OHIO Runner Up Dark Deck------------------------

Title: OHIO Runner Up Dark Deck------------------------
Author: nate "number 1" meeker
Date: Apr 24, 2001 Rating: 4.5






Prep d

Imp arrest order

Mob points

—third depends on what they play—


Capt. Jonus

Admiral Ozzel

Commander Merrejk

Officer Evax

outer rim scout

chall bekan

5D6 RA7 x2

Darth Vader dlots x2

Mara Jade teh x2

Guri the slut x2

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Adrimal I let you bust merrejk Peitt

GM Tarkin (Grand Master)

Dr.E/Ponda Big Dog Baba

Adrimal Iboostyourdrains-Chiraneau


Homing Beacon

Vaders beatin Stick

Maras stick that could pass asa Vibrator


Tempest Scout 4

Tempest 1

Blizzard 2

Bossk Isuckontheground in bus

Badasss in slave 1

Suckasss in mist hunter



Death Squad Star Thingy x2



Yavin 4

The bay to yavin 4

Hoth bay

Admirals Orders2

Battle Deplyment

Were in attack position now

Effects5 because one will be started

Battle Order

Imp decree

Something Special Planed for them


Lat Damage

Crush the rebellion


The Circle Is Now Complete

Imp Barrier

Twilek Advisor x2

Trample x2

Imp command x2

Evader monnok

Shut him up or shut him down

Strategy: ‘

$#@ EDIT for all you who dont know you can use circle WITHOUT drawing destinys so I dont track for it$#^

This deck is made to go vs the three most popular decks of the times, those being, mains, WYS, and EBO. It works very well vs all these deck types and went 3 and 0 at OHIO states beatin some of our best players.

Card Reasons most are self-explanitory but a few i use that most dont.

1.Battle Deployment this will win a game for you vs x-wing swam because their power is suck untill they get a capital and they usally dont play with a lot of them so the drains are not there for them. Also this works for WYS not so much for the power - but for the drawin only 1 battle destiny at all tat sites if you occupy the system. It will kill them fast.

  1. Circle This card is awsome because it kills obi instantly when he is deployed to vaders site and he is not comming back, and I can never argue with a destiny 6.

How to play This is easy because All you do is set up and drain at all your sites, get your ships going and beat them down if they leave an opening. I do have to say there is not much more than that.


WYS This is where you have to be fast because a executer loaded with guri and the like is a huge deturrant for them and it give you a drain of two. later in the game go to kessel and drain him out at the site. Set the lock with battle deployment and take his bay.

Mains This can be hard if you cant get the chacters you need. Just get the yavin 4 bay and the system and that is the lock, dont let him come to either place and keep decree and battle order in effect and the game is yours. Battle deployment and guri are huge.

EBO The main thing with this is to get decree in effect them the game is over because you can drain him out fast. Keep battle order in effect and the game is over. Watch out for the x-wings that is all battle deployment.

Anything else Set up and drain, give him 5D6RA7 and keep decree in effect and you will win.

Keep in mind that you can retrive an agent, Yavin 4 is a rebel base for both things. your drains are plus 1 and his are - 1. Remember these and the games you will win.

Thanks for reading this and rember OHIO is a slouch in the star wars department. We had 50 some people at the State tounament and it was very tough compition and I finished 12 +73. Thaks for the review ‘