ISB Beat Down On CC

Title: ISB Beat Down On CC
Author: James "Capt Pellean" Sowden
Date: Apr 24, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (4)

ISB Operations/Empire’s Sinister Agents


Twl’lek Advisor

Crush The Rebellion

Characters (21)

Lord Vader


Grand Moff Tarkin

Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle

4-Lom With Concussion Rifle


Mara Jade

2X-7KPR (Tooex) x3

Djas Puhr

Admiral Ozzle (ISB)

Captain Sarkli (ISB)

Veers (ISB)

Corporal Oberk (ISB)

Chall Bekan (ISB)

Lieutenant Renz (ISB)

Lt. Pol Treidum (ISB)

Corporal Vandolay (ISB)

Probe Droid (ISB)

Chyler ISB)

Starships (8)





Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

OS-72-1 In Obsidian 1

OS-72-2 In Obsidian 2

Obsidian 7

Effects (15)

Dark Deal x2

Cloud City Occupation

A Real Hero

Dark Jedi Presence

Reactor Terminal

I Have You Now

Expand The Empire

Sunsdown x3


Control x2

The Empire’s Back

Weapons (3)

Luke Seeker

Darth Vader’s Lightsaber

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Sites (9)

Bespin x2

Bespin Cloud City x2

Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Cloud City Casino

Cloud City Upper Walkway

Cloud City Port Town District

Cloud City Carbonite Chamber

Strategy: ‘

This might be an old deck but no one expects you to play this. Basically the point of this deck is to control cloud city and force drain your opponent to death. First Get at least Bespin and one other CC site and 4 ISB agents and this is not hard to do. If you have more sites you spread the ISB agents out more. By this time you should have your objective flipped and now you are ready for some massive force drains, but you say force drains are useless cause of Menace Fates, well in my experience most people don’t play with that card cause they don’t expect a tone of force draining but you will show them for their over confidants and boy will they suffer for it. First if you wanna get some big force drains going you need get Port Town District down with 2 other sites on either side and put down expand the empire down so you can force drain plus 1 on either side and your aliens are deploy -1. Once this is down back up your people on CC and if your opponent is force draining for a fair amount take Vader and Tarkin and one other good character and open up a can. If that is not a problem concentrate on getting your Dark deal out and Cloud City Sector. With this you will be able to play Dark Deal and Cloud City Occupation and you will start force draining them for a lot. Use Crush The Rebellion so they can only draw a max of 2 destiny on cloud city plus you can get rid of those pesky clash of sabers. The most I ever forced drained with this deck was about 30 including Cloud City Occupation down and I won by 35. You only need 3 sites down to do that well I force drained at Bespin and the sector but not for much. This Deck has won 2 tournaments out of 2.