Dark Surgeon

Title: Dark Surgeon
Author: Alex "Greedo" Tennet
Date: Apr 24, 2001 Rating: 5.0



‘Starting Cards (8)

Agents of Black Sun/Vengeance of the Dark Prince


Coruscant Imperial City

Prince Xizor


Prepared Defences

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilisation Points

Crush The Rebellion (Default)

Locations (3)


Coruscant Docking Bay

Death Star Docking Bay 327

Starships (5)

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Boba Fett In Slave I


Zuckuss In Mist Hunter x2

Characters (18)

Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle

Dengar With Blaster Carbine x2

Djas Puhr

Prince Xizor

Vigo x2

4-LOM With Concussion Rifle x2

Guri x2

IG-88 With Riot Gun

Emperor Palpatine x6

Effects (10)

Bad Feeling Have I

Battle Order

Blast Door Controls

Broken Concentration

First Strike

No Escape

Presence Of The Force x2

Secret Plans

Lateral Damage

Interrupts (16)

Evader & Monnok

Force Lightning x2

Ghhhk & Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us

Main Course

Sense & Uncertain Is The Future

Control & Set For Stun x2

I Have You Now

Twi’lek Advisor x2

Imperial Barrier

Jabba’s Through With You

Oh, Switch Off

Projective Telepathy x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Final Update (28/02/2002) Those REVIEWS IN FULL. After some minor digging, I discovered that the site archives have a record of the Surgeon’s reviews BEFORE our Loser Member (see previous update) decided to play funny buggers with his ill-gotten admin password. Though they can’t be re-added to the reviews on the review page, I’ve reposted them here in full. Thanks to everyone who did comment on the deck, or otherwise contribute to my ego by reviewing this when it was posted almost a year ago. I’ve put the reviews at the end of the strategy. Cheers. - Alex

End of final update.


Previous update #3

Just where did those hundreds of reviews go? I’ll explain. When David (webmaster) emailed the members and accidently included his password, one of our more mentally damaged members decided to log in and post things/play around under David’s name. Sad but true.

While I suspected that he’d take his childish attitude and do something to my submissions too, I nonetheless reviewed the article he posted under david’s account and explain in detail the sort of person he was. Unsurprisingly, I struck a raw nerve.

Thus, before getting kicked out of david’s admin account, he deleted all the reviews from Dark Surgeon - presumably as the only response he could manage to my (deservedly) rather hard hitting home truths. [Note the reviews are posted instead at the bottom for posterity]

However, what ultimately matters is that they existed in the first place to make it #1. A kid with a keyboard can’t remove that. So wherever you are sonny, kiss my arse -)

Old updates.

UPDATE Two things for you. Add another state championship to the list first off (Charlie Herren in GA with his own version, congrats mate). And secondly, if you emailed me about this and I haven’t got back to you, bear with me. I’m running through them in order and there were a lot of you who enquired.

Number 2 Mr. steven lewis goes 4-0 (final included) at the TN states using a dark surgeon variant. Nice work. Shame about the light )


As mentioned, this lost not a single game for myself at the UK national, nor for John Arendt when he used it in Colorado to win the state championship. Take it from me when I say that it is tried and tested well beyond those seven games. Before rating or attempting to play this deck, you should examine the cards involved closely. I will make references to many of them throughout this section.

Playing this deck well takes a certain type of mindset. You need to remember all the benefits your objective gives you, and posess a good enough memory to make use of them. Played correctly, you can turn almost any game around from a bad start. In game 4 of my national, against Michael Riboulet, I drew up the worst starting hand I’ve ever had with this deck. It contained 4 cards I could otherwise pull from my deck, both personas of Boba Fett and no Emperors. That game was turned around and won by 35 force. I would have to say that the single biggest benefit to Black Sun is the removal of luck as a factor in your game. This is a massive ability to have. Here’s how the deck works.

First off, force denial. Let me explain some of my thoughts on SWCCG deckbuilding. One of my top gripes is giving up force. Most of my decks give up few icons at all, and I was a massive revo player back in the day. The way I see it, passing up free icons to the opponent is equivilent to saying ”I’m not only going to let you beat me, I’m going to give you the tools to do it.” So this deck does not even have to give up icons at all, and in two of my three nationals games I did just that - completely deny them force. This is key against Watch Your Step. Combine it with Broken Concentration, Projective Telepathy, Battle Order, Bad Feeling, First Strike, Secret Plans et al and you are looking at a very muddled opponent.

