-Scrub’s RTP Scouts-

Title: -Scrub’s RTP Scouts-
Author: Aaron ""scrub"" Ross
Date: Apr 19, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘ObjectiveRecsue The Princess/Amazing


Death Star Detention Corridor

Death Star Docking Bay

Endor Chirpa’s Hut

Home One War Room

Yavin 4

Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Yavin 4 War Room


8D8 x3

Admiral Ackbar

Chewbacca, Protector

Colonel Cracken

Corran Horn

Corporal Delevar

Corporal Kensaric

Dash Rendar

General Calrissian

General Madine

Han with Blaster Pistol

Kal’ Fal C’ndros

Lieutenant Blount

Leia with Blaster Rifle

Luke with Lightsaber

Mirax Terrik

Nien Nunb

Obi-Wan with Lightsaber x2


Prisoner 2187

Tycho Celchu


Lift Tube x3

Ronto x2


Artoo In Red 5

Gold Squadron 1

Green Sqaudron 3

Home One



Heading for the Frigate

I’m Here to Rescue You

Lift Tube Escape


Star Destroyer

The Signal x2


Bacta Tank

Battle Plan

Cell 2187

Death Star Plans


Menace Fades

Order To Engage

Squadron Assignments

Staging Areas

Strike Plannning

Strategy: ‘

Deck Edit–, Take out an OOC/TT for a Death Star Plans

Lets see where do I start…. I know this deck might look like a pile but It’s totally not. Scouts make this deck 10 times better.

Hears what to do. During opponents turn get your Generals with Strike Plan. (and if you have Lift Tube Esscape get your Lift Tubes to). During your turn you can do many things, the first aproach is (If you have the hand to so) is to go for a fast flip. Throw down 8D8, Ronto’s and Lift Tubes and wait till your next turn to flip- drain for 4 retrieve 4 and go about your buisness. Or you can go for fast generation for your secound turn- put down General Crix at a DBay drop whatever scouts you can aford and emediatly drop or look for Corpral Kenseric (who is key) if you are going for fast activation-generate a bunch next turn with Staging Areas.

That’s what I love about this deck, there are many things to do early game to put your oppnent in a tough situation.

There’s also some cool tech in here. Star Destroyer Is cool against Chimaera and junk like that. Mirax is also very useful in here. Strike Planning against Tie decks is funny, they throw down Endor early for a fast drain and activation perposes but It’s to know avial for Strike Planning will end that. And Corporal Delever is good for forfeit reasons…. So needless to say this deck has many and interesting ways for it to work. Oh, and I know there is know DB you can pull with Inserection but It is in here to boost your Scouts forfeit and to check what destiny’s you have in the deck when you look for a docking bay (This is key when Doing a Death Star Plans run), to make sure you have enough for Secret Plans.


BHBM Well If It’s a deck like Bring Him up the Anus you could have a hard time keeping luke on the table and on the Light Side, but then agian they are facing Scouts and Scouts never lose battles so It will be a good game but there destiny is usually high so watch out for that. Oh ya and You can place Vader out of play-I love that part.

Hunt Down 2TT’s and an amazing amount of spy’s should take out Visage. Dueling Hunt Down would be Harder but This deck also has High destiny so It’s not that much of a problem. Good Game thow. And do whatever is necasary to place Vader and friends OOP.

Tie’s( any varient or kind)..Wait till they spread thin then attack. Hold a system for Battle Plan and Menace(if possible) and try to avoid big battles, Harder game. And don’t forget to make them pay plus 1 for each of there drains

Scum Atack Go in big with your Scout’s and try to hold the AC. Chop Gailid and get Menace Fades and Battle Plan set up a fast a possible.

Thanks for reading and Review accordingly………

Maybe I won’t be such a scrub anymore with this deck. Ha

Later ‘