Emperor in the Clouds

Title: Emperor in the Clouds
Author: Bill "Whipping Boy" packer
Date: Apr 24, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (11)


Bespin Cloud City

Cloud City East Platform

Cloud City Upper Walkway

Cloud City Lower Corridor

Cloud City Security Tower

Cloud City Port Town District

Cloud City Casino

Clouds x3

Characters (25)

Emperor Palpitine

Sim Alou

Janus Greejatus

Kir Kanos

Royal Guard x4

Darth Vader

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

Grand Moff Tarkin

Moff Jerjerrod

General Tagge

Admiral Piett

Major Rhymer

Captain Jonus

Boba Fett


Bossk with Mortar Gun


Djas Puhr

Salacious Crumb

Cloud City Engineer

Tibanna Gas Miner x2

Starships (10)

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter



Scimitar 1

Scimitar 2

Scimitar Squadron TIE x5

Vehicles (4)

Combat Cloud Car

Cloud Car x3

Interrupts (1)

Twi’lek Advisor (starting)

Effects (2)

Planetary Subjugation (starting)

Reactor Terminal

Weapons (7)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Dark Jedi Lightsaber x2

Force Pike x3

Intruder Missile

Strategy: ‘

Drain the clouds, control cloud city. The impstars provide a punch (and 2 ability each) the scimitars, in association with planetary subjugation, make them 7 destinies (an Imp deck with 8 possible 7’s) plenty of mains, go crazy ‘