By contrast, your own force generation is extremely high I have generated 16 force on my second turn using this deck. Against WYS, currently the most popular light deck, you can expect generation of 13 on your second turn in most games. Any game where you are able to not only out-generate, but roughly double-generate your opponent is going to be a game you can control. Control is the nature of the deck of course - you are able to view your force pile every turn while flipped, enabling you to draw what you want, when you want it. Viewing your top destinies is massive - even when unflipped you will know them from the turn previously and can put this knowledge to use with cards such as set for stun, force lightning, main course and of course, simple old-school battle and weapon destiny. Rarely do I use the destiny-peeking ability on my opponent’s reserve deck, but the option is there should the situation arise.

You almost always have a great damage curve right from the start, in addition to the large generation. This does not leave any deck the time to take things slow, as the pressure is on from the word go. And once the pressure is on, you are able to maintain it through surgery on your own deck to sift through what you need. This incredibly underestimated ability turns you into, to quote John after his states, a ”virtual surgeon” - hence the deck title. With so many cards to mess with your opponent’s force, he is faced with some bad choices. Deploy luke early to stop the damage? Back him up or draw cards I will badly need? Save force and eat drains while I do so? Unfortunately, stopping this deck is not as simple as dropping luke to a battleground. He either needs backup, which you don’t have to force to provide, or defence cards that you have to draw and save force for (and get around broken concentration, blast door controls and first strike).

The options given to you as a player by this deck are quite amazing. Unfortunately I can’t go into everything here, it would take me too long, but if you’ve got any specific questions at all then dmail or email me. Now I’ll deal with card choices.

Okay, if you didn’t catch it first time, yes that is not a misprint. I use six emperors here. Excessive? No. I believe you can get away with five, but I would not play with any less than that. He is an integral component of the deck, not least because of his destiny number. He makes the deck tick as well as it does. It is akin to using multiple vaders in hunt down, only this vader does not die so easily, has a destiny of six and can be recycled into your deck more easily than Fall of the legend (no grabbers touch this guy). Destiny tracking and drawing is very important here and the emperor fits with almost every card in the deck, one way or another. DO NOT change him for the disgraceful Reflections II version, even if that’s all you can access. Very few people own six emperors - your best bet is to borrow, rent or beg for the ones you are missing. I’m afraid some decks, like this one and Palace Raiders, just require that. If you have a few mates then you should be okay.

”Oh no, wait, I can’t use Vader” Contrary to much popular belief, Vader is not an essential component of every tournament-level SWCCG deck. About the only disadvantage you are really at without a Vader is being unable to capture Luke against TIGIH - fortunately an objective of questionable quality in itself. Your first aim there is simple - kill luke before he can go near Palpy. There are many cards in here to facilitate this. Start Battle Order versus TIGIH to prevent early drains and afford to take your time a little. Consider not playing palpatine until you are ready. As for your worries about only one other Xizor, this is all you need and in most games the extra does not get deployed. Play another if you are paranoid, but take it from someone who saw this deck through from conception - you don’t need it.

Should light side SAC be particularly prominent in your area, you should consider switching in the anti-combo and a grabber. There are in fact two controls and a sense in here, which is fine for most areas I believe, but if your meta is different then make the call. If you’re looking for the differential booster (this deck can tend to draw a lot in some situations) then look no further than broken concentration, quite an incredible card here. When your opponent is low, make sure you flip back to the first side to stop them losing to your objective and then stop them drawing up with Broken Concentration. You can then put your hand back into your deck one turn at a time, before ending it when you wish.

The other major no-show here that people may raise is Hidden Weapons. Interestingly it was a large part of my original design, but it quickly became apparent that it was redundant. It seems like the be all and end all at first, but really it’s not worth the card space (which is more than just a HW or two, it requires different character selection as well and very specific game placements). And believe it or not, many skilled opponents are wary of going near Boba just for fear of the card. Same for the D* Docking Bay (NOT put out every game, I should add) and Put All Sections.

