Endor Ops


Endor Bunker

Endor Landing Platform

Prepared Defenses

Mobilization Points

Power Of The Hutt

You Cannot Hide Forever

Use this startup unless your opponent’s deck indicates another start is needed (see matchups below). Use Mobilization Points to take the Executor from reserve BEFORE you activate. Also before you activate, place YCHF in lost pile and search for Perimeter Patrol. After activating, use the text of the objective to get Ominous Rumors into hand from reserve. Use Power Of The Hutt to deploy Ephont Mon to the Bunker, and if your opponent has given you even 1 force you can also deploy Ominous Rumors (Unless they are playing TIGIH). Also deploy Perimeter Patrol on the bunker. Now you have your primary defenses in place.

From here on its just a matter of deploying, force draining, and battling if you have to. With Ominous Rumors in play, you need only occupy your Endor sites to create massive force drains in space. These drains can be further amplified by Admiral Chiraneau’s game text. In addition, the Emperor is here to oversee things personally. Use his effect to add to your drains on the ground.

Even if your opponent is playing a card or strategy to negate force drain bonuses, (Menace Fades, Jedi Testing, etc.) you can still cause a great deal of damage. Endor, Sullust and the Back door will still be drain = 2 locations. In addition, the text of We’re In Attack Position Now allows you to make your opponent lose force during your control phase for each site battleground site you control with a general or commander that is related to a system you occupy. Veers, Igar and Merrejk all qualify, you need only occupy Endor to get it going. And if your opponent happens to be playing a space deck (EBO, Hidden Base, etc.) you can cause even MORE damage with Search And Destroy.

There is a good amount of both ground and space power in this deck. Remember to play conservatively. Concentrate your forces heavily in your opponent’s arena (Ground or Space), spread out and drain in the other. If you play smart, you should be able to handle any light side strategy that comes your way.

Card Choices

4-Lom w/Concussion Rifle

I can use him on the ground to cancel annoying game text (General Solo, Ben Kenobi, Rebel Scout Luke, etc.) Or I can put him on the Mist Hunter with Zuckuss to add a battle destiny.

Captain Godherdt

Cancels Landing Claw. A good pilot too.

Colonel Dyer

His text prevents Ominous Rumors from being canceled. Particularily useful against RST, where they will be ALL OVER Endor.

Commander Merrejk

A spy and scout. He can take my systems out of reserve deck and can be used with We’re In Attack Position Now to cause force loss for the opponent.

Commander Igar/General Veers

Also targets of WIAPN, and they kick much @$$ on their walkers.

Darth Vader, DLOTS

I like being able to choke little scouts and ewoks. My favorite persona of Vader.

The Emperor’s Shield

6 power and forfeit for 3 force at Endor sounds like a bargain to me.

Battle Order

One dimensional decks seem to be a pretty common thing. I will penalize the opponent for not having more flexibility.


This can protect me from huge force drains and/or inserts. I never build a dark deck without it.

Secret Plans/SSPFT/Endor Celebration

The 11th commandment Thou shall screw over light side retrieval at every opportunity. ;)

Battle Deployment

This lets me penalize the opponent for playing only one type of ship (starfighter or capital). I’ll use this to replace annoying light side AO’s (I’ll Take The Leader comes to mind). It also allows me to deploy my walkers from reserve deck and limit the opponent’s battle destinies on the ground.

We’re In Attack Position Now

Gives my capital ships with pilots immunity to attrition. Also gives me an additional way to make my opponent lose force.



Start with Resistance instead of Power Of The Hutt. Your opponent will need his characters to get EBO running. Also, Resistance will protect you on the off chance they are playing some sort of insert deck (Under the Shield Numbers, Anger Fear Aggression, etc.) Chances are you’ll have to forget about Ominous Rumors. Instead, lock down Endor. Put all your ships at the system, and spread out on the ground. Use Overseeing It Personally, We’re In Attack Position Now, and Search And Destroy to cause huge force loss. Also use Battle Order to make them pay to force drain. If they come out to the 4th marker, send Vader and/or walkers to kill them.

Hidden Base

Treat similarily to EBO. HB takes more time to set up though, so that is an added advantage. Remember that your opponent might be playing HB Mains instead. You should know within the first few turns.

HB Mains

Perimeter Patrol will be HUGE in this game. They will have a difficult time beating you down if their characters can’t battle or move that first turn. Make the most of it. Get some good space drains going with Ominous Rumors and Chiraneau.

Jedi Testing

Ominous Rumors and Overseeing It Personally won’t be much help. Instead, use Search And Destroy and We’re In Attack Position Now. If they are training all the way, make sure you have some anti-retrieval cards handy, your going to need them. The time it takes them to finish testing should be enough to give you control of the game. If they only do the first test or two, expect beatdown squads like those in a HB Mains deck. Perimeter Patrol will help.


Do not go to Tatooine early. Get your own drains set up. They will probably wait a few turns to flip, so they can get the maximum benifit from the force retrieval on the back side of the objective. Start Secret Plans instead of Mobilization Points, and you will slow them down further. Cancel Tatooine Celebration with Endor Occupation if it is played. Late in the game, when they are spreading out to try and keep up with your drains, you might be able to drop a walker and pilot on them for a nice beating. Play it smart though. Be aware of how much force your opponent has saved, and how many cards in hand. You don’t want to walk into an ambush.


Probably your toughest matchup. You’ll need Colonel Dyer to keep Ominous Rumors on the table. Control the Endor system, make the most of your space drains, and you will control the game.


I have never played against a Rescue The Princess Deck. However, since there is only one copy of each Imperial and starship in here anyway, there isn’t much difference between having them lost and placed out of play. Stick to your own game plan, and make them come to you. Perimeter Patrol will make that very difficult for them.


Very similar to RST. Somewhat easier because they don’t start with the Rebel Landing site in play, so Perimeter Patrol will be a bigger factor. You may never get Ominous Rumors in play, since Luke starts the game controling Chief Chirpa’s Hut. If you must capture him, try to do so with Vader. Stick them on a walker. If your opponent battles you, you can forfeit the walker with Luke inside. If they don’t have another, you’ve just eliminated your biggest threat.


Start with Secret Plans and SSPFT instead of Mobilization Points and Power Of The Hutt. You may be able to save YCHF to search for Battle Order or Overseeing It Personally instead of Perimeter Patrol. Use your fleet to kick them out of space. Be sure to replace their Admiral’s order. Battle Deployment is probably your best choice for this. Set up your drains, limit their retrieval, and control the Tatooine system to control the game.

Thank you for reading. I hope you like the deck. Please rate it fairly. If you feel it deserves a low rating, please tell me what I can do to make it better. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Thanks again ‘