That stuff I was smoking while I made this deck was good

Title: That stuff I was smoking while I made this deck was good
Author: Wilson "Your mom" Fisher
Date: Apr 24, 2001 Rating: 3.0



‘Start (3)

Hoth Echo Command center (War room)

Seeking a audience

The Signal

Locations (7)

Yavin 4 War room

Home one War room

Renduvez Point

Dagobah Yoda’s hut

Endor Cheif Chirpa’s hut

Tatooine Obi-Wan’s hut

Tatooine Toshe station

Characters (15)

Obi-wan with lightsaber x3

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x3

Han With Heavy Blaster pistol x2

Leia with Blaster rifel x2

Lando with Vibro axe

Chewie With Blaster rifel x2

Captian Han Solo

R2 & 3PO

Starships (2)

Milluieum Falcon x2

Interrupts (22)

I know x2

Don’t Get @#$%y x2

Gift of the mentor x2

Skywalkers x2

Rug Hug x2

Protector x2

The Force is strong with this one x2

How’d we get into this mess? x7

Blaster pro/sorry about the mess x2


Effects (10)

Thats one x2

Count Me in x2

I’m with you too x2

Draw their fire x2

Forzen Assets x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Ok, here is how to play the deck

You pull R2-3PO first turn, start HDWGITM? to pull twix sites for your activation. Once you have everything you need you come down in one fail swoop. Blaster pro/sorry Guri. Sense Imp commands. Stay away from ZIMH. If you can pull it off, your going to draw 34 destiny, five weapons, power 28 for a deploy of 30. I know it seems like a stupid thing to do. But I just think the crazyness is to much to pass up. Also, don’t rate the deck by how well I can spell, the strat, or anything like that. JUST THE DECK PLEASE Remember, llok at this deck with a sense of humor and also…IT’S ONLY A GAME