So what cards are good here? Set for stun/control? Hugely strong. Bounce any character bar Jedi Luke or Ben. Dash is a great target for this card if you haven’t been able to grab the lateral damage. In my national game 5, I faced a loaded falcon with Epp Han, Luke and Chewie. Because I knew the top two destinies were main course and a palpatine, in his draw phase I paid 3 to bounce chewie, activated nothing in my turn and deployed No Escape to get SFS back. I then used it again, bounced luke with my 6 and battled away Han and the falcon for free (with battle order). Not only do you get sfs, you get the ability to cancel ice storm, sandwhirl, sense or alter or even a suped-up force drain from ebo or kessel.

Broken Concentration? Nothing to do with training decks - that’s simply a bonus. With this you can increase the effect of your force denial by actually removing force from your opponent. I’m sure I don’t need to go into all the situations where this card is otherwise useful, but in combination with first strike it means the light side must have 3 force for a fallen portal, 4 for a hyper escape with one ship (which you can cancel after they use the force), 6 for It’s a Trap…and of course you can save it for the drop on an unwary opponent. Everyone knows about First strike, but how many are prepared for you deploying a broken concentration? Key card and no mistake.

Two Force Lightning. I don’t know how many people have recoiled in horror when I pull out the second, but there have been quite a few. Card to put back with your objective, easy hit on characters, free blow up with guaranteed destiny, card to track. Oh switch off? Very useful in fact, especially in a droid-only strike where 4lom only gets to cancel one epp’s game text. Helps a lot against fallen portal. Plus another destiny six.

As for specific matchups, I’m really not a fan of these, as you can never take into account every deckstyle, the player behind it, deck composition and so on. If you have queries about specific situations or want guidelines against a certain deck, contact me. Email is best, as d-mail is temperamental from member pages. atennet@hotmail.com is the address. However, do note that your biggest advantage is by far against WYS. From playing many, many games against this popular light side deck in all forms, in only one game have I failed to win by less than 20 differential - and this was prior to evolving the deck into its present-day form.

I really cannot begin to explain every nuance of this deck in a strategy section. The best way to look at your questions is to examine the decklist and think ”what is there to deal with this” - because there is usually something there, however subtle its inclusion. Remember those Dr. Pepper advertisements from a while ago? ”You have to try it to love it”. The people who have tried this deck have been amazed at what it can do. Learn to play it and I do not think you will be disappointed.

Cheers - Alex Tennet


5 Star

Pure genius. Very well thought of. Very few decks will stand a chance against this… but I took a careful look, and I think my QMC is one of them ) Path Luke, PATH


AOBS is such a fun deck to play with and you made it extremely competitive as well. Good Job.


Original, and a thoughtful strategy section. I agree with the thought about trying to discuss against other deck types; out-dated concept.

IF there were such a thing as a workable RTP deck; having your characters and starships placed out of play could hurt. Outside of that, I would watch out for EPP hit squads and Out Of Commission. But your deck still has more characters than most Hunt Down decks and with the force lightnings, 4-LOMS, and Set For Stuns, even an EPP hit squad is going to be sore pressed.

Your space presence looks more reactive wait to see where they go, then drop and destroy with a team of BH ships. But how do you account for immunity? X-Wing swarm with Organized Attack and even with multiple destinies (4-LOM on Mist Hunter), you won’t be removing his space presence. I don’t see 1 Sense as enough. How about trading 1 of the ground Dengar for the space Dengar; I guess that would be a meta choice based on area.

Still, this deck has an answer for pretty much everything. Very inspiring

Jedi Guy

5 stars for the fact that even though you post the deck not many people can build it to play in their states.


You know what I’m going to say… AWESOME. I probably played about 4 or 5 cards different - ground Zuckuss, and Search and Destroy to make EBOX an easier match. Glad you kept in the Oh Switch Off. )

Crash Beedo

the deck is god and i cant say anything else the black is god and their is no other way to put it

my god that is sick.


Finaly something else then WYS and everybody said this isn’t a good objective.


