Keil und Kessel - 2nd Place WA States

Title: Keil und Kessel - 2nd Place WA States
Author: Douglas "Douglas" Harvilla
Date: Apr 22, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Watch Your Step/This Place Can etc etc





Home One DB



Jedi Luke x3

EPP Han x2

Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles, RSL

ECC Lando

ECC Chewie

Dash Rendar

Mirax Terrik

Talon Karrde


Theron Nett

Ralltir Freighter Captain x5


Millennium Falcon


Pulsar Skate

Artoo In Red 5

Red 6

Red 10

Medium Bulk Freighter x2


Rogue 1

Rogue 3


X-Wing Laser Cannon x2

Admiral’s Orders(3)

No Questions Asked x2

I’ll Take The Leader



Squadron Assignments

Menace Fades

Aim High

Draw Their Fire

Frozen Assets x2


Control/Tunnel Vision x3

OOC/Transmission Terminated x2

Sorry About The Mess/Blaster Prof. x2

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Houjix/Out of Nowhere

The Force Is Strong With This One

Run Luke Run

Power Pivot

Rug Hug ‘

Strategy: ‘

Thanks for the reviews, particularly those with comments, which are always appreciated but sometimes misguided. Some points that came up

Wedge RSL converts Wedge Antilles for free, and Wedge matches the Pulsar Skate for Squadron Assignments. I explained this even in the first draft of the strategy section. Another review pointed out that I have a lot of characters for so few sites, and yet his next comment was that I had nothing on the ground. Make up your mind.

Heavy drains came up. Menace Fades is in there, who wouldn’t start with it against ISB? Palace Raiders are not necessarily better than the unique smugglers. The duplicate-driven versions of WYS are very vulnerable to Monnok and have few surprises left when the opponent gets out battle destiny limiters, stops your reacts, and so on.

Someone suggested Mos Eisley. Nice idea, but I don’t want to use up ”half” of a Control/TV getting it out when No Questions Asked does the same thing for me.

Don’t Get Cocky is a good idea, but with the ability to use interrupts twice, I want interrupts I’m likely to use twice, like the very versatile Rug Hug which also introduces a new multiple battle destiny combo (Luke and Chewie) instead of just strengthening an existing one.

Red 6 can indeed use its hyperspeed, it has an astromech droid icon. The speeders are often the only way to keep the opponent from using character removal cards to isolate a scrub for a beatdown. Two smugglers equals two flips, one equals zero flips, quite a swing if Iggy captures one.

EPP and ECC smugglers were chosen for compatibility with SATM/Blaster Proficiency, No Questions Asked, and Aim High. Jedi Luke for the 6 destiny and the need for at least one really big character with immunity. Wedge RSL can replace the cheap original for free, giving you a destiny canceling combo with anyone piloting a Red starfighter or Rogue speeder.

Rogue 1 and 3 are great with Wedge RSL or even a pair of random smugglers, offering protection from Vader’s ’choke’ text, Iggy’s gun, and other infernal character removal tricks.

Three unique X-Wings accompany the freighters. Artoo in Red 5 and Red 6 are very high destiny places to stick an X-Wing Laser Cannon, and Red 10 with Theron Nett is brutal. The Medium Bulk Freighters are good anti-Zuckuss ships, with 2 open pilot slots and a 1 ability permanent pilot, so you can get 7 ability piloting without Melas. They’re also untargetable by the ship-removal SFS cannons, as capital ships, and allow shuttling between ground and space, so you can shift your best characters, like Wedge RSL, to where they are needed most.

No Questions Asked is incredible. Added immunity for independent ships, and during your control phase, if you’ve got a freighter overhead, your smuggler at a site can move or fire a blaster. Very flexible and very useful on its own, but combined with other cards in the deck, it’s disgusting. Shoot twice between the AO and Sorry About The Mess, or move and then shoot with the interrupt just before battling and playing Run Luke Run to move Luke over. Or just pick off undercover spies.

I’ll Take The Leader is in there for the X-Wings, to mess with TIEs and bounty hunter ships, for the drain bonus at the docking bay when the opponnet is letting you hold it, and to allow limited recycling of the Admiral’s Orders.

Frozen Assets instead of Beggar for the higher destiny. Rug Hug is great, a 2-flip battle destiny adder for Luke and Chewie, fun to play right after moving Chewie over with No Questions Asked, battling, and playing Run Luke Run to move Luke over. But the secondary text is very flexible, and I use it more often. Add 4 power if you have a Rebel and an alien. Takes some of the sting off a Lateral Damage pounce, makes the opponent lose 4 more cards, or makes Zuckuss In Mist Hunter very sorry he messed with the Pulsar Skate, Wedge, and his alien co-pilot.

Speaking of Lateral Damage, why no ’Bantha’ droid to cancel it? I took the Echo Base Garrison out, so besides using a precious Control/TV to fetch a counter to a card my opponent may not be playing, I have no way to pull out maintenance droids. Also, I need to get the droid down before the hammer falls, and generally my opponents hit me early with this sort of attack. If they don’t, I’ll have more than one ship and possibly an X-Wing Laser Cannon and Power Pivot, so it’s no big deal.

I’d rather just roll with the punch and hit back really, really hard next turn with reinforcements. If I really get smacked around, there’s the Houjix.

Against Hunt Down - Try and cancel Visage with OOC/TT, but don’t go playing a bunch of interrupts before your SAC lockout is in place. Get flipped as early as you can with reasonable power, and beat the heck out of Vader and company at exterior sites. Cancel the drain at the Cantina if you’re not ready yet to go pound the opponent’s characters. Use No Questions Asked and the Sorry About The Mess/Blaster Profs to corner the opponent and trash his characters in the control phase prior to launching an attack.

Against My Kind Of Scum - Get flipped with the freighters and with guys in the Cantina or in a Rogue speeder outside, if you’ve got one, putting Menace Fades into effect. Move the smugglers a site over from any mob you aren’t ready to battle just yet, and use No Questions Asked and Sorry/Blaster Prof to eliminate the ringleaders and stomp them. Watch for openings for a beatdown at the Jabba’s Palace sites, since many Scum players are used to relying on No Bargain and None Shall Pass for defense and will be smacked around by Lando and pals.

Against TIEs - Pass up Insurrection for Aim High, try to flip on the ground and let the opponent make the first move in space. When he deploys up there, you’ll be able to stomp him with X-Wing Lasers, multiple flips, Draw Their Fire, Dash in the Outrider, Power Pivot, I’ll Take The Leader, etc.

Against Bring Him - Biggest problem could be the Emperor at the Cantina, elsewhere you should be able to outbattle Vader and company even with Luke captive. Either just avoid and outdrain the Emperor or go in there with a couple weapon-packing mains. If he plays the dreaded Force Lightning, the Emperor is as good as dead, losing his immunity and defense value -2. The surviving main fires away and adds 3 with Blaster Proficiency, easily hitting the geezer. If he doesn’t take the bait, you ought to be able to overpower him anyway, shoot twice for a +5 power bonus from Aim High, tack on multiple flips, perhaps a Rug Hug for 4 more power.

So there it is, a very flexible Watch Your Step with a lot of power in battle and the ability to chase down and gun down enemy characters outside of battle. Encircle and destroy, who says Light Side is about running away? ‘