Although I agree with everything you said in your well written analysis and strategy, I can’t get over the fact that this deck requires 5 or 6 Emp. Pals. for sucess. Don’t get me wrong; this deck has the balance needed to compete at worlds. The 6 Emps thing is just a very tough concept to understand and one that I am soon to forget because of its impracticality. There are other decks out there that have an equal amount of success, and are common place although not anywhere near as wicked as this. Really, it’s a terrific deck and I wish you all the luck with it, but its not something most of us will be seeing. … 6 Emps… whooo… (wipes brow).


Bravo 62


THIS DECK IS GREAT I used to play AOBS but after losing multiple tims to a TIGIH scout deck I stoped playing the objective, but now that I’ve seen this I’m thinking WHOA, why did I stop this obj. Great work, and there’s a question about the deck that I’d lik to know and that I’m going to E-Mail you about.


cool , but who have 6 Emporers

Master 666

Excellent deck, Alex. How could anyone not give this 5 stars?


I was 1 of the aforementioned who recoiled in fear of a 2nd force lightning on sunday. That deck is a @#$%ing machine, and you play it like a master. best DS i have seen in a long time


Incredible deck I wish I had 6 palpy



very unique

Wraith One

Cool sh1t


this deck is awesome. alex, you’re a deckmaking genious ps. emperors can be found and printed on decipher.com


Excellent strategy section but I would like to see more about how you play against all the different matchups - perhps more detail. Otherwise I now must find myself 6 Palpy’s )


um… wow. 6 dark jedi, and vader’s not in the deck. i own 4, and I thought i was doing good I’ll have to check this out sometime…


Very cool, and nice deck (considering the obj)


Yep this deck is nice. Good deck.


this deck is tight, i playtested it with alex but he wouldnt let me play it - i have a big mouth. either way this deck is hot and i will probably play it at worlds like i did with alex’s decks last year. laaaaater.


Rent some Emperors ???

As soon, as i read John Arendt’ s report, i wanted a peek

at this decklist … little did i know, that this was

the deck originally constructed by you

This is an extremely good deck, and i am happy, that

you did so well.

Props to your for making it, Alex.

I hope, one day i will be able to create such a beast right

from the conception, and all by myself.


Alexander ”Black Leader” Schwarz

Black Leader

Very good deck.

Info Broker

Broken conentration = tech awesome deck man

Dark Raptor

6???? HOLY


Excellent deck and well-planned strat section. Truly a magicians deck, and I will certainly be trying this.


being able to say you have six emperors is tech enough.


All I can say is wow I am deffinetely going to build this deck and watch my friends quiver. Yes I do have 6 Emps.


I watched the evolution of this entire deck from the ”hidden weapons/rendili” stage to the complete force denial, and I assure you, it’s nearly unbeatable. The tremendous speed and damage of this deck is not to be believed until played. The destinies are high, the generation is huge, it chokes off the opponents, it battles, it drains, it causes direct damage. The Emperor in a deck like this can be even more fearsome than Vader, really. Haha, I want to take a little credit though for the First Strike/Broken Con. That’s a favorite of mine. Anyhow, that provides a good deal of interrupt control and even sac control in this deck. This deck really does it all

The only worry I have is the lack of a non-unique docking bay. That’s it or maybe a weapon lev to help bust up some mains. Other than that it’s astounding.

Anyhow, now you know why I @#$%ed so much about having my states moved. I was going to take this and clean up Good work Alex, this is THE most fearsome DS deck on DT since ”The Emperor’s Hand”.


god i wish i had 6 Emps…. Well i only have 3 and i play with young fool and a few other ping type cards…. I really don’t know why people don’t play this deck.. its too damn powerful…. and you are so correct about the lousy start… i had all the high destiny (nonusable with characters) interrupts in my hand yet i was able to beat a very high destiny TIGIH deck no problem….




looks cool enough to me


Like mine, only slightly better. Slightly. P

I’d prolly find a slot for Young Fool, though. Helpful to kill characters you know they have dupes of, i.e. Ben Kenobi or Jedi Luke.

Other than that, this deck is king.

Crazy Hermit

he five stars are because you out alot of thought into it and you were maaad cool at Dcon.

But I really do not like this deck. You play 18 characters and 6 are emperors. So that means that when you subtract xizor and the empeorors you can only deploy 11 characters in your deck to a site where the opponent is.

Sure you beat decks that give themselves no activation but I find that this deck has to have problems against TRM and Hidden Miains. Just my 2 cents.


great deck…I only need 3 more Emperors )



Silent Bob

Now if i only had 6 emperors.


WoW, nice destinies


Sweet, if I had 5 or 6 Emperors, I would use this at States.


Very strong deck, Alex.




how did you get six palpys? this deck is awesome

Crix Maidine

Slick man


What a pile of @#$%.

Oh yea, and it beats EBOX. Trust me. Also, its a good thing not everyone has 6 palpys, cause this is all we would see. Broken concentration is Broken. This deck is just sick. The only thing I could say is take out one palpy for another Oh, switch off. But it really doesn’t matter.


This deck is the ill shiznit and is soo Hott. Well written strategy by alex. Congrats

stevie B

You fools that rate this lower than 5 star are morons. This is truely Brilliant.

Thanks for a Machine Alex




Oh…. My….. Word…. Wow


Is cutting things open that fun?


this deck is ok i guess






this deck is absolutely amazing. pure tech. way to go alex


I like this more then any other DS deck I have seen since Drazin. =)



I kept getting beat by it, so I suppose I have to give this deck a 5. Just don’t leave Xizor alone at a battleground docking bay against a Speeder deck, okay? -)


Awesome Baby


really solid


Very good sir.


Neat-o, I like it


Those who say this decktype suck can suck on this awhile.

Oh and why are the europeans always better deck builders anyway?


Very good strategy section. It appears that if this deck is played well there is little that would take it down.

6 Emps I’ll take your word for it that at least 5 are needed, but not many people are going to get their hands on that many. I’de be curious if there is any substitute that doesn’t break the deck.


Awesome deck. And I agree about matchups… a lot of times they’re redundant, just play the deck the same way against anything… great deck.


damn not my play style but in the hands of a good player it could easily wreck people


Great deck It looks fun to play as well


lose a presence for a vigo


nice man.


A little different from my own design, but still quite strong.


one hell of a deck.


Dear Lord, what a monster you have created Killer and effective.




… i want 6 emperors *( …



i would play this, cept I don’t got 6 palpy’s


Why don’t people believe that this is a good objective? Very, very good.




Awesome deck, Awesome strategy, 5-star rating….sounds right to me.

s_ skywalker

wow. excellent tech, excellent deck, excellent strategy section. excellent player, I’m sure. Black Sun is very effective, no one understands.


hmmm… 6 Palpy’s I wish I could scramble together 6 (even if they all were borrowed).

Steve M.



A six pack and a bag of chips.


Yes I KNEW someone could make a good AOBS deck Now I need to get three more Emperors…

Mr Nymh

I read John’s report and one or two other’s that mentioned this AoBS deck, and I was curious how it worked. I built one based on what I’d read. Mine was woefully short on Emperor’s, but, overall, similar. This is a very strong deck, and picking at certain cards amounts to the same thing as semantics. Yet, phrasing sentences differently among different parties can make a huge difference, and so can a couple of cards as you change play groups. In my play group this version would have a miserable time. One card would really change things Something Special Planned for Them. With Secret Plans, it’s the ultimate retrieval-killing combo.

Thanks for making objectives fun again.


Quite simply, absolutely deadly. A work of art by a world-class player.

Old Skooler

as always alex this deck is great, inventive and teched out The only version of AOBS i saw, that kicks some serious ass Cheers

Lone Gunner

Great deck Alex. Now build sometinhg new for me to play against


These decks are popping up all over the place now. This is by far the best I have seen, oh and enough Empys?

Jezta George

Hmm. If you don’t stop winning, Al, us mere mortals are going to have to find another game to play. Unbeaten in at least 26, how do you do it? Jump Jar-Jar, green one


WOW Super cruel and unusual punisment…wrath of an angry god Wish I had 6 Emperor Palpatines )


this is an excellent deck. My only suggestion would be to players outside your area to only play with 5 palpys and add an extra xizor to fill in the spot. Just in case.


great but who has 6Empys????


Beautiful. Very nice work.



Bane Slader

this looks pretty solid. i dont think its 5 worthy cause i havent seen it in action, but this will help make up for the dumb @#$% who gave you a 2 1/2

Cab Driver

what else can i say


I guess this is good. Agents is certainly underestimated. It be more popular if you got a Tunnel Vision rather than just a peek, but it’s still strong. This is a question, not a criticism, (d-mail me about), What does this do against a speed EBOX with tons of systems?




Great Deck. Five Stars earned.


Amazing deck dude 6 emps huh? I wish I could get that many.

Josk Gatrez




Rebel Scout

great deck man..but 4 palpys, whew. Do U own that many?


Very good I like to see a AOBS Deck it wins a State.

But I think you must be happy if your opponents don’t

play X-Wing Laser Cannons and I’ll take the Leader this

will take you out off Space Very cool.

I will also have 6 Emperors I only have 4(1 foiled 3 normal -( )


great deck

Old Ben 425

what an awesome deck i’d play a young fool or two, and you might consider a jawa pack, but bc is probably better. ebox might give you a problem, but that could be easily fixed.


This deck would have a good chance of placing at worlds. Almost no weaknesses.




Good deck and even better explanation of it. Only the top players could beat it.


From the man who brought you Endor Mains comes another truly unique and terrifing deck



Boba Fett 48

One of the first person to post a Agent of the Black Sun deck which is VERY strong


Well, I could start by saying how much I need 6 Emperors, but then I’d sound just like everyone else. I wondered when someone would figure out a way to make this objective rock. Great job, even if you need more character variety.




cool deck


ahhh, SFS stands for Set For Stun… I thought it was strange that you had Seinar Fleet Systems without Wakeelmui or ties…

great deck.


beautiful. but looking at ”Emperor Palaptine x6” makes me want to cry…


Nice, and original, deck Alex. I think that one of those Emperors could be a Put All Sections On Alert, but whatever floats your boat…

Lt. Cabbage

I was sceptical at first but wow this deck beat me hardcore at states. The version that beat me only had 4 Emperors and it was quite enough. Their are other high destiny cards that are more useful. Anyway great deck and it’s gonna get more even more powerful after tatooine.

Bravo 3



broken AND original…the addition of aura sing to black sun when tat comes out may be interesting…


If I had 6 Emperors…


I have played against John with this deck on several occasions, and this is the reason to fear AoBS, I’ve toyed aroaung with it my self, but this mmanipulator version is soooo money that its stupid. I usually manages to pull out the victory even without Xizor which makes it real gay, props to you on this deck Alex

Jason ”Qui-Gon” Keen


I love the originality

Smiley Choke




I believe that AoBS is a GREAT objective and am now playing it. I love Oh Switch Off, cause it is brutal. In conjunction with Self-Destruct Mechanism it is pure evil. ”You were firing at who??” Suggestions, Put All SEctions On Alert could save you, and why only one place to drain at. I would not advise draining at Coruscant cause Lost in The Wilderness is too popular here, and if you lose Xixor or the Emperor you could have a problem. I would add CC DB to give you 2 drains of 3 and direct damage of 2. Just a suggestion, also you need Dengar in space otherwise X-wings will hurt. Just some suggestions.

Bubba Joe

best BSA deck ever, but minus 0.5 for needing 6 Palpys


Good deck

darck jedi

Great idea and superb deck but I prefer my Surgeon deck.


6 palpys… christ…


So good it almost disgusing. These manipulators suck @#$% to play against and if you don’t find luke early, you’re in trouble.


okie doky


WOW, that’s amazing i like it alot, that only thing I would mention is your space, i suggust another ship, maybe another bossk but other than that, wow.

Jek Nkik

Best AOBS deck out there, by far. It my rape WYS, but other decks such as hidden mains who are capable of generating a lot of force on their own might give you trouble. I don’t see this beating X-Wing EBO.

Droid Pimp

not bad, i liek the Emperor Palpatine x6 , thats kooool


This is the best rating i can give for this deck (Weakness against a specific deck type). I personally witnessed it get Ape Smashed by Chris Shaner’s There is good in him, and this was being played by Kyle Craft. I would definantly say it has 1 weakness, being that specific deck.


Great deck strategy Really cool stuff going on here. I think I would play two Oh Switch Off’s, though. Six Emperors is a bit much. So, Guri with Xizor, and a Oh Switch Off is meta. So obvious, yet overlooked. X-wing swarm would be tough. Toschegood


I haven’t played this deck, but my friend played something like it and was able to beat everything except for EBOx. In fact, what do you do against it or even HBx? I’m not so sure you can beat those decks by such a large margin. Keep it up.


You must be a millionaire.


Does it win? yes. Does it take massive rescources to snag 6 Emperor’s? yes. I also see scout decks or TIGIH decks that can still activate bank against you as leveling the playing field. Anyhow very nice.

Skuff D

FUH Q 6?? I bought 4 boxes no UR’s AGHHHHHHHHHHH Great deck this would be a five but you just have to do something in space other than that I wish I wish I would have thought about it. Oh wait I couldn’t have I don’t have 6 Palpy’s. Yea I would definately consider Search and Destroy. Other than that AWESOME TECH



The Rattler





I hate people like you who hoard up 6 Emperors. Original deck though. Solid.


Awsome deck kid. A few things that I would like to sould off about

-6 Emperors What ever floats you boat, but I found that 5 is just right, and 4 is workable.

-Search and Destroy would really help against HB and EBo

-Dengar in P1 would help against X-wing Swarm

Bane Malar is beter than Djas Phur Mindscan is cool. =P



Great deck

I also think Bane Malar is better than Djas Puhr

But you could have problems against Swarm (EBO and HB), so I wouls add S&D

I would also add Come Here You Big Coward to help against Dagobah decks (there are some very surprising ones)

One last thing you don’t have insert protection (I agree it depends on you meta)


Very Nice


It’s good, but what about those old-skool 72 battle damage decks with alot of 2/0 or 2/1 sites?


cool deck, but do you really need six @#$%ing emperors?


1) Put All Sections On Alert

2) Young Fool

Bane Malar over Djas Puhr?

Weakness Beggar WYS

Tight, tight deck )


good deck, but I wish you wouldn’t have made palpy the next ORS… I think it will be years before I get 6


oh well, not a bad deck at all… I’d play it.


Good well-built deck. However, who has 6 emperor?

Farmer Luke

Very interesting. I especially like the Broken Concentration. I’ll have to start considering that once again.




Looks silly. I don’t see how this wins. +1 star for the originality. And considering the track record, I may have to try this out… )

Sir Yoda



Jawa Tosser

Good beats


Hidden mains gets Jedi Luke with a stick to a battleground 3rd turn. What do you do about that? Send Djas Puhr after him? You cant use Palpy or any of his interrupts because he can’t move to that site. I dunno Greedo .. good with shock value but looks easy to beat if you know what’s coming.

Voice of Law

Your one or two weakness in this deck will kill you. You don’t have enought STARTING activation. Add another guri. HB will rape you with x-wings. Put in another vigo. This is about teh only obj. that they are worth a spit. battle order can work BOTH ways. it is a risk you will have to take thought. I can believe that you place high with this deck at states. but the decks that run around here would kill you.

Heavy arms

good stuff. only best decks will beat it. too bad I need 6 times as many Emperors as I own, in order to play this.


because u have 6 palpys and i have 0 -(


Good deck, very ingenious. I think it has weak drain potential,

but seems to do rather well in battles. Good job, only the best

decks will beat it.




interesting deck. decent amount of emperors =)

pure mains decks would kick. i´ve played some decks similar to this one (except for the amount of palpys…) and never lost with mains. throne room mains can activate more than you on the second turn, and if luke comes down with saber to strike xizor, that´s a problem.

search&destroy can win games for you.

Darth Brynge


Mr Cheese

Good deck but you over look a major problem that is on the come back, rescue the princess. This objective will wreak you. Also with only 1 extra xizor what happens when they smack him down a couple of times. Even if you flip then go back to coruscant, nightfall style WYS will beat you down hard. And without that fliped objective the deck blows. I dont know who you beat for the championship, but any deck that plays counters will tear you up, sorry.

number 1

Looks good but I might want a few more characters in there somewhere. With my luck, I’d never even get one out. snowwalker i think that the deck would work, but getting 6 emperors would be the biggest challenge


3.5 stars

Here is an idea…..use Put all sections on alert and presence of the force.

Stuart Jones


Thanks Stuart. Read the decklist next time, eh? -) ‘